Support batch config requests in ResourceManager

Extends the JSON format of request to allow for many resources of
differing types to be requested in a batch. The intent is for clients of
allocd to request their entire desired configuration as one transaction.
Should any part of the transaction fail, we can abort and roll back the
reserved/already configured resources and return the system to its
original state prior to the request.

Because the format of the JSON has changed we now perform additional
validation for the new JSON format of configuration requests.

Additionally, we are using StaticResource data types to manage resources
in a more principled manner, because managing the state of each
transaction can more complex than the simple individual requests
supported before this patch.

Bug: 148823285
Test: make -j
Test: allocd &;
      allocd_client --ifcreate
      allocd_client --shutdown

Change-Id: I8187939aded389c80736dae063f699a8589969d8
diff --git a/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.cpp b/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.cpp
index 67ba8be..9b72c64 100644
--- a/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.cpp
+++ b/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.cpp
@@ -34,16 +34,23 @@
 #include "host/libs/allocd/alloc_utils.h"
 #include "host/libs/allocd/request.h"
 #include "host/libs/allocd/utils.h"
+#include "json/forwards.h"
+#include "json/value.h"
 #include "json/writer.h"
 namespace cuttlefish {
+uid_t GetUserIDFromSock(SharedFD client_socket);
 ResourceManager::~ResourceManager() {
   bool success = true;
   for (auto iface : active_interfaces_) {
-    success &= DestroyTap(iface);
+    // success &= DestroyTap(iface);
+  for (auto& res : managed_resources_) {
+    success &= res.second->ReleaseResource();
+  }
   Json::Value resp;
   resp["request_type"] = "shutdown";
@@ -61,21 +68,32 @@
   return global_id_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
-bool ResourceManager::AddInterface(std::string iface, IfaceType ty) {
+bool ResourceManager::AddInterface(std::string iface, IfaceType ty, uint32_t id,
+                                   uid_t uid) {
   bool didInsert = active_interfaces_.insert(iface).second;
   bool allocatedIface = false;
+  std::shared_ptr<StaticResource> res = nullptr;
   if (didInsert) {
+    const char* idp = iface.c_str() + (iface.size() - 3);
+    int small_id = atoi(idp);
     // allocatedIface = create_tap(iface);
     switch (ty) {
       case IfaceType::mtap: {
-        const char* idp = iface.c_str() + (iface.size() - 3);
-        int id = atoi(idp);
-        allocatedIface = CreateMobileIface(iface, id, kMobileIp);
+        res =
+            std::make_shared<MobileIface>(iface, uid, small_id, id, kMobileIp);
+        allocatedIface = res->AcquireResource();
+        pending_add_.insert({id, res});
+        // allocatedIface = CreateMobileIface(iface, small_id, kMobileIp);
       case IfaceType::wtap: {
-        allocatedIface = CreateWirelessIface(iface, use_ipv4_, use_ipv6_);
+        res = std::make_shared<WirelessIface>(iface, uid, small_id, id,
+                                              kMobileIp);
+        allocatedIface = res->AcquireResource();
+        pending_add_.insert({id, res});
+        // allocatedIface = CreateWirelessIface(iface, use_ipv4_, use_ipv6_);
       case IfaceType::wbr: {
@@ -92,8 +110,13 @@
   if (didInsert && !allocatedIface) {
     LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to allocate interface: " << iface;
+    auto it = pending_add_.find(id);
+    it->second->ReleaseResource();
+    pending_add_.erase(it);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Finish CreateInterface Request";
   return allocatedIface;
@@ -101,7 +124,6 @@
   bool isManagedIface = active_interfaces_.erase(iface) > 0;
   bool removedIface = false;
   if (isManagedIface) {
-    // success |= destroy_tap(iface);
     switch (ty) {
       case IfaceType::mtap: {
         const char* idp = iface.c_str() + (iface.size() - 3);
@@ -110,7 +132,8 @@
       case IfaceType::wtap: {
-        removedIface = DestroyWirelessIface(iface, use_ipv4_, use_ipv6_);
+        removedIface =
+            DestroyWirelessIface(iface, use_ipv4_bridge_, use_ipv6_bridge_);
       case IfaceType::wbr: {
@@ -134,7 +157,42 @@
   return isManagedIface;
-bool ResourceManager::ValidateRequest(Json::Value& request) {
+bool ResourceManager::ValidateRequestList(const Json::Value& config) {
+  if (!config.isMember("request_list") || !config["request_list"].isArray()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Request has invalid 'request_list' field";
+    return false;
+  }
+  auto request_list = config["request_list"];
+  Json::ArrayIndex size = request_list.size();
