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# OpenCL<sup>TM</sup> API C++ bindings
Doxgen documentation for the bindings is available here:
* `include/CL/opencl.hpp`:
The latest, maintained, version of the C++ bindings. It should work with all
versions of OpenCL (including 1.x). This is what most users will want.
* `include/CL/cl2.hpp`:
Includes `opencl.hpp` and emits a warning, for backwards compability.
* `docs`:
Doxygen file used to generate HTML documentation for `opencl.hpp`.
* `examples`:
A simple example application using the very basic features of the bindings.
* `tests`:
A (very small, incomplete) set of regression tests. Building the tests
requires Python, Ruby, Unity and CMock. For the last two we use
[Unity 2.1.0](
and [CMock top-of-tree from Github](
(the version 2.0.204 on Sourceforge does not work).
* `CMakeLists.txt`:
Build system for the examples and tests and logic for the bindings
## Build Instructions
> While the C++ Headers can be built and installed in isolation, it is part of the [OpenCL SDK]( If looking for streamlined build experience and a complete development package, refer to the SDK build instructions instead of the following guide.
### Dependencies
The C++ Headers require:
- the [OpenCL Headers](
- It is recommended to install the headers via CMake, however a convenience shorthand is provided. Providing `OPENCL_CLHPP_HEADERS_DIR` to CMake, one may specify the location of OpenCL Headers. By default, the C++ Headers will look for OpenCL Headers under `${OPENCL_DIST_DIR}/include`.
- the [OpenCL-ICD-Loader]( when building the examples
- It is recommended to install the ICD loader via CMake, however a convenience shorthand is provided. Providing `OPENCL_CLHPP_LOADER_DIR` to CMake, one may specify the location of the OpenCL ICD loader. By default, the C++ headers will look for OpenCL ICD loader under `${OPENCL_DIST_DIR}/lib`.
- The C++ Headers uses CMake for its build system.
If CMake is not provided by your build system or OS package manager, please consult the [CMake website](
- The unit tests require [CMock]( and [Unity]( To get these external dependencies, use `--recursive` when cloning
the repository, or run `git submodule update --init --recursive`.
- Generating the mock input requires [Ruby](
- Generating the docs requires Doxygen. When it is available, you can generate HTML documentation by building the `docs` target.
### Example Build
1. Clone this repo, the OpenCL ICD Loader and the OpenCL Headers:
git clone --recursive
git clone
git clone
1. Install OpenCL Headers CMake package
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-Headers/install -S ./OpenCL-Headers -B ./OpenCL-Headers/build
cmake --build ./OpenCL-Headers/build --target install
1. Build and install OpenCL ICD Loader CMake package. _(Note that `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` need to be an absolute path. Update as needed.)_
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-Headers/install -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/install -S ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader -B ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build
cmake --build ./OpenCL-ICD-Loader/build --target install
1. Build and install OpenCL C++ Headers CMake package.
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-Headers/install;/absolute/path/to/OpenCL-ICD-Loader/install" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./OpenCL-CLHPP/install -S ./OpenCL-CLHPP -B ./OpenCL-CLHPP/build
cmake --build ./OpenCL-CLHPP/build --target install
### Example Use
Example CMake invocation
cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/chosen/install/prefix/of/headers;/chosen/install/prefix/of/loader;/chosen/install/prefix/of/cppheaders" /path/to/opencl/app
and sample `CMakeLists.txt`
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
cmake_policy(VERSION 3.0...3.18.4)
add_executable(app main.cpp)
find_package(OpenCLHeaders REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCLICDLoader REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCLHeadersCpp REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE OpenCL::Headers OpenCL::OpenCL OpenCL::HeadersCpp)