tree: 7df438645014803ff2bea5524af2495f346571c0 [path history] [tgz]
  1. local_bootconfig.json
  2. local_mixed_1.json
  3. local_mixed_2.json
  4. local_mixed_3_fetch_host.json
  5. local_single.json
  6. local_single_nohost.json
  7. local_vsock_isolation.json

#How to run these tests

This folder contains .json configs that serve as examples for launches of multi-device configurations, where one or more of those devices are a local instance. Some tests mix these local instances with remotely fetched ones as well, but in all cases at least one local image is needed. Hence some steps are needed to create these artifacts locally.

In particular - there needs to be the following artifacts local:

  1. A folder containing Cuttlefish ‘host tools’ - which contains the cvd binary (among others) that are used to launch the instances.

  2. A device image folder stored locally, which will be run within the VMs created, effectively demonstrating that the local instance was successfully created.

There are a few recommended ways to set up these folders, feel free to use whichever method works best for your use case.

Option 1: Modify the configs manually after local AOSP build

  1. Check out a copy of the AOSP source tree from the repository and branch desired
  2. Follow standard process to build AOSP. When complete the AOSP build process will put binaries into the [AOSP checkout folder]/out
  3. Modify the .json files to point to correct folders. In particular there are two paths that need to be replaced. The first is /tmp/vsoc_x86_64, which will be the folder containing the disk images for the local instance to be launched. This will be located under the AOSP out folder at a path similair to: /out/target/product/vsoc_x86_64. One way to get this folder is via: env | grep ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=. The 2nd path to update is listed in the .json files as /tmp/linux-x86, and this is a path containing the Cuttlefish host tools binaries. This can also be obtained after an AOSP build, while in the same shell, via: env | grep ANDROID_HOST_OUT=.
  4. Tests can now be executed via cvd load host/cvd_test_configs/local_mixed_1.json (ensuring you give the correct path and changing the filename to whichever test you'd like to execute).

Option 2: Use included script

  1. Check out AOSP tree and run a build. While still in the same shell that executed the build, move to step 2. (Or use lunch to init the environment in a shell.)
  2. Included in the cuttlefish tree is a script, which when executed will copy all included .json files to /tmp, and update the configs with paths matching your current AOSP local environment. Run this script while in the folder containing this README, via ../../../tools/testing/
  3. Tests can now be executed via cvd load /tmp/local_mixed_1.json (changing the filename to whichever test you'd like to execute). The Android image used within the tests (as the local VM) is the same one which you have just compiled.