blob: 8d1ab52e2d6f3ec8c899bef1e01cef0439e5bdf2 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## The problem
If your code is blocked in a system call when a signal needs to be delivered,
the kernel needs to interrupt that system call. For something like a read(2)
call where some data has already been read, the call can just return with
what data it has. (This is one reason why read(2) sometimes returns less data
than you asked for, even though more data is available. It also explains why
such behavior is relatively rare, and a cause of bugs.)
But what if read(2) hasn't read any data yet? Or what if you've made some other
system call, for which there is no equivalent "partial" success, such as
poll(2)? In poll(2)'s case, there's either something to report (in which
case the system call would already have returned), or there isn't.
The kernel's solution to this problem is to return failure (-1) and set
errno to `EINTR`: "interrupted system call".
### Can I just opt out?
Technically, yes. In practice on Android, no. Technically if a signal's
disposition is set to ignore, the kernel doesn't even have to deliver the
signal, so your code can just stay blocked in the system call it was already
making. In practice, though, you can't guarantee that all signals are either
ignored or will kill your process... Unless you're a small single-threaded
C program that doesn't use any libraries, you can't realistically make this
guarantee. If any code has installed a signal handler, you need to cope with
`EINTR`. And if you're an Android app, the zygote has already installed a whole
host of signal handlers before your code even starts to run. (And, no, you
can't ignore them instead, because some of them are critical to how ART works.
For example: Java `NullPointerException`s are optimized by trapping `SIGSEGV`
signals so that the code generated by the JIT doesn't have to insert explicit
null pointer checks.)
### Why don't I see this in Java code?
You won't see this in Java because the decision was taken to hide this issue
from Java programmers. Basically, all the libraries like `*` and
`*` hide this from you. (The same should be true of `android.*` too,
so it's worth filing bugs if you find any exceptions that aren't documented!)
### Why doesn't libc do that too?
For most people, things would be easier if libc hid this implementation
detail. But there are legitimate use cases, and automatically retrying
would hide those. For example, you might want to use signals and `EINTR`
to interrupt another thread (in fact, that's how interruption of threads
doing I/O works in Java behind the scenes!). As usual, C/C++ choose the more
powerful but more error-prone option.
## The fix
### Easy cases
In most cases, the fix is simple: wrap the system call with the
`TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY` macro. This is basically a while loop that retries the
system call as long as the result is -1 and errno is `EINTR`.
So, for example:
n = read(fd, buf, buf_size); // BAD!
n = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(fd, buf, buf_size)); // GOOD!
### close(2)
TL;DR: *never* wrap close(2) calls with `TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY`.
The case of close(2) is complicated. POSIX explicitly says that close(2)
shouldn't close the file descriptor if it returns `EINTR`, but that's *not*
true on Linux (and thus on Android). See
[Returning EINTR from close()](
for more discussion.
Given that most Android code (and especially "all apps") are multithreaded,
retrying close(2) is especially dangerous because the file descriptor might
already have been reused by another thread, so the "retry" succeeds, but
actually closes a *different* file descriptor belonging to a *different*
### Timeouts
System calls with timeouts are the other interesting case where "just wrap
everything with `TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY()`" doesn't work. Because some amount of
time will have elapsed, you'll want to recalculate the timeout. Otherwise you
can end up with your 1 minute timeout being indefinite if you're receiving
signals at least once per minute, say. In this case you'll want to do
something like adding an explicit loop around your system call, calculating
the timeout _inside_ the loop, and using `continue` each time the system call
fails with `EINTR`.