sunfish: update kernel-and-modules prebuilt

Linux version 4.14.117-gb4af22446828-ab6338560 (android-
    [email protected]) (Android (6207600 based on
    r377782b) clang version 10.0.4
    0cb1afdb060d6619a9837ab6866cf4adf2336416)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar
    27 02:53:18 UTC 2020

build: (8 changes)
  d26284e6 Add MAKE_GOALS
  a3a1ea94 Merge "Add utilities to work on a hermetic Android Kernel Build"
  521c3e6c Merge " add support for vendor_boot packaging"
  b89200eb Add utilities to work on a hermetic Android Kernel Build
  b29695e0 add support for vendor_boot packaging
  e92a988c prebuilt-buildtools: add `tr` from toybox
  1e182ea4 ABI documentation: add advice for ABI differences caused by adding modules
  2cdbe517 build-tools: update prebuilts

private/msm-google: (2 changes)
  b4af2244 qpnp-qg: Not limit min soc for capacity learning
  8d91fc84 arm64:dts: add incoming firmware config version

private/msm-google-modules/touch/fts: (3 changes)
  529e87aa touch:fts: avoid null pointer of limit_file name
  effc3174 touch:fts: add PI when config version is same as incoming firmware
  41de94c0 input: touchscreen: stm: Driver Version

private/msm-google/techpack/audio: (1 change)
  7f2c9383 asoc: add SEC_TDM_RX to SLIM_7_TX for HFP

Bug: 135922132
Bug: 141095986
Bug: 151900042
Bug: 151908253
Bug: 151949371
Bug: 152546767
Test: Boot to home/ manual audio test
Pick-Prebuilt: 300323293
Build-Id: 6338560
Processing-Config: kernel_headers
Signed-off-by: Jasmine Cha <[email protected]>
Change-Id: I48ff95a3efcdc1a8ddf116e0d74d798a02a6db91
95 files changed