Run host region end to end test on the launcher
Bug: 118688323
Test: build & run locally
Change-Id: I9f53afb96f3a90e977f509b6935ddf950b4d3f39
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/launcher_defs.h b/host/commands/launch/launcher_defs.h
index 2732fdf..1f52497 100644
--- a/host/commands/launch/launcher_defs.h
+++ b/host/commands/launch/launcher_defs.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
kMonitorCreationFailed = 13,
kServerError = 14,
kUsbV1SocketError = 15,
+ kE2eTestFailed = 16,
// Actions supported by the launcher server
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/ b/host/commands/launch/
index a94af3e..ecfd09f 100644
--- a/host/commands/launch/
+++ b/host/commands/launch/
@@ -191,6 +191,10 @@
DEFINE_string(hypervisor_uri, "qemu:///system", "Hypervisor cannonical uri.");
DEFINE_bool(log_xml, false, "Log the XML machine configuration");
DEFINE_bool(restart_subprocesses, true, "Restart any crashed host process");
+DEFINE_bool(run_e2e_test, true, "Run e2e test after device launches");
+ vsoc::DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin/host_region_e2e_test"),
+ "Location of the region end to end test binary");
@@ -341,15 +345,132 @@
+// Maintains the state of the boot process, once a final state is reached
+// (success or failure) it sends the appropriate exit code to the foreground
+// launcher process
+class CvdBootStateMachine {
+ public:
+ CvdBootStateMachine(cvd::SharedFD fg_launcher_pipe)
+ : fg_launcher_pipe_(fg_launcher_pipe), state_(kBootStarted) {}
+ // Returns true if the machine is left in a final state
+ bool OnBootEvtReceived(cvd::SharedFD boot_events_pipe) {
+ monitor::BootEvent evt;
+ auto bytes_read = boot_events_pipe->Read(&evt, sizeof(evt));
+ if (bytes_read != sizeof(evt)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to read a complete event, read " << bytes_read
+ << " bytes only instead of the expected " << sizeof(evt);
+ state_ |= kGuestBootFailed;
+ } else if (evt == monitor::BootEvent::BootCompleted) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Virtual device booted successfully";
+ state_ |= kGuestBootCompleted;
+ } else if (evt == monitor::BootEvent::BootFailed) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Virtual device failed to boot";
+ state_ |= kGuestBootFailed;
+ } // Ignore the other signals
+ return MaybeWriteToForegroundLauncher();
+ }
+ bool OnE2eTestCompleted(int exit_code) {
+ if (exit_code != 0) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "VSoC e2e test failed";
+ state_ |= kE2eTestFailed;
+ } else {
+ LOG(INFO) << "VSoC e2e test passed";
+ state_ |= kE2eTestPassed;
+ }
+ return MaybeWriteToForegroundLauncher();
+ }
+ bool BootCompleted() const {
+ return state_ == (kGuestBootCompleted | kE2eTestPassed);
+ }
+ bool BootFailed() const {
+ return state_ & (kGuestBootFailed | kE2eTestFailed);
+ }
+ private:
+ void SendExitCode(cvd::LauncherExitCodes exit_code) {
+ fg_launcher_pipe_->Write(&exit_code, sizeof(exit_code));
+ // The foreground process will exit after receiving the exit code, if we try
+ // to write again we'll get a SIGPIPE
+ fg_launcher_pipe_->Close();
+ }
