ioctx_alloc(): fix vma (and file) leak on failure

If we fail past the aio_setup_ring(), we need to destroy the
mapping.  We don't need to care about anybody having found ctx,
or added requests to it, since the last failure exit is exactly
the failure to make ctx visible to lookups.

Reproducer (based on one by Joe Mario <[email protected]>):

void count(char *p)
	char s[80];
	printf("%s: ", p);
	sprintf(s, "/bin/cat /proc/%d/maps|/bin/fgrep -c '/[aio] (deleted)'", getpid());

int main()
	io_context_t *ctx;
	int created, limit, i, destroyed;
	FILE *f;

	if ((f = fopen("/proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr", "r")) == NULL)
		perror("opening aio-max-nr");
	else if (fscanf(f, "%d", &limit) != 1)
		fprintf(stderr, "can't parse aio-max-nr\n");
	else if ((ctx = calloc(limit, sizeof(io_context_t))) == NULL)
		perror("allocating aio_context_t array");
	else {
		for (i = 0, created = 0; i < limit; i++) {
			if (io_setup(1000, ctx + created) == 0)
		for (i = 0, destroyed = 0; i < created; i++)
			if (io_destroy(ctx[i]) == 0)
		printf("created %d, failed %d, destroyed %d\n",
			created, limit - created, destroyed);

Found-by: Joe Mario <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Signed-off-by: Al Viro <[email protected]>
1 file changed