Check that NDK-built modules only link to NDK-built modules
Modules built against the NDK should only link against modules also
built against the NDK (or link to the NDK prebuilts). This patch
attempts to catch these cases, and prints a large warning when this is
violated. Once the tree is cleaned up, this will change to an error.
Change-Id: Ib6ffcc38d9161abdbe45a58af26ba429fb6f1876
diff --git a/core/ b/core/
index 0c57030..bcf07c2 100644
--- a/core/
+++ b/core/
@@ -1208,6 +1208,43 @@
$(hide) touch $@
+## Verify that NDK-built libraries only link against
+## other NDK-built libraries
+my_link_type := $(intermediates)/link_type
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_LINK_TYPE := ndk
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_ALLOWED_TYPES := ndk
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_LINK_TYPE := platform
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_ALLOWED_TYPES := (ndk|platform)
+my_link_type_deps := $(strip \
+ $(foreach l,$(my_whole_static_libraries) $(my_static_libraries), \
+ $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/link_type))
+my_link_type_deps += $(strip \
+ $(foreach l,$(my_shared_libraries), \
+ $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/link_type))
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_DEPS := $(my_link_type_deps)
+$(my_link_type): PRIVATE_MODULE := $(LOCAL_MODULE)
+$(my_link_type): $(my_link_type_deps)
+ @echo Check module type: $@
+ $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) && rm -f $@
+ifdef my_link_type_deps
+ $(hide) for f in $(PRIVATE_DEPS); do \
+ grep -qE '^$(PRIVATE_ALLOWED_TYPES)$$' $$f || \
+ $(call echo-warning,"$(PRIVATE_MAKEFILE): $(PRIVATE_MODULE) ($(PRIVATE_LINK_TYPE)) should not link to $$(basename $${f%_intermediates/link_type}) ($$(cat $$f))"); \
+ done
+ $(hide) echo $(PRIVATE_LINK_TYPE) >$@
## Common object handling.
@@ -1560,4 +1597,4 @@
.KATI_RESTAT: $(export_includes)
# Make sure export_includes gets generated when you are running mm/mmm
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) : | $(export_includes)
+$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) : | $(export_includes) $(my_link_type)