Change TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB to use fully qualified names in zumapro
Since the TARGET_RECOVERY_UI_LIB for each device is not exactly the
same, and most of the modules in it contain `soong_namespace{}` to
avoid conflicts between different devices, after converting
`librecovery_ui_ext` from to Android.bp, it needs to be
changed to a `fully qualified name` in order to correctly use the
corresponding module.
Flag: EXEMPT refactor
Bug: 339143524
Test: m -j librecovery_ui_ext
Merged-In: I4b585c0b73366ba5e1f8c6461ed3ed62547af7b7
Change-Id: I4b585c0b73366ba5e1f8c6461ed3ed62547af7b7
1 file changed