+  if (size == 0) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Request has empty 'request_list' field";
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+    if (!ValidateRequest(request_list[i])) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool ResourceManager::ValidateConfigRequest(const Json::Value& config) {
+  if (!config.isMember("config_request") ||
+      !config["config_request"].isObject()) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "Request has invalid 'config_request' field";
+    return false;
+  }
+  Json::Value config_request = config["config_request"];
+  return ValidateRequestList(config_request);
+bool ResourceManager::ValidateRequest(const Json::Value& request) {
   if (!request.isMember("request_type") ||
       !request["request_type"].isString() ||
       StrToReqTy(request["request_type"].asString()) == RequestType::Invalid) {
@@ -175,34 +233,96 @@
     Json::Value req = req_opt.value();
-    if (!ValidateRequest(req)) {
+    if (!ValidateConfigRequest(req)) {
-    auto req_ty = StrToReqTy(req["request_type"].asString());
+    Json::Value req_list = req["config_request"]["request_list"];
-    switch (req_ty) {
-      case RequestType::ID: {
-        JsonHandleIdRequest(client_socket);
-        break;
+    Json::ArrayIndex size = req_list.size();
+    Json::Value config_response;
+    Json::Value response_list;
+    // sentinel value, so we can populate the list of responses correctly
+    // without trying to satisfy requests that will be aborted
+    bool transaction_failed = false;
+    for (Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Processing Request: " << i;
+      auto req = req_list[i];
+      auto req_ty_str = req["request_type"].asString();
+      auto req_ty = StrToReqTy(req_ty_str);
+      Json::Value response;
+      if (transaction_failed) {
+        response["request_type"] = req_ty_str;
+        response["request_status"] = "pending";
+        response["error"] = "";
+        response_list.append(response);
+        continue;
-      case RequestType::Shutdown: {
-        JsonHandleShutdownRequest(client_socket);
-        return;
+      switch (req_ty) {
+        case RequestType::ID: {
+          response = JsonHandleIdRequest(client_socket);
+          break;
+        }
+        case RequestType::Shutdown: {
+          if (i != 0 || size != 1) {
+            response["request_type"] = req_ty_str;
+            response["request_status"] = "failed";
+            response["error"] =
+                "Shutdown requests cannot be processed with other "
+                "configuration requests";
+            response_list.append(response);
+            break;
+          } else {
+            response = JsonHandleShutdownRequest(client_socket);
+            response_list.append(response);
+            // TODO (paulkirth): figure out how to perform shutdown w/ larger
+            // json
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+        case RequestType::CreateInterface: {
+          response = JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(client_socket, req);
+          break;
+        }
+        case RequestType::DestroyInterface: {
+          response = JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(client_socket, req);
+          break;
+        }
+        case RequestType::Invalid: {
+          LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid Request Type: " << req["request_type"];
+          break;
+        }
-      case RequestType::CreateInterface: {
-        JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(client_socket, req);
-        break;
-      }
-      case RequestType::DestroyInterface: {
-        JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(client_socket, req);
-        break;
-      }
-      case RequestType::Invalid: {
-        LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid Request Type: " << req["request_type"];
-        break;
+      response_list.append(response);
+      if (!(response["request_status"].asString() == "success")) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "Request failed:" << req;
+        transaction_failed = true;
+        continue;
+    config_response["response_list"] = response_list;
+    config_response["config_status"] =
+        transaction_failed ? "failure" : "success";
+    if (!transaction_failed) {
+      // commit the resources
+      managed_resources_.insert(pending_add_.begin(), pending_add_.end());
+      pending_add_.clear();
+    } else {
+      // be sure to release anything we've acquired if the transaction failed
+      for (auto& droped_resource : pending_add_) {
+        droped_resource.second->ReleaseResource();
+      }
+    }
+    SendJsonMsg(client_socket, config_response);
     LOG(INFO) << "Closing connection to client";
