Update README.md

Remove outdated commands.

Bug: 342510451
Change-Id: I6e838cb840847522751afaeb47b95ce39ea93d21
Signed-off-by: Jacky Liu <[email protected]>
1 file changed
tree: 3b41529ee19ff2e45ea40a90d3e7e5d319a1e571
  1. debug/
  2. kleaf/
  3. sepolicy/
  4. bazel.WORKSPACE
  5. BUILD.bazel
  6. device.bazelrc
  7. merge-from-pixel-6.1-zuma.sh
  8. README.md
  9. update_symbol_list.sh

Building with Bazel

# Files are copied to out/raviole/dist
$ tools/bazel run --config=raviole //private/devices/google/raviole:gs101_raviole_dist

See build/kernel/kleaf/README.md for details.

ABI monitoring with Bazel

Note: ABI monitoring is not supported on android-mainline branch.

# Compare ABI and build files for distribution
$ tools/bazel build --config=raviole //private/devices/google/raviole:gs101_raviole_abi

# Update symbol list aosp/android/abi_gki_aarch64_pixel
$ tools/bazel run --config=raviole //private/devices/google/raviole:gs101_raviole_abi_update_symbol_list

# Update ABI aosp/android/abi_gki_aarch64.xml
$ tools/bazel run //aosp:kernel_aarch64_abi_update