thermal: Initial thermal configuration

Setup blueline/crosshatch, vr/default thermal config files.

Initial naive strategy:
- Limit die temp on CPU0/CPU4 to 75C
- Limit CPUs for battery temp at 55C
- Limit charge rate at battery temp 50C
- Use XO Therm as a front temp, to limit gold/silver cores to 47C/45C

The thermistor on the fingerprint flex should be useful proxy for rear
skin temp, but I don't have this flex (and thermistor) to test with.

Test: Check thermal config found at boot by logcat
Test: Check thermal config found with setVrMode(true), setVrMode(false)
Test: Check throttling when loading CPU with 8 copies of memtest
Bug: 67675199
Change-Id: I927894ad5d31831f664975e8ce785280c59de13e
diff --git a/thermal-engine-blueline-vr.conf b/thermal-engine-blueline-vr.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e6aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thermal-engine-blueline-vr.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+sampling 1000
+algo_type ss
+sampling 100
+sensor cpu0-silver-usr
+device cpu0
+set_point 75000
+set_point_clr 65000
+time_constant 0
+algo_type ss
+sampling 100
+sensor cpu0-gold-usr
+device cpu4
+set_point 75000
+set_point_clr 65000
+time_constant 0
+algo_type ss
+sensor battery
+device cpu0
+set_point 55000
+set_point_clr 45000
+time_constant 0
+algo_type ss
+sampling 10
+sensor battery
+device cpu4
+set_point 55000
+set_point_clr 45000
+time_constant 0
+algo_type monitor
+sensor battery
+thresholds 50000
+thresholds_clr 49000
+actions battery
+action_info 3
+algo_type ss
+sensor xo-therm-adc
+device cpu0
+set_point 47000
+set_point_clr 44000
+time_constant 0
+algo_type ss
+sensor xo-therm-adc
+device cpu4
+set_point 45000
+set_point_clr 42000
+time_constant 0