@@ -236,43 +356,60 @@
   return success;
-void ResourceManager::JsonHandleIdRequest(SharedFD client_socket) {
+Json::Value ResourceManager::JsonHandleIdRequest(SharedFD client_socket) {
   Json::Value resp;
   resp["request_type"] = "allocate_id";
   resp["request_status"] = "success";
   resp["id"] = AllocateID();
-  SendJsonMsg(client_socket, resp);
+  // TODO(paulkirth): remove
+  if (client_socket->IsOpen()) {
+  }
+  return resp;
-void ResourceManager::JsonHandleShutdownRequest(SharedFD client_socket) {
+Json::Value ResourceManager::JsonHandleShutdownRequest(SharedFD client_socket) {
   LOG(INFO) << "Received Shutdown Request";
   shutdown_socket_ = client_socket;
+  Json::Value resp;
+  resp["request_type"] = "shutdown";
+  resp["request_status"] = "pending";
+  resp["error"] = "";
+  return resp;
-void ResourceManager::JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
-                                                       Json::Value& request) {
+Json::Value ResourceManager::JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(
+    SharedFD client_socket, const Json::Value& request) {
   LOG(INFO) << "Received CreateInterface Request";
+  Json::Value resp;
+  resp["request_type"] = "create_interface";
+  resp["iface_name"] = "";
+  resp["request_status"] = "failure";
+  resp["error"] = "unknown";
   if (!request.isMember("uid") || !request["uid"].isUInt()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Input event doesn't have a valid 'uid' field";
+    auto err_msg = "Input event doesn't have a valid 'uid' field";
+    LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
+    resp["error"] = err_msg;
+    return resp;
   if (!request.isMember("iface_type") || !request["iface_type"].isString()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Input event doesn't have a valid 'iface_type' field";
+    auto err_msg = "Input event doesn't have a valid 'iface_type' field";
+    LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
+    resp["error"] = err_msg;
+    return resp;
   auto uid = request["uid"].asUInt();
-  const char* request_type = "request_type";
-  Json::Value resp;
-  resp[request_type] = "create_interface";
-  resp["iface_name"] = "";
-  resp["request_status"] = "failure";
   if (!CheckCredentials(client_socket, uid)) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Credential check failed";
-    resp["request_status"] = "failure";
-    SendJsonMsg(client_socket, resp);
-    return;
+    auto err_msg = "Credential check failed";
+    LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
+    resp["error"] = err_msg;
+    return resp;
   auto user_opt = GetUserName(uid);
@@ -280,40 +417,91 @@
   bool addedIface = false;
   std::stringstream ss;
   if (!user_opt) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "UserName could not be matched to UID, closing request";
+    auto err_msg = "UserName could not be matched to UID";
+    LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
+    resp["error"] = err_msg;
+    return resp;
   } else {
     auto iface_ty_name = request["iface_type"].asString();
     auto iface_type = StrToIfaceTy(iface_ty_name);
-    // TODO (paulkirth): ID part of interface can only be 0-99, so maybe track
-    // in an array/bitset?
-    ss << "cvd-" << iface_ty_name << "-" << user_opt.value().substr(0, 4)
-       << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << AllocateID() % 100;
-    addedIface = AddInterface(ss.str(), iface_type);
+    auto attempts = kMaxIfaceNameId;
+    do {
+      auto id = AllocateID();
+      resp["global_id"] = id;
+      ss << "cvd-" << iface_ty_name << "-" << user_opt.value().substr(0, 4)
+         << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << (id % kMaxIfaceNameId);
+      addedIface = AddInterface(ss.str(), iface_type, id, uid);
+      --attempts;
+    } while (!addedIface && (attempts > 0));
   if (addedIface) {
     resp["request_status"] = "success";
     resp["iface_name"] = ss.str();
+    resp["error"] = "";
-  SendJsonMsg(client_socket, resp);
+  // SendJsonMsg(client_socket, resp);
+  return resp;
-void ResourceManager::JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
-                                                        Json::Value& request) {
-  if (!request.isMember("iface_name") || !request["iface_name"].isString()) {
-    LOG(WARNING) << "Input event doesn't have a valid 'iface_name' field";
-  }
-  LOG(INFO) << "Received DestroyInterface Request for "
-            << request["iface_name"].asString();
+Json::Value ResourceManager::JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(
+    SharedFD client_socket, const Json::Value& request) {
   Json::Value resp;
   resp["request_type"] = "destroy_interface";
