Runtime Calibration Sync from Google3

Tip of G3 CL: 158580016

Bug: 30958130
Change-Id: I49a52f84a1c7661fc594e073e19f62e19ba5739d
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_sphere_fit.c b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_sphere_fit.c
index 9d6591c..eb23b87 100644
--- a/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_sphere_fit.c
+++ b/firmware/os/algos/calibration/magnetometer/mag_sphere_fit.c
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 void magCalSphereOdrUpdate(struct MagCalSphere *mocs, float odr_in_hz) {
   // Calculate the numbers of samples to be dropped, in order to fill up
   // the data set.
-  mocs->sample_drop =
-      floor(odr_in_hz * mocs->batch_time_in_sec * mocs->inv_data_size);
+  float sample_drop = odr_in_hz * mocs->batch_time_in_sec * mocs->inv_data_size;
+  mocs->sample_drop = (uint32_t)floorf(sample_drop);
 // Updates the sphere fit data set, by calculating the numbers
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/mat.c b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/mat.c
index e137435..34aaa51 100644
--- a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/mat.c
+++ b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/mat.c
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
   size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) {
     const float *row = &A[i * ncols];
-    out[i] = vecDot(row, v, (int)ncols);
+    out[i] = vecDot(row, v, ncols);
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.c b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.c
index 62039bb..b55ea8e 100644
--- a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.c
+++ b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.c
@@ -50,67 +50,67 @@
   *outZ = z * invMag;
-void vecAdd(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, int dim) {
+void vecAdd(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim) {
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
     u[i] = v[i] + w[i];
-void vecAddInPlace(float *v, const float *w, int dim) {
+void vecAddInPlace(float *v, const float *w, size_t dim) {
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
     v[i] += w[i];
-void vecSub(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, int dim) {
+void vecSub(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim) {
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
     u[i] = v[i] - w[i];
-void vecScalarMul(float *u, const float *v, float c, int dim) {
+void vecScalarMul(float *u, const float *v, float c, size_t dim) {
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
     u[i] = c * v[i];
-void vecScalarMulInPlace(float *u, float c, int dim) {
-  int i;
+void vecScalarMulInPlace(float *v, float c, size_t dim) {
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
-    u[i] *= c;
+    v[i] *= c;
-float vecNorm(const float *v, int dim) {
+float vecNorm(const float *v, size_t dim) {
   float norm_sq = vecNormSquared(v, dim);
   return sqrtf(norm_sq);
-float vecNormSquared(const float *v, int dim) {
+float vecNormSquared(const float *v, size_t dim) {
   return vecDot(v, v, dim);
-float vecDot(const float *v, const float *w, int dim) {
+float vecDot(const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim) {
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   float result = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
     result += v[i] * w[i];
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@
   return result;
-float vecMaxAbsoluteValue(const float *v, int dim) {
+float vecMaxAbsoluteValue(const float *v, size_t dim) {
   float max = NANO_ABS(v[0]);
   float tmp;
-  int i;
+  size_t i;
   for (i = 1; i < dim; ++i) {
     tmp = NANO_ABS(v[i]);
     if(tmp > max) {
diff --git a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.h b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.h
index 098c6d1..870e697 100644
--- a/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.h
+++ b/firmware/os/algos/common/math/vec.h
@@ -165,35 +165,35 @@
 // Adds two vectors and returns the sum in the provided vector, i.e.
 // u = v + w.
-void vecAdd(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, int dim);
+void vecAdd(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim);
 // Adds two vectors and returns the sum in the first vector, i.e.
 // v = v + w.
-void vecAddInPlace(float *v, const float *w, int dim);
+void vecAddInPlace(float *v, const float *w, size_t dim);
 // Subtracts two vectors and returns in the provided vector, i.e.
 // u = v - w.
-void vecSub(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, int dim);
+void vecSub(float *u, const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim);
 // Scales vector by a scalar and returns in the provided vector, i.e.
 // u = c * v.
-void vecScalarMul(float *u, const float *v, float c, int dim);
+void vecScalarMul(float *u, const float *v, float c, size_t dim);
 // Scales vector by a scalar and returns in the same vector, i.e.
 // v = c * v.
-void vecScalarMulInPlace(float *v, float c, int dim);
+void vecScalarMulInPlace(float *v, float c, size_t dim);
 // Returns the L2-norm of the given vector.
-float vecNorm(const float *v, int dim);
+float vecNorm(const float *v, size_t dim);
 // Returns the square of the L2-norm of the given vector.
-float vecNormSquared(const float *v, int dim);
+float vecNormSquared(const float *v, size_t dim);
 // Returns the dot product of v and w.
-float vecDot(const float *v, const float *w, int dim);
+float vecDot(const float *v, const float *w, size_t dim);
 // Returns the maximum absolute value in vector.
-float vecMaxAbsoluteValue(const float *v, int dim);
+float vecMaxAbsoluteValue(const float *v, size_t dim);
 #ifdef __cplusplus