tangorpro: update kernel-and-modules prebuilt
Linux version 5.10.107-android13-4-00206-g4dce9d7a65b1-ab8534322
(build-user@build-host) (Android (8508608, based on r450784e)
clang version 14.0.7
4c603efb0cca074e9238af8b4106c30add4418f6), LLD 14.0.7) #1 SMP
PREEMPT Tue May 3 09:14:34 UTC 2022
aosp-staging: (new)
build/bazel_common_rules: (3 changes)
dc7641a7 dist: Allow to suppress logs by default.
a89db65c Merge "Allow setting a copy_to_dist_dir's visibility attribute."
3a963c6f Allow setting a copy_to_dist_dir's visibility attribute.
build/kernel: (17 changes)
e2bc5a45 kleaf: Add ability to control -j in Kbuild make
ee871583 Add GKI modules objects for symbol comparison
6d948c84 kleaf: common_kernels add tags=[manual] in targets.
716838c8 build.sh: publish gdb scripts
6f0fc79e ANDROID: GKI: drop ignored lines from short STG ABI diff report
5b0123c6 ANDROID: GKI: name argument to splitlines
183757ab kleaf: No more experimental text.
d0aec1ed kleaf: Fix vendor_boot_name predicate.
fc48412c kleaf: ABI monitoring docs
f9574c52 kleaf: Fix default value for kernel_module.outs.
eb4f4294 kleaf: filter out check_no_remaining for kernel_extracted_symbols
24987c2a kleaf: prevent kernel_build_abi_dist from modifying the data argument.
585b4229 kleaf: Fix fail message.
76087e63 Add rel_path2 to build_utils.
a1d74eee check_defconfig also look for DEFCONFIG in OUT_DIR
e5b6a01b ANDROID: GKI: collapse non-contiguous stgdiff CRC-only changes
3def9409 kleaf: Delete debug log.
external/googletest: (1 change)
95298b0a Changes to gmock to support isolated as default
kernel/tests: (2 changes)
d7ef9682 Merge "fix for loss of python on glinux"
dc93e527 fix for loss of python on glinux
prebuilts/boot-artifacts: (1 change)
48bb45cd ramdisks: update the AOSP boot/vendor ramdisk to ab/8558612
prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86: (3 changes)
87131131 Remove unused clang-r450784c
7c3dd2ed Merge "Remove unused clang-r450784b"
1f5ed47b Remove unused clang-r450784b
private/devices/google/tangorpro: (3 changes)
398e05a7 Merge "update_symbol_list.sh: update tangorpro build files" into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
28104ae9 update_symbol_list.sh: update tangorpro build files
b7101bbb ramdisks: update the AOSP boot/vendor ramdisk to ab/8558612
private/google-modules/amplifiers: (1 change)
47f06688 cs35l41: restore current limit to the last value
private/google-modules/aoc: (3 changes)
8a1e8c49 aoc/alsa: add mixer control to mmap record gain
65a17188 Bundle board_id and board_rev to aoc-board-cfg in DT
d669dfa8 Only send crash messages for AP triggered resets
private/google-modules/bluetooth/qcom: (3 changes)
f80aaebd btpower: mechanism to handle OOBSÂ flip and release carefully
1c991380 OOBS enhancement changes for Bluetooth Driver
217ce5e0 Add out of band sleep support to bluetooth driver
private/google-modules/bms: (17 changes)
1f4d47f0 p9221_charger: update the string format in logbuffer
7674f9eb p9221_charger: move dc_switch_gpio control to usecase
45af1769 p9221_charger: add wcin icl ramp
a2bb0fe7 p9221_charger: Remove MW load before enabling P9412 cap-divider mode
f956a7f0 gbms: have gvotable callback return an error code