+ bool MaybeWriteToForegroundLauncher() {
+ if (fg_launcher_pipe_->IsOpen()) {
+ if (BootCompleted()) {
+ SendExitCode(cvd::LauncherExitCodes::kSuccess);
+ } else if (state_ & kGuestBootFailed) {
+ SendExitCode(cvd::LauncherExitCodes::kVirtualDeviceBootFailed);
+ } else if (state_ & kE2eTestFailed) {
+ SendExitCode(cvd::LauncherExitCodes::kE2eTestFailed);
+ } else {
+ // No final state was reached
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Either we sent the code before or just sent it, in any case the state is
+ // final
+ return true;
+ }
+ cvd::SharedFD fg_launcher_pipe_;
+ int state_;
+ static const int kBootStarted = 0;
+ static const int kGuestBootCompleted = 1 << 0;
+ static const int kGuestBootFailed = 1 << 1;
+ static const int kE2eTestPassed = 1 << 2;
+ static const int kE2eTestFailed = 1 << 3;
+// Abuse the process monitor to make it call us back when boot events are ready
+void SetUpHandlingOfBootEvents(
+ cvd::ProcessMonitor* process_monitor, cvd::SharedFD boot_events_pipe,
+ std::shared_ptr<CvdBootStateMachine> state_machine) {
+ process_monitor->MonitorExistingSubprocess(
+ // A dummy command, so logs are desciptive
+ cvd::Command("boot_events_listener"),
+ // A dummy subprocess, with the boot events pipe as control socket
+ cvd::Subprocess(-1, boot_events_pipe),
+ [boot_events_pipe, state_machine](cvd::MonitorEntry*) {
+ auto sent_code = state_machine->OnBootEvtReceived(boot_events_pipe);
+ return !sent_code;
+ });
+void LaunchE2eTest(cvd::ProcessMonitor* process_monitor,
+ std::shared_ptr<CvdBootStateMachine> state_machine) {
+ // Run a command that always succeeds if we are not running e2e tests
+ std::string e2e_test_cmd =
+ FLAGS_run_e2e_test ? FLAGS_e2e_test_binary : "/bin/true";
+ process_monitor->StartSubprocess(
+ cvd::Command(e2e_test_cmd),
+ [state_machine](cvd::MonitorEntry* entry) {
+ auto test_result = entry->proc->Wait();
+ state_machine->OnE2eTestCompleted(test_result);
+ return false;
+ });
+// Build the kernel log monitor command. If boot_event_pipe is not NULL, a
+// subscription to boot events from the kernel log monitor will be created and
+// events will appear on *boot_events_pipe
cvd::Command GetKernelLogMonitorCommand(const vsoc::CuttlefishConfig& config,
- cvd::SharedFD boot_events_pipe) {
+ cvd::SharedFD* boot_events_pipe) {
auto log_name = config.kernel_log_socket_name();
auto server = cvd::SharedFD::SocketLocalServer(log_name.c_str(), false,
cvd::Command kernel_log_monitor(FLAGS_kernel_log_monitor_binary);
kernel_log_monitor.AddParameter("-log_server_fd=", server);
- if (boot_events_pipe->IsOpen()) {
- kernel_log_monitor.AddParameter("-subscriber_fd=", boot_events_pipe);
+ if (boot_events_pipe) {
+ cvd::SharedFD pipe_write_end;
+ if (!cvd::SharedFD::Pipe(boot_events_pipe, &pipe_write_end)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create boot events pipe: " << strerror(errno);
+ std::exit(LauncherExitCodes::kPipeIOError);
+ }
+ kernel_log_monitor.AddParameter("-subscriber_fd=", pipe_write_end);
return kernel_log_monitor;
@@ -791,24 +912,22 @@
// Explicitly close here, otherwise we may end up reading forever if the
// child process dies.
