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# Tutorials
If you are a total newbie, try this guide:
* [](
Here are some good write-ups to show how to effectively use AFL++:
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
* [](
If you do not want to follow a tutorial but rather try an exercise type of
training, then we can highly recommend the following:
* [](
Here is a good workflow description (and tutorial) for qemu_mode:
* [](
Here is good workflow description for frida_mode:
* [](
If you are interested in fuzzing structured data (where you define what the
structure is), these links have you covered (some are outdated though):
* libprotobuf for AFL++:
* libprotobuf raw:
* libprotobuf for old AFL++ API:
* Superion for AFL++:
For a very in-depth explanation on how AFL++ works check out:
## Video Tutorials
* [Install AFL++ Ubuntu](
* [[Fuzzing with AFLplusplus] Installing AFLPlusplus and fuzzing a simple C program](
* [[Fuzzing with AFLplusplus] How to fuzz a binary with no source code on Linux in persistent mode](
* [Blackbox Fuzzing #1: Start Binary-Only Fuzzing using AFL++ QEMU mode](
* [HOPE 2020 (2020): Hunting Bugs in Your Sleep - How to Fuzz (Almost) Anything With AFL/AFL++](
* [How Fuzzing with AFL works!](
* [WOOT '20 - AFL++ : Combining Incremental Steps of Fuzzing Research](
If you find other good ones, please send them to us :-)