c5248b39 google_battery: bring up battery pairing function
696603ce max1720x_battery: support for fade rate
43bec427 google_battery: BHI: health index stats
991f47e6 p9221_charger: reschedule notifier_work if not getting the property
392b9122 p9221_chip: only send ccreset when it is mfg_google
cd50325d google_cpm: add 0 to state2power_table
5b74da48 google_battery: implement bhi algo by battery capacity
77da1104 google_charger: add error handling for EAGAIN in chg_work
41afd0f7 gbms_power_supply: add properties for BHI
bbcd3e06 google_eeprom: add GCFE, RAVG and RFCN tags
188a464b gbms_storage: fix debug print for providers without ->info
913d14e2 google_charger: minor edit
private/google-modules/display: (6 changes)
2409d395 s6e3hc4: correct panel stage for SP lock/unlock commands
9c449652 panel: avoid ghbm/lhbm/bl updates during lp mode
5bc34496 panel: update brightness change and buffer synchronization
88cf42fd s6e3hc4: add LHBM DBV settings
128a84c9 samsung/panel: don't call commit_done callback under AOD mode
b97b77e3 drm: samsung: correct rcd win state when rcd isn't composited by DPU
private/google-modules/edgetpu/janeiro: (1 change)
af622a86 [Copybara Auto Merge] Merge branch 'pro' into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
private/google-modules/gpu: (11 changes)
098cd01f mali_kbase: tune shader idle value down slightly
38521c99 Merge android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
ea2685cf mali_kbase: use rt_mutex for CSF lock
d6c306f4 mali_kbase: Ensure GPU L2 is up prior to MMU cmd
76ee8a59 mali_kbase: Do not block L2 power up on MCU, when desired
6b8583d5 mali_kbase: platform: turn on MALI_PIXEL_GPU_SSCD
c7441813 mali_kbase: Convert delay to jiffies to enqueue work
8756af25 mali_kbase: Add gpu_power_state tracepoint for cores
3c79757b mali_kbase: platform: Add PM event log to SSCD
24f884bf Revert "mali_kbase: Ensure GPU L2 is up prior to MMU cmd"
53773b3e Add option for ordered Mali kbase memory pools.
private/google-modules/lwis: (2 changes)
98c47526 LWIS: Checking the return value if i2c-lock-group-id property is not set
4c85aaf5 LWIS: Add new device tree property i2c-lock-group-id feature
private/google-modules/misc: (1 change)
2d643b4d Change build_id to numeric to match configuration
private/google-modules/touch/common: (2 changes)
af4634e6 touch/common: GTI support tbn registration.
990ec8bd touch/common: change the source for vrefresh changed notification.
private/google-modules/touch/focaltech: (1 change)
03aa8825 touch/focaltech: Reduce touch firmware flashing time.
private/google-modules/touch/fts: (1 change)
4589584c fst2: modify the unregistration order whe the driver probe fails.
private/google-modules/touch/goodix: (1 change)
e2758577 goodix: Fix get fw version failed
private/google-modules/touch/synaptics: (2 changes)
921d8675 synaptics: add trace point for touch driver
dd8ac97f synaptics: dynamic change the touch report rate
private/google-modules/wlan/bcmdhd4389: (3 changes)
2c7982d0 bcmdhd: Disabled APCS for 6G band
51d45d95 bcmdhd: support multiple nvram/clm
b234dfa5 bcmdhd: Fixed to wait untill the system suspend is bailed out when the system suspend and iovar happens simultaneously.
