shusky: update kernel-and-modules prebuilt

Linux version 5.15.106-android14-3-767444-g33acad63c8d9-ab9954730
    (build-user@build-host) (Android (9796371, based on r487747) clang
    version 17.0.0 (
    project d9f89f4d16663d5012e5c09495f3b30ece3d2362), LLD 17.0.0) #1
    SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 13 07:07:36 UTC 2023

aosp-staging: (3 changes)
  33acad63 ANDROID: Update the ABI symbol list
  a35f69dc UPSTREAM: usb: typec: tcpm: Add callbacks to mitigate wakeups due to contaminant
  a11562f8 Revert "ANDROID: usb: typec: tcpm: Add chip level callback to check for contaminant"

build/kernel: (19 changes)
  56a76234 kleaf: update docs relating to depset of files in providers.
  f5845047 kleaf: update scmversion for using repo list.
  c091a2bc kleaf: Add --repo_prop argument to bazel wrapper.
  910fd1a2 kleaf: kernel_module extract scmversion in its own action
  7ce7f1ee kleaf: kernel_config extract scmversion in its own action
  0aaac713 kleaf: Handles subdirectories for scmversion / source_date_epoch.
  5995a699 kleaf: find setlocalversion in all git projects.
  b12b3d54 kleaf: use repo list to determine projects for source_date_epoch.
  704bc50d kleaf: use repo list for scmversion.
  bcaaedca kleaf: Use STABLE_SOURCE_DATE_EPOCHS
  9ea401ba kleaf: Use STABLE_SCMVERSIONS
  f31f9658 kleaf: kernel_image stop declaring outdir
  b8758656 kleaf: hermetic_tools does not depend on RUSTC_VERSION
  9c0edb1c kleaf: refactor: move rust tools to its own function.
  7dcdf8a1 kleaf: use logging library.
  d4570b18 kleaf: refactor
  842c0147 kleaf: delete OUT_DIR/localversion for non stamped builds for external modules
  01d409fb kleaf: analyze_ddk_headers: create all_headers
  263b8856 kleaf: Add tools to analyze inputs for kernel_build and module.

prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86: (2 changes)
  4f7e5adc Merge "Revert "Revert "re-order ubsan feature to match soong"""
  daffd3bd Revert "Revert "re-order ubsan feature to match soong""

private/devices/google/shusky: (3 changes)
  75639a01 arm64/configs: shusky: add eusb reset pin control
  63865e8e display: hk3: adjust the sequence of gamma fix command
  7855ca7e arm64/dts: husky/shiba: update alignment aid parameters

private/google-modules/aoc: (2 changes)
  67da014b aoc/alsa: modify isr handler configuration flow
  6dab015d alsa: enable offload pause in draining

private/google-modules/bms: (8 changes)
  42a95885 max77779: Replace pmic id read with ping
  89c2d5a8 p9221_charger: add vcpout to google_charger log
  9d280ef4 google_charger: record temp defend pre-trigger and resume stats
  31e81769 max1720x_battery: add more registers for debugging
  d9351e99 max77779_i2cm: I2C bus driver for I2CM Bridge
  42bdd57c max77779_pmic: Add SGPIO Support
  3f4c05bd max77779_pmic: Add IRQ Multiplexing
  460453ee max77779_pmic: PMIC Subsystem Functions Top Level

private/google-modules/gpu: (3 changes)
  edb58613 mali_pixel: enable pixel_stats for gpu memory
  6aa5cf37 mali_kbase: apply mask from device tree to gpu_features
  dd339f02 mali_kbase: Add missing wake_up(poweroff_wait) when cancelling poweroff.

