tangorpro: update kernel-and-modules prebuilt
Linux version 5.10.107-android13-4-00029-g4f1e1edb0859-ab8589899
(build-user@build-host) (Android (8508608, based on r450784e)
clang version 14.0.7
4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6), LLD 14.0.7) #1 SMP
PREEMPT Fri May 13 21:25:46 UTC 2022
aosp: (6 changes)
4f1e1edb Revert "ANDROID: KVM: arm64: pkvm: Ensure that TLBs and I-cache are private to each vcpu"
273ad59b ANDROID: Update the ABI representation
9328b6c4 ANDROID: Update the ABI symbol list
207e72ba BACKPORT: esp: Fix possible buffer overflow in ESP transformation
45361b5a Revert "Revert "binder: Prevent context manager from incrementing ref 0""
aosp-staging: (7 changes)
d446fc19 Merge android13-5.10 into android13-5.10-pixel-staging
4f1e1edb Revert "ANDROID: KVM: arm64: pkvm: Ensure that TLBs and I-cache are private to each vcpu"
273ad59b ANDROID: Update the ABI representation
9328b6c4 ANDROID: Update the ABI symbol list
45361b5a Revert "Revert "binder: Prevent context manager from incrementing ref 0""
build/kernel: (9 changes)
707fbc4a kleaf: kernel_build_abi collect_unstripped_modules = True by default.
4d7edd70 extract_symbols: include gki_modules when collecting undefined symbols
915652b0 Revert "extract_symbol add arg to include module exports"
8d41a25b checkpatch: Fix regex that detects KERNEL_DIR project
0e1dc30f abi/extract_symbols: update to avoid extra symbol list churn
5ae5bbd3 extract_symbol add arg to include module exports
e6d9f14d Initial commit for boot-img.tar.gz
03f6a7a1 build.sh don't infer kleaf command for GKI phase in mixed build.
7d3a2059 build{_abi,}.sh: Improve equivalent Bazel command
kernel/tests: (332 changes)
9aa7f948 [automerger skipped] net-test: not supported in netns before 4.15 if BH_TIMEOUT_SYSCTL does not exist. am: 17a08fbb06 am: db5726ce9b am: 529fa00bd7 -s ours
de7c94b7 [automerger skipped] Merge "net-test: Reset blackhole before fastopen test" into android12-tests-dev am: f1fe90dff3 -s ours am: 3e77463ce6 -s ours
5149e799 [automerger skipped] net-test: Reset blackhole before fastopen test am: c5e2282dc9 -s ours am: b66edbf2e5 -s ours
e60a51fa [automerger skipped] fix: change next IP header option to "3b" (no next header) am: 37faf0c1fe am: 889acf768e am: d8ecb32289 am: 47a3f8e6eb -s ours
1cebc5af Snap for 4674419 from b8cc6311ddeda74d6e3aa22a11fedb831a28c6bd to qt-release
prebuilts/boot-artifacts: (2 changes)
0b1e8723 Update the GKI binaries to ab/8597336
8a5e91e3 ramdisks: update the AOSP boot/vendor ramdisk to ab/8596127
prebuilts/build-tools: (1 change)
6232530a Update build-tools to ab/8604402
prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86: (3 changes)
f88052ae Merge "Docs for benchmarking Clang's build performance"
ecd0b4fc Bump the default C version to gnu11.
692d9468 Docs for benchmarking Clang's build performance
private/devices/google/tangorpro: (1 change)
c5f22666 ramdisks: update the AOSP boot/vendor ramdisk to ab/8596127
private/google-modules/aoc: (7 changes)
0315e98f Fix the crash reason for AoC restarts
616bcd07 Merge android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
97075575 aoc/alsa: change the name for immersive playback
8a71b73e update aoc-interface.h to build 8566290
3ab4a30b Bundle board_id and board_rev to aoc-board-cfg in DT
94d47cd1 [Audio] Add 192k support for aoc alsa.
70ef8bd8 aoc/alsa: add mixer control to mmap record gain
private/google-modules/bms: (12 changes)
ba7f4ecf google_cpm: disable the CP on limit
afb445a0 google_cpm: reset MDIS limits while switching chargers
a1e85e90 max1720x_battery: log pattern adjustment
37549761 p9221_charger: send phone_type in tx_id for RTx mode
507498bd max1720x_battery: pause dynamic filtercfg when POR
56da1b7e p9221_charger: limit to EPP (10W) when SOC >=80%
9f3bd49f google_charger: update dd_state when dock_defend is running
235ed2ed p9221_charger: add wakup_source for align work
45eabab7 p9221_charger: reduce log pressure
1bd0c0ec p9221_chager: features: reset icl_ramp_alt_ua on disconnect
47ae7769 google_battery; improve logging of CSI data
dc19b98c max77759: change external booster FCCM mode at high battery voltage
private/google-modules/display: (7 changes)
376501f4 s6e3hc4: modify sleep in/out command sequence
d85a35b8 samsung: skip frame update if seeing failure to wait for fence
19987938 panel: nt37290: command and sequence changes for RRS
3a5cfaa4 panel: nt37290: allow OSC2 access while in AOD and OFF
6769020e panel: nt37290: delay DSC reg init for RRS
c88f8272 panel: delay DSC reg init for RRS
76090924 drm: samsung: add support of delay DSC reg init
private/google-modules/gpu: (2 changes)
1fdbcc98 Merge android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
5eb4e28d mali_kbase: use RT_MUTEX for some job submission and context locks
private/google-modules/gxp/gs201: (1 change)
35e3403a [Copybara Auto Merge] Merge branch 'gs201-release' into 'android13-gs-pixel-5.10'
private/google-modules/lwis: (1 change)
029a789f LWIS: move group_i2c_lock to i2c device
private/google-modules/touch/common: (1 change)
2b29a5d3 touch/common: align android-gs-pixel-mainline branch changes.
