fdtrack is a file descriptor leak checker added to Android in API level 30.
fdtrack consists of several parts: a set of hooks in bionic to register a callback that‘s invoked on file descriptor operations, a library that implements a hook to perform and store backtraces for file descriptor creation, and code in frameworks to automatically enable it (and deliberately crash a process that’s leaking).
bionic provides a header in the bionic_libc_platform_headers
header_lib at <bionic/fdtrack.h>. Register a callback with android_fdtrack_compare_exchange_hook
to receive callbacks upon file descriptor creation and destruction. This function can be called at any point in order to start capturing events, but be sure to properly handle unbalanced closes. This callback may be called from an async signal safe context, but not vfork (bionic tracks whether a thread is vforked, and chooses not to call callbacks when this is the case).
libfdtrack implements a library that uses libunwindstack to unwind and store fd creation backtraces.
As the name implies, spawnFdLeakCheckThread
in SystemServer spawns a thread to monitor the number of open file descriptors every so often. If that passes a certain threshold, fdtrack is enabled. If it passes another threshold, the process is aborted. These thresholds are configurable via system properties:
// Number of open file descriptors before fdtrack starts; default 1600. private static final String SYSPROP_FDTRACK_ENABLE_THRESHOLD = "persist.sys.debug.fdtrack_enable_threshold"; // Number of open file descriptors before aborting; default 3000. private static final String SYSPROP_FDTRACK_ABORT_THRESHOLD = "persist.sys.debug.fdtrack_abort_threshold"; // Number of seconds between open fd count checks; default 120s. private static final String SYSPROP_FDTRACK_INTERVAL = "persist.sys.debug.fdtrack_interval";
Note that it's also possible to monitor the number of open file descriptors for a given process from the shell. adb shell watch ls -l /proc/<pid>/fd
will show them (and you can choose your own update rate as an argument to watch
libfdtrack registers its hook upon being loaded, so to start capturing backtraces, dlopen("libfdtrack.so", RTLD_GLOBAL)
is all that‘s needed. To dump its output to logcat, either use fdtrack_dump
, or send the signal BIONIC_SIGNAL_FDTRACK
(available from <bionic/reserved_signals.h>
) to the process. If you wish to iterate through the results programmatically, fdtrack_iterate
can be used (warning: this interface is currently unstable, don’t use it in code that can be used on multiple platform versions.)
libfdtrack adds a significant amount of overhead, so for processes that are latency-critical like system_server, it's not feasible to always capture backtraces. Instead, if you can detect that an fd leak is ongoing, turning on backtraces for a while and then triggering a dump can be sufficient. system_server implements this approach, spawning a thread that regularly checks the count of fds in the process, turns on fdtrack when it hits a threshold, and then aborts after another threshold. This dumps the output to logcat, which will be available in both the tombstone and logcat from bugreports.
There are multiple methods to unwind in Android:
libfdtrack chooses to use libunwindstack for now, since unwinding through ART is critical to being useful for the initial user, system_server.