private/google-modules/lwis: (1 change)
  b5e90bd1 LWIS: Add a struct device field in struce lwis_device

private/google-modules/soc/gs: (47 changes)
  5efa1ff8 pcie: exynos: Remove pcie register dump on CPL timeout
  ef9cc0d0 usb: phy: control reset pin of eusb repeater
  1ef3f661 arm64/dts: zuma: Remove AxCACHE offset from MCFP register blocks
  b090f66a bcl: Consolidate single entry/exit for qos update
  072a2b8b soc/google/cpif: Add support for marking packets that wakeup AP.
  588ffaa9 arm64/dts: Fix GPIO PDN configurations
  bbc7741d arm64/dts: zuma: Remove tpu_fw_ctx_reserved
  0f922b8c power: iio: correct soft reset
  91ab834b vh: sched: Make sure vendor_task_struct is initialized for all tasks
  a0788922 arm64/dts: zuma Camera EM update
  19b5fb01 vh: sched: Pass max util cpu for energy computaion
  f2e335cc Revert "soc/google: gs101/zuma: disable DSS_LOG_SUSPEND as user ..."
  e0037ba9 usb: removed function to control hsi ldo
  27d6bc13 usb: phy: modified function to control usb ldo
  03b590e8 arm64/dts: zuma: remove always-on for usb
  10e82941 soc: google: modified HSI0_CAL_PDID
  f4b962f4 arm64/dts: zuma: add usb regulators node
  b7a47358 soc/google: gs101/zuma: disable DSS_LOG_SUSPEND as user build
  8f4a23a7 usb: dwc3: lower the log level for qos
  1b25ff01 Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert "Revert^2 "arm64/dts: zuma: add p..."
  0b59da90 Revert^4 "spi: s3c64xx: fix SW_RESET spi cs low"
  5f27903e Revert^6 "spi: s3c64xx: Support power-domain"
  888e10bc Revert^6 "arm64/dts: zuma: add hsi0 power domain"
  d58d5d52 Revert^6 "arm64/dts: zuma: enable power domain"
  893cff40 Revert^2 "arm64/dts: zuma: Add power domain to HSI0 I2C"
  f21b3bb2 Revert^2 "i2c: zuma: Init USI at runtime"
  e3ea4aab Revert "tcpci_max77759: Disable contaminant detection"
  3a736930 tcpci_max77759: Update contaminant detection logic
  1c70236e tcpci_max77759: Report Rp-def/Rp-def as missing rp
  6e910903 tcpci_max77759: Clear compliance warning reason for BC12
  766ad0cc tcpci_max77759: Increase non compliance timeout during first connect
  2d68e8c1 tcpci_max77759/usb_psy: Enable charging from non compliant BC1.2 ports
  2432f6dd tcpci_max77759: Detect missing rp partners
  8e36df18 tcpci_max77759: Usb tcpci_max77759 compliance warnings
  c3c1e159 tcpci_max77759: Fix deadlock issue in _max77759_irq_locked()
  02a7c8b9 max77759_contaminant: Re-add missing early exit logic in process_contaminant_alert
  0162ec27 tcpci_max77759: Add logs before calling to BMS
  a06dd050 tcpci_max77759: Handle IO error by deferring and retrying
  6bc70724 usb: typec: max77759_contaminant: Check for contaminant only when toggling
  78cc68c3 tcpci_max77759: Add retries for OVP reset
  cab6873d tcpci_max77759: Add prototype of maxq_query_contaminant
  ba883e2e tcpci_max77759: Check before re-enabling low power source
  bc85f67d max77759_contaminant: Mitigate AP wakeups when sink is detected
  1d0a7888 typec: max77759_contaminant: Mitigate wakeups caused by floating cable
  772aac74 arm64/dts: update trip thresholds as per thermal policy
  1fef236c soc/google/cpif: add force link down work in send_doorbell_int
  e29e7d7c pcie: drivers: add code for recursive link down S/W recovery

private/google-modules/touch/common: (2 changes)
  683dc9b1 touch/gti: Support multiple offload ids if available
  61b75365 touch/gti: add sysfs nodes for multiple panel

private/google-modules/touch/goodix: (1 change)
  8c71ec49 touch/goodix: Support multiple offload ids if available