private/google-modules/touch/novatek: (new)
private/google-modules/touch/synaptics: (2 changes)
e3e6ba6f synaptics: enable the helper callback
a39225b6 synaptics: update driver version to 1.2.8
private/google-modules/wlan/bcmdhd4389: (1 change)
36b003ce bcmdhd: Adjust dpc bound threshold and DHD_LB_TXBOUND for reducing lock time of cpu.
private/gs-google: (47 changes)
76c9d0e2 Merge "Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10" into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
bb9da83f Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
e030eefd Revert "dwc3: Drive S2MPU directly"
5b278816 Revert "arm64: dts: gs201: Update HSI0 S2MPU nodes"
53dac559 Revert "usb: dwc3: Do not suspend S2MPU in Host mode"
45a7bcdf usb: dwc3: control pullup by typec notification
1260105e usb: dwc3: cancel gadget retry during device reboot
59b3713e usb: dwc3: Do not suspend S2MPU in Host mode
ef621617 arm64: dts: gs201: Update HSI0 S2MPU nodes
92434dc6 dwc3: Drive S2MPU directly
d0ac8496 arm64/dts: update HPP FOD parameters
1e6874ca arm64/dts: Lower I2C clock rate to 785KHz on hsi2c_3
1e96cdfa gvotable: check if creating force_int_* debug entry
507cad27 arm64/dts: add phone_type in tx_id for RTx mode
5ee8ca3f Revert "arm64/dts: gs201: Add SYSMMU_SYNC devices, link to S2MPUs"
8f60204b Revert "s2mpu: Parse and register SYSMMU_SYNC devices"
ccf950f3 Revert "s2mpu: Call pkvm_iommu_finalize after last S2MPU"
0b141a37 Revert "pkvm-s2mpu: Add 'no-pkvm' DT flag"
95edbb5c arm64/dts: FCCM mode during OTG for battery voltage settings
e60d5239 vendor_hook: sched: Add control for reduce_prefer_idle
4bf186ce Merge android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
a4d9c504 arm64/dts: devfreq: add boot_info
4f1e1edb Revert "ANDROID: KVM: arm64: pkvm: Ensure that TLBs and I-cache are private to each vcpu"
273ad59b ANDROID: Update the ABI representation
9328b6c4 ANDROID: Update the ABI symbol list
b1d977d7 google/debug: ehld: handle hrtimers correctly in CPUHP and CPUPM
82cba4cf Revert "google/debug: ehld: stop and restart hrtimer at CPU PM"
ac606342 google/debug: ehld: fix exynos_ehld_stop_cpu()
207e72ba BACKPORT: esp: Fix possible buffer overflow in ESP transformation
6fdf37ab devfreq: add sysfs node "cancel_boot_freq"
46fc349c ANDROID: Update the ABI representation
d73d3835 Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101
45361b5a Revert "Revert "binder: Prevent context manager from incrementing ref 0""
d2b4cabc aoc/alsa: dts: change the name for immersive playback
c1e9c161 aoc/alsa: dt-bindings: change the name for immersive playback
6030a29c Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101
34ece06d arm64/dts: Add board_id and board_rev to aoc
a756253f pcie: exynos: Skip PHY isloation on hot reset test
3a444585 Revert "vendor_hook: sched: Implement vendor group util"
dd8ce436 Revert "vendor_hook: sched: Check if cfs_rq->curr is a task"
3c960e66 gvotable: export run_election API with force_callback parameter
00ce763c usb: have gvotable callback return an error code
3e3968b5 gvotable: have callback return an error code
76667d57 arm64/dts: enable battery pairing feature
ef31bb73 vendor_hook: sched: Add trace for compute_energy
dafb6e53 vh: sched: rt: prefer to overutilized CPU from unfit CPU
1910957b soc/google/cpif: Keep DIT downstream netdev until removeDownstream
Bug: 166779391
Bug: 178016953
Bug: 190236772
Bug: 197891965
Bug: 198122814
Bug: 201260585
Bug: 205270843
Bug: 211546634
Bug: 212601547
Bug: 215592076
Bug: 216524966
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Bug: 218343557
Bug: 219552844
Bug: 220948703
Bug: 222020001
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Bug: 224446585
Bug: 227135055
Bug: 227282043
Bug: 227452856
Bug: 228383688
Bug: 228615183
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Bug: 228877936
Bug: 228981355
Bug: 230305456
Bug: 230351177
Bug: 230387042
Bug: 230586904
Bug: 230692528
Bug: 231259857
Bug: 231271909
Bug: 231315699
Bug: 231355199
Bug: 231535301
Bug: 231630423
Bug: 231662955
Bug: 231866979
Bug: 232009254
Bug: 232193483
Bug: 232390891
Bug: 232424854
Bug: 232660781
Bug: 232719474
Bug: 232789455
Bug: 232835494
Pick-Prebuilt: 449581464
Build-Id: 8612200
Processing-Config: kernel_headers
Change-Id: I755c5becf766d8ebecadec63c0f304b053d86768
Signed-off-by: Robin Peng <[email protected]>
513 files changed