bp2build progress graphs
This directory contains tools to generate reports and .png graphs of the bp2build conversion progress, for any module.
This tool relies on json-module-graph
and bp2build
to be buildable targets for this branch.
: turning dot graphviz files into .pngs
Tip: --use_queryview=true
runs bp2build_progress.py
with queryview.
b run //build/bazel/scripts/bp2build_progress -- <mode> <flags> ...
- --module, -m : Name(s) of Soong module(s). Multiple modules only supported for report.
- --type, -t : Type(s) of Soong module(s). Multiple modules only supported in report mode.
- --package-dir, -p: Package directory for Soong modules. Single package directory only supported for report.
- --recursive, -r: Whether to perform recursive search when --package-dir or -p flag is passed.
- --use-queryview: Whether to use queryview or module_info.
- --ignore-by-name : Comma-separated list. When building the tree of transitive dependencies, will not follow dependency edges pointing to module names listed by this flag.
- --ignore-java-auto-deps : Whether to ignore automatically added java deps.
- --banchan : Whether to run Soong in a banchan configuration rather than lunch.
- --show-converted, -s : Show bp2build-converted modules in addition to the unconverted dependencies to see full dependencies post-migration. By default converted dependencies are not shown.
- --hide-unconverted-modules-reasons: Hide unconverted modules reasons of heuristics and bp2build_metrics.pb. By default unconverted modules reasons are shown.
Generate the report for a module, e.g. adbd
b run //build/bazel/scripts/bp2build_progress:bp2build_progress \
-- report -m <module-name>
b run //build/bazel/scripts/bp2build_progress:bp2build_progress \
-- report -m <module-name> --use-queryview
When running in report mode, you can also write results to a proto with the flag --proto-file
Generate the graph for a module, e.g. adbd
b run //build/bazel/scripts/bp2build_progress:bp2build_progress \
-- graph -m adbd -o /tmp/graph.in && \
dot -Tpng -o /tmp/graph.png /tmp/graph.in
b run //build/bazel/scripts/bp2build_progress:bp2build_progress \
-- graph -m adbd --use-queryview -o /tmp/graph.in && \
dot -Tpng -o /tmp/graph.png /tmp/graph.in
Note: Currently, file output paths cannot be relative (b/283512659).