private/gs-google: (61 changes)
661068c9 arm64/dts: move dc_switch_gpio control to usecase
d98c08fb arm64/dts: support wcin icl ramp
fd43843f media: mfc: run with NAL-Q mode only when VP9, AV1 codec
4843b127 media: mfc: add multiframe flag only when codec supports
67e2beb6 media: mfc: add CONSUMED_ONLY flag return case
82d114ba media: mfc: support MULTIFRAME flag when multi frame
c71a39ad media: mfc: fix missing timestamp copy in NAL_Q
c616627c media: mfc: update NAL-Q mode control for multi-frame
34bc9352 Revert "vendor_hook: sched: Implement vendor group util"
e5fea9cc Revert "vendor_hook: sched: Check if cfs_rq->curr is a task"
a1f55910 update_symbol_list.sh: update cloudripper build files
9a6a689c update_symbol_list.sh: support more build parameters
5a087da1 arm64/dts: Add board_id and board_rev to aoc
080d4723 iommu: pcie: drivers: move error check into iommu map once func
4ce7d971 gvotable: export run_election API with force_callback parameter
a5c7543e usb: have gvotable callback return an error code
da1c41c6 gvotable: have callback return an error code
1a0f72e2 arm64/dts: typec: Enable OVP workaround
6983bf99 vendor_hook: sched: Add trace for compute_energy
335b9c0b vh: sched: rt: prefer to overutilized CPU from unfit CPU
87a29864 Revert "google/debug: ehld: stop and restart hrtimer at CPU PM"
4c86efba google/debug: ehld: fix exynos_ehld_stop_cpu()
b32d6787 Merge android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10
ca364d99 Revert "s2mpu: Parse and register SYSMMU_SYNC devices"
0108538d Revert "arm64/dts: gs201: Add SYSMMU_SYNC devices, link to S2MPUs"
f0ba998b Revert "s2mpu: Call pkvm_iommu_finalize after last S2MPU"
309dba4d s2mpu: Call pkvm_iommu_finalize after last S2MPU
7592588d vendor_hook: sched: revert back to use most_spare_cap_cpu
1ab9c580 vendor_hook: sched: revert back to use most_spare_cap_cpu
a737a039 arm64/dts: gs201: Add SYSMMU_SYNC devices, link to S2MPUs
ddc731df s2mpu: Parse and register SYSMMU_SYNC devices
bc0cad0b google/gs201: cal-if: remove ps_hold_control config
5662c9fa google/gs201: test: remove pixel cold_reset test
020e4c0f arm64/dts: support touch dynamic report rate
4cfed05a media: mfc: move the mfc_alloc_codec_buffers()
67c31bac arm64:dts:gs201:add vddd configuration
7ee17d8a arm64:dts:add display timing
d819911e arm64/dts: gs201: Enable gps spi dma mode
75c286af arm64: dts: gs201: change clock source for pdma
3e12c27a bbdpl: make 4-byte aligned over 64 bytes spi transfer
371e579e usb: dwc3: move the operation for burst mode setting
9fa3fc05 arm64/dts: set bhi algo_ver and threshold
5fc1fe43 usb: dwc3: move the operation for burst mode setting
a45b9f77 vendor_hook: sched: Change the uclamp max of low prio tasks
e1dd06b5 vendor_hook: sched: Change the uclamp max of low prio tasks
27bdbecc usb: phy: limit the string length in phy attribute
f076fb92 google/exynos-pm: append AOC ID to wakeup reason for MAILBOX_AOCA322AP
59002a1c Merge "Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101" into android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101
21b43fbd google/debug: eat: use polling api for channel operations
e621c566 google/debug: eat: fix mbox ipc race condition
f0fef4d7 Merge android13-5.10 into android13-gs-pixel-5.10-gs101
c481f44d media: mfc: fix KASAN use-after-free case
23587215 misc: logbuffer: Fix a deadlock
072becc0 arm64/dts: gs101: Update default target_load for ALT DVFS
2ea3b081 ANDROID: trusty: add a toggle for running trusty work in higher priority
5f4ccd25 Revert "trusty: add a toggle for using high prio WQ"
5cb98157 pogo_transport: Configure USB_MUX_POGO_SEL
e7964d4e Revert "vendor_hook: sched: Refine vendor group uclamp update"
849cfd70 vendor_hook: sched: Refine RT util check
878042e7 usb: dwc3: disable INCR undefined length burst mode
f2dd6658 tcpci_max77759: Reset the OVP if Vbus times out
Bug: 156051622
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Pick-Prebuilt: 447860420
Build-Id: 8569750
Processing-Config: kernel_headers
Change-Id: Ie756264b1f530596f14fc9dc2e61f0f145b5a496
Signed-off-by: achigoliu <[email protected]>
510 files changed