sunfish: update kernel-and-modules prebuilt

Linux version 4.14.117-gdb2dd988a363_audio-ga0930dd0-ab6238883
    (android-build@abfarm-us-east1-c-0050) (Android (6051079 based on
    r370808) clang version 10.0.1
    b9738d6d99f614c8bf7a3e7c769659b313b88244)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb
    26 12:54:26 UTC 2020

private/msm-google: (13 changes)
  db2dd988 dts: audio: update 5514 sound trigger buffer size
  540f78b1 dts: battery: add battery history settings
  e708524a google_battery: read/write device SN & battery history data
  cd946c81 eeprom: read/write device SN & battery history data
  dd8b7a9d qpnp-qg: add more soc properties
  304f7a37 power_supply: add more soc properties
  4522f6e3 qpnp-qg/eeprom: synchronize the change
  693c26b5 arm64: dts: disable irdrop and remove related parameters
  e8bd153f google_battery: add device tree flag to disable irdrop
  3e1f0557 power: qpnp-qg: add batt temp recheck for abnormal batt temp
  bdcc8e78 power: sm7150_bms: add log for battery overtemp irq
  dd2013a3 arm64: dts: enable IRC function
  8174cc6d drm/msm/dsi-staging: Add IRC funciton for HBM SV

Bug: 145720702
Bug: 147412109
Bug: 148989304
Bug: 149068889
Bug: 149883582
Bug: 150256781
Pick-Prebuilt: 294958001
Build-Id: 6238883
Processing-Config: kernel_headers
Signed-off-by: Howie Chang <[email protected]>
Change-Id: I079ab891ac06c9aed023597c439721f858c7fa9d
562 files changed