blob: d17b4ecffb89013acd6f04b7eba8beaf65077d2d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef _HWR_H_
#define _HWR_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <plat/rtc.h>
/* busses */
#define PERIPH_BUS_AHB1 0
#define PERIPH_BUS_AHB2 1
#define PERIPH_BUS_AHB3 2
#define PERIPH_BUS_APB1 3
#define PERIPH_BUS_APB2 4
/* AHB 1 peripherals */
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOA 0x00000001UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOB 0x00000002UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOC 0x00000004UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOD 0x00000008UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOE 0x00000010UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOF 0x00000020UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOG 0x00000040UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOH 0x00000080UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_GPIOI 0x00000100UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_CRC 0x00001000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_FLITF 0x00008000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_SRAM1 0x00010000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_SRAM2 0x00020000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_BKPSRAM 0x00040000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_SRAM3 0x00080000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_DMA1 0x00200000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_DMA2 0x00400000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_ETH_MAC 0x02000000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_ETH_MAC_TX 0x04000000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_ETH_MAC_RX 0x08000000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_ETH_MAC_PTP 0x10000000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_OTG_HS 0x20000000UL
#define PERIPH_AHB1_OTG_HS_ULPI 0x40000000UL
/* AHB 2 peripherals */
#define PERIPH_AHB2_DCMI 0x00000001UL
#define PERIPH_AHB2_CRYP 0x00000010UL
#define PERIPH_AHB2_HASH 0x00000020UL
#define PERIPH_AHB2_RNG 0x00000040UL
#define PERIPH_AHB2_OTG_FS 0x00000080UL
/* AHB 3 peripherals */
#define PERIPH_AHB3_FSMC 0x00000001UL
/* APB 1 peripherals */
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM2 0x00000001UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM3 0x00000002UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM4 0x00000004UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM5 0x00000008UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM6 0x00000010UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM7 0x00000020UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM12 0x00000040UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM13 0x00000080UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_TIM14 0x00000100UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_WWDG 0x00000800UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_SPI2 0x00004000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_SPI3 0x00008000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_USART2 0x00020000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_USART3 0x00040000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_UART4 0x00080000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_UART5 0x00100000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_I2C1 0x00200000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_I2C2 0x00400000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_I2C3 0x00800000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_CAN1 0x02000000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_CAN2 0x04000000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_PWR 0x10000000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_DAC 0x20000000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_UART7 0x40000000UL
#define PERIPH_APB1_UART8 0x80000000UL
/* APB 2 peripherals */
#define PERIPH_APB2_TIM1 0x00000001UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_TIM8 0x00000002UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_USART1 0x00000010UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_USART6 0x00000020UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_ADC 0x00000100UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_ADC1 0x00000100UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_ADC2 0x00000200UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_ADC3 0x00000400UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SDIO 0x00000800UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SPI1 0x00001000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SPI4 0x00002000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SYSCFG 0x00004000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_TIM9 0x00010000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_TIM10 0x00020000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_TIM11 0x00040000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SPI5 0x00100000UL
#define PERIPH_APB2_SPI6 0x00200000UL
/* base addrs */
#define UDID_BASE 0x1FFF7A10UL
#define TIM2_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define TIM3_BASE 0x40000400UL
#define TIM4_BASE 0x40000800UL
#define TIM5_BASE 0x40000C00UL
#define RTC_BASE 0x40002800UL
#define WWDG_BASE 0x40002C00UL
#define IWDG_BASE 0x40003000UL
#define SPI2_BASE 0x40003800UL
#define SPI3_BASE 0x40003C00UL
#define USART2_BASE 0x40004400UL
#define USART3_BASE 0x40004800UL
#define UART4_BASE 0x40004C00UL
#define UART5_BASE 0x40005000UL
#define I2C1_BASE 0x40005400UL
#define I2C2_BASE 0x40005800UL
#define I2C3_BASE 0x40005C00UL
#define PWR_BASE 0x40007000UL
#define TIM1_BASE 0x40010000UL
#define USART1_BASE 0x40011000UL
#define USART6_BASE 0x40011400UL
#define SPI1_BASE 0x40013000UL
#define SPI4_BASE 0x40013400UL
#define SYSCFG_BASE 0x40013800UL
#define EXTI_BASE 0x40013C00UL
#define TIM9_BASE 0x40014000UL
#define TIM10_BASE 0x40014400UL
#define TIM11_BASE 0x40014800UL
#define SPI5_BASE 0x40015000UL
#define SPI6_BASE 0x40015400UL
#define GPIOA_BASE 0x40020000UL
#define GPIOB_BASE 0x40020400UL
#define GPIOC_BASE 0x40020800UL
#define GPIOD_BASE 0x40020C00UL
#define GPIOE_BASE 0x40021000UL
#define GPIOF_BASE 0x40021400UL
#define GPIOG_BASE 0x40021800UL
#define GPIOH_BASE 0x40021C00UL
#define GPIOI_BASE 0x40022000UL
#define CRC_BASE 0x40023000UL
#define RCC_BASE 0x40023800UL
#define FLASH_BASE 0x40023C00UL
#define DMA1_BASE 0x40026000UL
#define DMA2_BASE 0x40026400UL
#define DBGMCU_BASE 0xE0042000UL
enum Stm32F4xxSleepType { //current power wkup way wkup speed (typ/max)
stm32f411SleepModeSleep, //2.7-5.9mA all-core interrupt 1 cy
stm32f411SleepModeStopMR, //111uA RTC,flash,reg EXTI 13.5/14.5us
stm32f411SleepModeStopMRFPD,// 73uA RTC,reg EXTI 105/111us
stm32f411SleepModeStopLPFD, // 42uA RTC,lpreg EXTI 113/130us
stm32f411SleepModeStopLPLV, // 10uA RTC EXTT 314/407us (actually lower, but not quoted)
/* funcs */
void pwrSystemInit(void);
uint32_t pwrResetReason(void);
void pwrUnitClock(uint32_t bus, uint32_t unit, bool on);
void pwrUnitReset(uint32_t bus, uint32_t unit, bool on);
uint32_t pwrGetBusSpeed(uint32_t bus);
void pwrEnableAndClockRtc(enum RtcClock);
void pwrEnableWriteBackupDomainRegs(void);
/* internal to platform */
void pwrSetSleepType(enum Stm32F4xxSleepType sleepType);
#ifdef __cplusplus