-  auto iface_ty_name = request["iface_type"].asString();
-  auto iface_type = StrToIfaceTy(iface_ty_name);
-  auto success = RemoveInterface(iface_ty_name, iface_type);
-  resp["request_status"] = (success ? "success" : "failure");
-  SendJsonMsg(client_socket, resp);
+  resp["request_status"] = "failure";
+  if (!request.isMember("iface_name") || !request["iface_name"].isString()) {
+    auto err_msg = "Input event doesn't have a valid 'iface_name' field";
+    LOG(WARNING) << err_msg;
+    resp["error"] = err_msg;
+    return resp;
+  }
+  auto iface_name = request["iface_name"].asString();
+  LOG(INFO) << "Received DestroyInterface Request for " << iface_name;
+  auto global_id = request["global_id"].asUInt();
+  auto it = managed_resources_.find(global_id);
+  if (it == managed_resources_.end()) {
+    auto msg = "Interface not managed: " + iface_name;
+    LOG(WARNING) << msg;
+    resp["error"] = msg;
+    return resp;
+  }
+  // while we could wait to see if any acquisitions fail and delay releasing
+  // resources until they are all finished, this operation is inherently
+  // destructive, so should a release operation fail, there is no satisfactory
+  // method for aborting the transaction. Instead, we try to release the
+  // resource and then can signal to the rest of the transaction the failure
+  // state
+  auto success = it->second->ReleaseResource();
+  if (success) {
+    managed_resources_.erase(it);
+    resp["request_status"] = "success";
+  } else {
+    resp["error"] = "unknown, could not release resource";
+  }
+  // auto iface_ty_name = request["iface_type"].asString();
+  // auto iface_type = StrToIfaceTy(iface_ty_name);
+  // auto success = RemoveInterface(iface_name, iface_type);
+  if (client_socket->IsOpen()) {
+  }
+  return resp;
+std::optional<std::shared_ptr<StaticResource>> ResourceManager::FindResource(
+    uint32_t id) {
+  auto it = managed_resources_.find(id);
+  if (it == managed_resources_.end()) {
+    return std::nullopt;
+  } else {
+    return it->second;
+  }
 }  // namespace cuttlefish
diff --git a/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.h b/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.h
index 6068c6e..1ad5118 100644
--- a/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.h
+++ b/host/libs/allocd/resource_manager.h
@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@
 #include <atomic>
 #include <cstdint>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <optional>
 #include <set>
 #include "common/libs/fs/shared_fd.h"
 #include "host/libs/allocd/alloc_utils.h"
 #include "host/libs/allocd/request.h"
+#include "host/libs/allocd/resource.h"
 namespace cuttlefish {
@@ -49,34 +53,42 @@
   uint32_t AllocateID();
-  bool AddInterface(std::string iface, IfaceType ty);
+  bool AddInterface(std::string iface, IfaceType ty, uint32_t id, uid_t uid);
   bool RemoveInterface(std::string iface, IfaceType ty);
-  bool ValidateRequest(Json::Value& request);
+  bool ValidateRequest(const Json::Value& request);
-  void JsonHandleIdRequest(SharedFD client_socket);
+  bool ValidateRequestList(const Json::Value& config);
-  void JsonHandleShutdownRequest(SharedFD client_socket);
+  bool ValidateConfigRequest(const Json::Value& config);
-  void JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
-                                        Json::Value& request);
+  Json::Value JsonHandleIdRequest(SharedFD client_socket);
-  void JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
-                                         Json::Value& request);
+  Json::Value JsonHandleShutdownRequest(SharedFD client_socket);
+  Json::Value JsonHandleCreateInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
+                                               const Json::Value& request);
+  Json::Value JsonHandleDestroyInterfaceRequest(SharedFD client_socket,
+                                                const Json::Value& request);
   bool CheckCredentials(SharedFD client_socket, uid_t uid);
-  void SetUseIpv4(bool ipv4) { use_ipv4_ = ipv4; }
+  void SetUseIpv4Bridge(bool ipv4) { use_ipv4_bridge_ = ipv4; }
-  void SetUseIpv6(bool ipv6) { use_ipv6_ = ipv6; }
+  void SetUseIpv6Bridge(bool ipv6) { use_ipv6_bridge_ = ipv6; }
+  std::optional<std::shared_ptr<StaticResource>> FindResource(uint32_t id);
   std::atomic_uint32_t global_id_ = 0;
   std::set<std::string> active_interfaces_;
+  std::map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<StaticResource>> managed_resources_;
+  std::map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<StaticResource>> pending_add_;
   std::string location = kDefaultLocation;
-  bool use_ipv4_ = true;
-  bool use_ipv6_ = true;
+  bool use_ipv4_bridge_ = true;
+  bool use_ipv6_bridge_ = true;
   cuttlefish::SharedFD shutdown_socket_;