
cargo_embargo is a tool to generate Android.bp files automatically for external Rust crates which are intended to build with cargo. It can be built with m cargo_embargo and run with cargo_embargo generate cargo_embargo.json in a directory containing one or more Rust packages. If successful this will write out an Android.bp file.


cargo_embargo is configured with a JSON configuration file usually called cargo_embargo.json. This can contain a number of options, specified at several levels. A config may cover one or more packages, and have one or more variants. All packages under external/rust/crates use a separate cargo_embargo.json file per package, but other users (such as crosvm) may use a single cargo_embargo.json for a tree of many packages. Most configurations have a single variant, but multiple variants are used in some cases to provide both std and no_std variants of a package.

The overall structure of a config file looks like this:

  // Top-level options, for all packages and variants.
  "package": {
    "package_name": {
      // Options for all variants of a package.
    "another_package_name": {
      // ...
  "variants": [
      // Options for a specific variant of all packages.
      "package": {
        "package_name": {
          // Options for a specific variant of a specific package.
      // Options for another variant.

If a package is not included in the package map then it is assumed to use default options. If the package map is omitted then all packages will use default options. If variants is omitted then there is assumed to be a single variant. Thus {} is a valid config file for a single variant with all default options.

A typical config file for a simple package may look like:

  "run_cargo": false,
  "tests": true

This expands to a single variant with the given options, and all packages (i.e. the only one) using default options.

Top-level configuration options

These options may all be specified at the top level of the config file, or overridden per variant.

testsbooleanfalseWhether to output rust_test modules.
featureslist of strings-Set of features to enable. If not set, uses the default crate features.
workspacebooleanfalseWhether to build with --workspace.
workspace_excludeslist of strings[]When workspace is enabled, list of --exclude crates.
global_defaultsstring-Value to use for every generated module's defaults field.
apex_availablelist of strings["//apex_available:platform", "//apex_available:anyapex"]Value to use for every generated library module's apex_available field.
native_bridge_supportedbooleanfalseValue to use for every generated library module's native_bridge_supported field.
product_availablebooleantrueValue to use for every generated library module's product_available field.
ramdisk_availablebooleanfalseValue to use for every generated library module's ramdisk_available field.
recovery_availablebooleanfalseValue to use for every generated library module's recovery_available field.
vendor_availablebooleantrueValue to use for every generated library module's vendor_available field.
vendor_ramdisk_availablebooleanfalseValue to use for every generated library module's vendor_ramdisk_available field.
min_sdk_versionstring-Minimum SDK version for generated modules' min_sdk_version field.
module_name_overridesstring => string{}Map of renames for modules. For example, if a “libfoo” would be generated and there is an entry (“libfoo”, “libbar”), the generated module will be called “libbar” instead.
cfg_blocklistlist of strings[]cfg flags in this list will not be included.
extra_cfglist of strings[]Extra cfg flags to enable in output modules.
module_blocklistlist of strings[]Modules in this list will not be generated.
module_visibilitystring => list of strings{}Modules name => Soong “visibility” property.
run_cargobooleantrueWhether to run the cargo build and parse its output, rather than just figuring things out from the cargo metadata.
generate_androidbpbooleantrueWhether to generate Android build rules in an Android.bp file.
generate_rulesmkbooleanfalseWhether to generate Trusty build rules in and Android.bp files.

Of particular note, it is preferable to set run_cargo to false where possible as it is significantly faster. However, this may miss important details in more complicated cases, such as packages with a, so it is recommended to run with run_cargo set to true initially, and then compare the output when it is changed to false.

Per-package configuration options

These options may be specified per package. Most may also be overridden per variant. They may not be specified outside of a package.

NameTypeDefaultPer variantMeaning
add_toplevel_blockpath-noFile with content to append to the end of the generated Android.bp.
patchpath-noPatch file to apply after Android.bp is generated.
rulesmk_patchpath-noPatch file to apply after is generated.
license_textlist of paths-noFiles to use for license_text in license module.
allocbooleanfalseyesLink against alloc. Only valid if no_std is also true.
device_supportedbooleantrueyesWhether to compile for device. Defaults to true.
host_supportedbooleantrueyesWhether to compile for host. Defaults to true.
host_first_multilibbooleanfalseyesAdd a compile_multilib: "first" property to host modules.
force_rlibbooleanfalseyesGenerate “rust_library_rlib” instead of “rust_library”.
no_presubmitbooleanfalseyesWhether to disable “unit_test” for “rust_test” modules.
add_module_blockpath-yesFile with content to append to the end of each generated module.
dep_blocklistlist of strings[]yesModules in this list will not be added as dependencies of generated modules.
no_stdbooleanfalseyesDon't link against std, only core.
copy_outbooleanfalseyesCopy output to ./out/* and add a genrule to copy ./out/* to genrule output.
test_datastring => list of strings{}yesAdd the given files to the given tests' data property. The key is the test source filename relative to the crate
whole_static_libslist of strings[]yesStatic libraries in this list will instead be added as whole_static_libs.
exported_c_header_dirlist of paths[]yesDirectories with headers to export for C usage.


For importing a new package, you may start by running cargo_embargo's autoconfig mode:

cargo_embargo autoconfig cargo_embargo.json

This will attempt to generate a suitable cargo_embargo.json for the package in the current directory, by trying with run_cargo both true and false, and including tests if there are any.