Bug: 174094095
Bug: 190194083
Bug: 203706418
Bug: 216470036
Bug: 227792357
Bug: 230707523
Bug: 235153779
Bug: 235540519
Bug: 238946074
Bug: 241784772
Bug: 243079285
Bug: 247665219
Bug: 249452331
Bug: 250831779
Bug: 253782454
Bug: 256714892
Bug: 257971803
Bug: 258100902
Bug: 258212419
Bug: 260969470
Bug: 263561514
Bug: 266949223
Bug: 267826427
Bug: 268303502
Bug: 268583476
Bug: 268584498
Bug: 269174009
Bug: 269548402
Bug: 270645294
Bug: 271384475
Bug: 271388236
Bug: 272408020
Bug: 272628133
Bug: 272641275
Bug: 274137481
Bug: 274594312
Bug: 275440854
Bug: 276397179
Bug: 276801582
Bug: 276935692
Bug: 277127708
Bug: 277387747
Bug: 277633636
Bug: 277715569
Bug: 277815212
Bug: 277860694
Bug: 278023955
Bug: 278156602
Pick-Prebuilt: 523622066
Build-Id: 9954730
Processing-Config: kernel_headers
Change-Id: I02e6b554bb2946b46184516e34237b152aff201a
Signed-off-by: SecurityBot <[email protected]>
4027 files changed
tree: b2e3c00e78964cac88f49e31d467640dc247893d
  1. .prebuilt_info/
  2. debug_api/
  3. debug_kmemleak/
  4. debug_locking/
  5. debug_memory/
  6. debug_memory_accounting/
  7. kasan/
  8. kernel-headers/
  9. original-kernel-headers/
  10. 6lowpan.ko
  11. 8021q.ko
  12. acpm_flexpmu_dbg.ko
  13. acpm_mbox_test.ko
  14. aoc_alsa_dev.ko
  15. aoc_alsa_dev_util.ko
  16. aoc_channel_dev.ko
  17. aoc_char_dev.ko
  18. aoc_control_dev.ko
  19. aoc_core.ko
  20. aoc_tbn_service_dev.ko
  21. aoc_usb_driver.ko
  22. aoc_uwb_platform_drv.ko
  23. aoc_uwb_service_dev.ko
  24. arm-cmn.ko
  25. arm-memlat-mon.ko
  26. arm_dsu_pmu.ko
  27. at24.ko
  28. audiometrics.ko
  29. bc_max77759.ko
  30. bcm47765.ko
  31. bcm_dbg.ko
  32. bcmdhd4398.ko
  33. bigwave.ko
  34. bluetooth.ko
  35. bookerci.ko
  36. bsd_comp.ko
  37. btbcm.ko
  38. btqca.ko
  39. bts.ko
  40. btsdio.ko
  41. can-bcm.ko
  42. can-dev.ko
  43. can-gw.ko
  44. can-raw.ko
  45. can.ko
  46. cdc-acm.ko
  47. cfg80211.ko
  48. cl_dsp.ko
  49. clk_exynos_gs.ko
  50. cmupmucal.ko
  51. cp_thermal_zone.ko
  52. cpif.ko
  53. cpif_page.ko
  54. dbgcore-dump.ko
  55. debug-reboot.ko
  56. debug-snapshot-debug-kinfo.ko
  57. diag.ko
  58. dss.ko
  59. dsulat-devfreq.ko
  60. dtbo.img
  61. dwc3-exynos-usb.ko
  62. ect_parser.ko
  63. eh.ko
  64. ehld.ko
  65. eusb_repeater.ko
  66. exynos-acme.ko
  67. exynos-adv-tracer-s2d.ko
  68. exynos-adv-tracer.ko
  69. exynos-bcm_dbg-dump.ko
  70. exynos-coresight.ko
  71. exynos-cpuhp.ko
  72. exynos-cpupm.ko
  73. exynos-debug-test.ko
  74. exynos-dm.ko
  75. exynos-drm.ko
  76. exynos-ecc-handler.ko
  77. exynos-pd-dbg.ko
  78. exynos-pd.ko
