hammerhead: msm8974: Set shader cache configuration options

Set the maximum shader cache size and key size that will be used by Open GL.

Bug: 9582684
Change-Id: I7f973c25ac51d7985daa13e0d8413133be80950f
diff --git a/BoardConfig.mk b/BoardConfig.mk
index a55c27c..f639d50 100644
--- a/BoardConfig.mk
+++ b/BoardConfig.mk
@@ -29,6 +29,16 @@
 BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=hammerhead user_debug=31 vmalloc=400M maxcpus=4 lpj=192411 msm_watchdog_v2.enable=1
 BOARD_MKBOOTIMG_ARGS := --ramdisk_offset 0x02900000 --tags_offset 0x02700000
+# Shader cache config options
+# Maximum size of the  GLES Shaders that can be cached for reuse.
+# Increase the size if shaders of size greater than 12KB are used.
+# Maximum GLES shader cache size for each app to store the compiled shader
+# binaries. Decrease the size if RAM or Flash Storage size is a limitation
+# of the device.
+MAX_EGL_CACHE_SIZE := 2048*1024