- monitor::BootEvent evt;
- while(true) {
- auto bytes_read = read_end->Read(&evt, sizeof(evt));
- if (bytes_read != sizeof(evt)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Fail to read a complete event, read " << bytes_read
- << " bytes only instead of the expected " << sizeof(evt);
- std::exit(LauncherExitCodes::kPipeIOError);
- }
- if (evt == monitor::BootEvent::BootCompleted) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Virtual device booted successfully";
- std::exit(LauncherExitCodes::kSuccess);
- }
- if (evt == monitor::BootEvent::BootFailed) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Virtual device failed to boot";
- std::exit(LauncherExitCodes::kVirtualDeviceBootFailed);
- }
- // Do nothing for the other signals
+ LauncherExitCodes exit_code;
+ auto bytes_read = read_end->Read(&exit_code, sizeof(exit_code));
+ if (bytes_read != sizeof(exit_code)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read a complete exit code, read " << bytes_read
+ << " bytes only instead of the expected " << sizeof(exit_code);
+ exit_code = LauncherExitCodes::kPipeIOError;
+ } else if (exit_code == LauncherExitCodes::kSuccess) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Virtual device booted successfully";
+ } else if (exit_code == LauncherExitCodes::kVirtualDeviceBootFailed) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Virtual device failed to boot";
+ } else if (exit_code == LauncherExitCodes::kE2eTestFailed) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Host VSoC region end to end test failed";
+ } else {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected exit code: " << exit_code;
+ std::exit(exit_code);
} else {
// The child returns the write end of the pipe
if (daemon(/*nochdir*/ 1, /*noclose*/ 1) != 0) {
@@ -993,10 +1112,10 @@
<< launcher_monitor_socket->StrError();
return cvd::LauncherExitCodes::kMonitorCreationFailed;
- cvd::SharedFD boot_events_pipe;
+ cvd::SharedFD foreground_launcher_pipe;
if (FLAGS_daemon) {
- boot_events_pipe = DaemonizeLauncher(*config);
- if (!boot_events_pipe->IsOpen()) {
+ foreground_launcher_pipe = DaemonizeLauncher(*config);
+ if (!foreground_launcher_pipe->IsOpen()) {
return LauncherExitCodes::kDaemonizationError;
} else {
@@ -1011,13 +1130,24 @@
+ auto boot_state_machine =
+ std::make_shared<CvdBootStateMachine>(foreground_launcher_pipe);
// Monitor and restart host processes supporting the CVD
cvd::ProcessMonitor process_monitor;
+ cvd::SharedFD boot_events_pipe;
+ // Only subscribe to boot events if running as daemon
- GetKernelLogMonitorCommand(*config, boot_events_pipe),
+ GetKernelLogMonitorCommand(*config,
+ FLAGS_daemon ? &boot_events_pipe : nullptr),
+ SetUpHandlingOfBootEvents(&process_monitor, boot_events_pipe,
+ boot_state_machine);
LaunchUsbServerIfEnabled(*config, &process_monitor);
@@ -1025,6 +1155,9 @@
// Initialize the regions that require so before the VM starts.
+ // Launch the e2e test after the shared memory is initialized
+ LaunchE2eTest(&process_monitor, boot_state_machine);
// Start the guest VM, don't monitor it, if it fails the device is considered
// failed
if (!vm_manager->Start()) {
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/ b/host/commands/launch/
index 24b50b9..a405180 100644
--- a/host/commands/launch/
+++ b/host/commands/launch/
@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start process";
+ MonitorExistingSubprocess(std::move(cmd), std::move(proc), callback);
+void ProcessMonitor::MonitorExistingSubprocess(Command cmd, Subprocess proc,
+ OnSocketReadyCb callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(processes_mutex_);
diff --git a/host/commands/launch/process_monitor.h b/host/commands/launch/process_monitor.h
index b78a196..a375653 100644
--- a/host/commands/launch/process_monitor.h
+++ b/host/commands/launch/process_monitor.h
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
// lead to a dealock. If the callback returns false the subprocess will no
// longer be monitored
void StartSubprocess(Command cmd, OnSocketReadyCb on_control_socket_ready_cb);
+ // Monitors an alreacy started subprocess
+ void MonitorExistingSubprocess(Command cmd, Subprocess sub_process,
+ OnSocketReadyCb on_control_socket_ready_cb);
static bool RestartOnExitCb(MonitorEntry* entry);
static bool DoNotMonitorCb(MonitorEntry* entry);