  79. exynos-pd_el3.ko
  80. exynos-pm.ko
  81. exynos-pmu-if.ko
  82. exynos-reboot.ko
  83. exynos-seclog.ko
  84. exynos_devfreq.ko
  85. exynos_mct_v3.ko
  86. exynos_mfc.ko
  87. exynos_pm_qos.ko
  88. exynos_tty.ko
  89. ftdi_sio.ko
  90. ftm5.ko
  91. g2d.ko
  92. gcma.ko
  93. goodix_brl_touch.ko
  94. goodixfp.ko
  95. goog_touch_interface.ko
  96. google-battery.ko
  97. google-bms.ko
  98. google-charger.ko
  99. google-cpm.ko
  100. google_bcl.ko
  101. google_dock.ko
  102. google_dual_batt_gauge.ko
  103. governor_dsulat.ko
  104. governor_memlat.ko
  105. gpu_cooling.ko
  106. gs-chipid.ko
  107. gs_acpm.ko
  108. gs_thermal.ko
  109. gsa.ko
  110. gsa_gsc.ko
  111. gvotable.ko
  112. gxp.ko
  113. hardlockup-debug.ko
  114. hardlockup-watchdog.ko
  115. hci_uart.ko
  116. heatmap.ko
  117. hidp.ko
  118. i2c-acpm.ko
  119. i2c-dev.ko
  120. i2c-exynos5.ko
  121. ieee802154.ko
  122. ieee802154_6lowpan.ko
  123. ieee802154_socket.ko
  124. Image.lz4
  125. init.insmod.husky.cfg
  126. init.insmod.ripcurrent.cfg
  127. init.insmod.shiba.cfg
  128. input-cs40l26-i2c.ko
  129. itmon.ko
  130. kernel-uapi-headers.tar.gz
  131. keycombo.ko
  132. keydebug.ko
  133. l2tp_core.ko
  134. l2tp_ppp.ko
  135. libarc4.ko
  136. ln8411.ko
  137. logbuffer.ko
  138. lwis.ko
  139. mac80211.ko
  140. mac802154.ko
  141. mailbox-wc.ko
  142. mali_kbase.ko
  143. mali_pixel.ko
  144. max1720x-battery.ko
  145. max20339.ko
  146. max77729-pmic.ko
  147. max77729_charger.ko
  148. max77729_uic.ko
  149. max77759-charger.ko
  150. max77759_contaminant.ko
  151. max77759_helper.ko
  152. max77779-charger.ko
  153. max77779-sp.ko
  154. max77779_i2cm.ko
  155. max77779_pmic.ko
  156. max77779_pmic_irq.ko
  157. max77779_pmic_pinctrl.ko
  158. max77779_pmic_sgpio.ko
  159. memlat-devfreq.ko
  160. modules.load
  161. nfc.ko
  162. nhc_dest.ko
  163. nhc_fragment.ko
  164. nhc_hop.ko
  165. nhc_ipv6.ko
  166. nhc_mobility.ko
  167. nhc_routing.ko
  168. nhc_udp.ko
  169. nitrous.ko
  170. odpm.ko
  171. open-dice.ko
  172. overheat_mitigation.ko
  173. p9221.ko
  174. panel-boe-nt37290.ko
  175. panel-common.ko
  176. panel-google-bigsurf.ko
  177. panel-google-hk3.ko
  178. panel-google-shoreline.ko
  179. panel-samsung-drv.ko
  180. panel-samsung-emul.ko
  181. panel-samsung-s6e3fc3-p10.ko
  182. panel-samsung-s6e3fc3.ko
  183. panel-samsung-s6e3hc2.ko
  184. panel-samsung-s6e3hc3-c10.ko
  185. panel-samsung-s6e3hc3.ko
  186. panel-samsung-s6e3hc4.ko
  187. panel-samsung-sofef01.ko
  188. pca9468.ko
  189. pcie-exynos-gs.ko
