CodingStyle: enable emacs display of trailing whitespace

Suggest to developers who use emacs that they turn on the
instantaneous trailing-whitespace warning feature.

Signed-off-by: Alison Chaiken <[email protected]>
[jc: untabified to match its surroundings]
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Corbet <[email protected]>
diff --git a/Documentation/CodingStyle b/Documentation/CodingStyle
index 618a33c..449a8a1 100644
--- a/Documentation/CodingStyle
+++ b/Documentation/CodingStyle
@@ -527,6 +527,7 @@
                          (string-match (expand-file-name "~/src/linux-trees")
                 (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
+                (setq show-trailing-whitespace t)
                 (c-set-style "linux-tabs-only")))))
 This will make emacs go better with the kernel coding style for C