tree: c2a3ba6ae4b512648ba74eed2e59054979840f88 [path history] [tgz]
  1. aho-corasick/
  2. async-trait/
  3. either/
  4. plotters/
  5. rustc-demangle-capi/

Test data for cargo_embargo

The files here are used for cargo_embargo integration tests. Run the tests with

atest --host cargo_embargo.test

Handling changes in Cargo output

When the output of cargo metadata changes, you need to update the cargo.metadata files found in the subdirectories here. Do this with:

for crate in aho-corasick async-trait either plotters rustc-demangle-capi; do
    pushd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/rust/crates/$crate
    cargo metadata --format-version 1 | jq --sort-keys \
      > $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/development/tools/cargo_embargo/testdata/$crate/cargo.metadata

Run the integration tests again after updating the crate metadata.

Some tests will likely fail because of outdated information in the other test files:

  • expected_Android.bp: Adjust the version numbers to match the current version from cargo.metadata.
  • crates.json: Adjust version numbers and package_dir as necessary.
  • cargo_embargo.json: Adjust the list of Cargo features if this has changed since the file was last touched.