  190. pcie-exynos-zuma-rc-cal.ko
  191. phy-exynos-mipi-dsim.ko
  192. phy-exynos-mipi.ko
  193. phy-exynos-usbdrd-eusb-super.ko
  194. pinctrl-exynos-gs.ko
  195. pinctrl-slg51002.ko
  196. pixel-boot-metrics.ko
  197. pixel-debug-test.ko
  198. pixel_em.ko
  199. pixel_metrics.ko
  200. pixel_stat_mm.ko
  201. pixel_stat_sysfs.ko
  202. pkvm-s2mpu-v9.ko
  203. pl330.ko
  204. pmic_class.ko
  205. power_stats.ko
  206. ppp_deflate.ko
  207. ppp_generic.ko
  208. ppp_mppe.ko
  209. pppox.ko
  210. pptp.ko
  211. qm35.ko
  212. rfcomm.ko
  213. rfkill.ko
  214. rio.ko
  215. rtc-s2mpg14.ko
  216. s2mpg14-key.ko
  217. s2mpg14-mfd.ko
  218. s2mpg14-powermeter.ko
  219. s2mpg14-regulator.ko
  220. s2mpg1415-gpio.ko
  221. s2mpg15-mfd.ko
  222. s2mpg15-powermeter.ko
  223. s2mpg15-regulator.ko
  224. s2mpg15_spmic_thermal.ko
  225. s3c2410_wdt.ko
  226. s5910.ko
  227. samsung-dma.ko
  228. samsung-iommu-group.ko
  229. samsung-secure-iova.ko
  230. samsung_dma_heap.ko
  231. samsung_iommu_v9.ko
  232. sbb-mux.ko
  233. sched_tp.ko
  234. sec_touch.ko
  235. sg.ko
  236. shm_ipc.ko
  237. sjtag-driver.ko
  238. slc_acpm.ko
  239. slc_dummy.ko
  240. slc_pmon.ko
  241. slc_pt.ko
  242. slcan.ko
  243. slg51002-core.ko
  244. slg51002-regulator.ko
  245. slhc.ko
  246. smfc.ko
  247. snd-soc-cs35l41-i2c.ko
  248. snd-soc-cs35l41-spi.ko
  249. snd-soc-cs35l41.ko
  250. snd-soc-cs40l26.ko
  251. snd-soc-wm-adsp.ko
  252. softdog.ko
  253. spi-s3c64xx.ko
  254. spidev.ko
  255. spmi_bit_bang.ko
  256. sscoredump.ko
  257. st21nfc.ko
  258. st33spi.ko
  259. st54spi.ko
  260. stmvl53l1.ko
  262. system_dlkm.modules.blocklist
  263. system_dlkm.modules.load
  264. systrace.ko
  265. tcpci_max77759.ko
  266. tipc.ko
  267. touch_bus_negotiator.ko
  268. touch_offload.ko
  269. trusty-core.ko
  270. trusty-ipc.ko
  271. trusty-irq.ko
  272. trusty-log.ko
  273. trusty-test.ko
  274. trusty-virtio.ko
  275. ufs-exynos-gs.ko
  276. ufs-pixel-fips140.ko
  277. usb_f_dm.ko
  278. usb_f_dm1.ko
  279. usb_f_rndis.ko
  280. usb_psy.ko
  281. usbc_cooling_dev.ko
  282. usbserial.ko
  283. vcan.ko
  284. vendor_dlkm.modules.blocklist
  285. vendor_dlkm.modules.load
  286. vendor_kernel_boot.modules.load
  287. vh_cgroup.ko
  288. vh_mm.ko
  289. vh_preemptirq_long.ko
  290. vh_sched.ko
  291. vh_thermal.ko
  292. wc68.ko
  293. wlan_ptracker.ko
  294. wlc98_driver.ko
  295. xhci-exynos.ko
  296. zcomp_cpu.ko
  297. zcomp_eh.ko
  298. zram_gs.ko
  299. zsmalloc.ko
  300. zuma-a0-foplp.dtb
  301. zuma-a0-ipop.dtb
  302. zuma-b0-foplp.dtb
  303. zuma-b0-ipop.dtb