Replace vibrator/ from git_tm-qpr-dev

Lastest commit:
2724d61 vibrator/cs40l26: Fix unsupport primitive effects test

Bug: 267926374
Bug: 264625320
Test: HAL init properly.
Change-Id: I1c01ea8c6d584ae58d8d20f21a9ac43a8977f435
diff --git a/vibrator/cs40l26/service.cpp b/vibrator/cs40l26/service.cpp
index fd76b19..605de43 100644
--- a/vibrator/cs40l26/service.cpp
+++ b/vibrator/cs40l26/service.cpp
@@ -20,34 +20,60 @@
 #include <log/log.h>
 #include "Hardware.h"
+#include "VibMgrHwApi.h"
 #include "Vibrator.h"
-#include "VibratorSync.h"
 using ::aidl::android::hardware::vibrator::HwApi;
 using ::aidl::android::hardware::vibrator::HwCal;
+using ::aidl::android::hardware::vibrator::VibMgrHwApi;
 using ::aidl::android::hardware::vibrator::Vibrator;
 using ::android::defaultServiceManager;
 using ::android::ProcessState;
 using ::android::sp;
 using ::android::String16;
-using ::android::hardware::vibrator::VibratorSync;
 #if !defined(VIBRATOR_NAME)
 #define VIBRATOR_NAME "default"
 int main() {
-    auto svc = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<Vibrator>(std::make_unique<HwApi>(),
-                                                  std::make_unique<HwCal>());
+    const char *hwApiPathPrefixDual = std::getenv("HWAPI_PATH_PREFIX_DUAL");
+    const char *calFilePath = std::getenv("CALIBRATION_FILEPATH");
+    const char *calFilePathDual = std::getenv("CALIBRATION_FILEPATH_DUAL");
+    auto hwgpio = VibMgrHwApi::Create();
+    if (!hwgpio) {
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    auto hwApiDef = HwApi::Create();
+    if (!hwApiDef) {
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    auto hwCalDef = HwCal::Create();
+    if (!hwCalDef) {
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<Vibrator> svc;
+    // Synchronize base and flip actuator F0.
+    // Replace dual cal file path to base and copy the base to dual's path.
+    if ((hwApiPathPrefixDual != nullptr) && !setenv("HWAPI_PATH_PREFIX", hwApiPathPrefixDual, 1) &&
+        (calFilePathDual != nullptr) && !setenv("CALIBRATION_FILEPATH", calFilePathDual, 1) &&
+        !setenv("CALIBRATION_FILEPATH_DUAL", calFilePath, 1)) {
+        ALOGD("Init dual HAL: %s", std::getenv("HWAPI_PATH_PREFIX"));
+        svc = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<Vibrator>(std::move(hwApiDef), std::move(hwCalDef),
+                                                 std::make_unique<HwApi>(),
+                                                 std::make_unique<HwCal>(), std::move(hwgpio));
+    } else {
+        ALOGD("Failed to init dual HAL");
+        svc = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<Vibrator>(std::move(hwApiDef), std::move(hwCalDef), nullptr,
+                                                 nullptr, std::move(hwgpio));
+    }
     const auto svcName = std::string() + svc->descriptor + "/" + VIBRATOR_NAME;
-    auto ext = sp<VibratorSync>::make(svc);
-    const auto extName = std::stringstream() << ext->descriptor << "/" << VIBRATOR_NAME;
-    defaultServiceManager()->addService(String16(extName.str().c_str()), ext);
     auto svcBinder = svc->asBinder();
     binder_status_t status = AServiceManager_addService(svcBinder.get(), svcName.c_str());