Enable Modem Thermal Throttling to Emergency calls only

Should trigger throttling at 53C on fps-therm-adc for DVT devices.
Should trigger throttling at 58C on quiet-therm-adc for EVT devices.

Fixes: 111812695
Test: Verified on both B1 DVT and C1 DVT
1) Boot & check logcat messages for loading the config
2) Artificially lowered the trigger threshold and used T-Mobile SIM to
verify the cell service being throttled to "Emergency calls only" when
the fps-therm-adc went above the threshold. Also verified that the
throttling was released when the temperature went back down below the
clear point.
3) Checked logcat messages on modem mitigation.

Change-Id: I846758ae43ceadf5b0e8c018546d8bf9c40ed622
8 files changed
tree: f2e6e82879d279da33a1cf3d688684a8d8a5eee7
  1. acdbdata/
  2. audio/
  3. blueline/
  4. bluetooth/
  5. crosshatch/
  6. dumpstate/
  7. factory-images_blueline/
  8. factory-images_crosshatch/
  9. felica/
  10. gpt-utils/
  11. health/
  12. hidl/
  13. json-c/
  14. keymaster/
  15. nfc/
  16. overlay/
  17. permissions/
  18. pixelstats/
  19. power-libperfmgr/
  20. recovery/
  21. sdm845/
  22. seccomp_policy/
  23. self-extractors/
  24. self-extractors_blueline/
  25. sensors/
  26. thermal/
  27. usb/
  28. vibrator/
  29. voice_processing/
  30. vr/
  31. .clang-format
  32. .gitignore
  33. Android.mk
  34. AndroidProducts.mk
  35. aosp_blueline.mk
  36. aosp_crosshatch.mk
  37. audio_effects.xml
  38. audio_platform_info_tavil_b1.xml
  39. audio_platform_info_tavil_c1.xml
  40. audio_policy_configuration.xml
  41. audio_policy_configuration_a2dp_offload_disabled.xml
  42. audio_policy_volumes_b1.xml
  43. audio_policy_volumes_c1.xml
  44. board-info.txt
  45. BoardConfig-common.mk
  46. CleanSpec.mk
  47. compatibility_matrix.xml
  48. config.fs
  49. default-permissions.xml
  50. default_volume_tables.xml
  51. device-blueline.mk
  52. device-common.mk
  53. device-crosshatch.mk
  54. device.mk
  55. device_framework_matrix.xml
  56. framework_manifest.xml
  57. fstab.hardware
  58. fstab.persist
  59. gps.conf
  60. gps_debug.conf
  61. graphite_ipc_platform_info.xml
  62. init.common.rc
  63. init.edge_sense.sh
  64. init.firstboot.sh
  65. init.hardware.chamber.rc.userdebug
  66. init.hardware.diag.rc.user
  67. init.hardware.diag.rc.userdebug
  68. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.user
  69. init.hardware.mpssrfs.rc.userdebug
  70. init.hardware.rc
  71. init.hardware.usb.rc
  72. init.insmod.blueline.cfg
  73. init.insmod.crosshatch.cfg
  74. init.insmod.sh
  75. init.logging.rc
  76. init.power.rc
  77. init.qcom.devstart.sh
  78. init.qcom.ipastart.sh
  79. init.qcom.wlan.sh
  80. init.radio.sh
  81. init.ramoops.sh
  82. init.recovery.hardware.device.rc
  83. init.recovery.hardware.rc
  84. lowi.conf
  85. manifest.xml
  86. manifest_userdebug.xml
  87. media_codecs.xml
  88. media_codecs_c2.xml
  89. media_codecs_google_audio.xml
  90. media_codecs_google_c2_audio.xml
  91. media_codecs_google_c2_telephony.xml
  92. media_codecs_performance.xml
  93. media_codecs_performance_c2.xml
  94. media_profiles_V1_0.xml
  95. mixer_paths_tavil_b1.xml
  96. p2p_supplicant_overlay.conf
  97. powerhint.json
  98. preloads_copy.sh
  99. qti_whitelist.xml
  100. recovery.wipe
  101. sec_config
  102. sound_trigger_mixer_paths_wcd9340.xml
  103. sound_trigger_platform_info.xml
  104. system.prop
  105. thermal-engine-blueline-novr-evt.conf
  106. thermal-engine-blueline-novr-prod.conf
  107. thermal-engine-blueline-vr-evt.conf
  108. thermal-engine-blueline-vr-prod.conf
  109. thermal-engine-crosshatch-novr-evt.conf
  110. thermal-engine-crosshatch-novr-prod.conf
  111. thermal-engine-crosshatch-vr-evt.conf
  112. thermal-engine-crosshatch-vr-prod.conf
  113. ueventd.hardware.rc
  114. uinput-fpc.idc
  115. uinput-fpc.kl
  116. utils.mk
  117. vendorsetup.sh
  118. WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini
  119. wifi_concurrency_cfg.txt
  120. wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf
  121. wpa_supplicant_wcn.conf