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# Microkernel naming conventions
This documents deciphers XNNPACK's microkernels naming convention.
## General conventions
Microkernel function names follow this convention:
Where `<datatype>` can be:
- `cs16`
- `f16` - 16-bit half precision float
- `f32` - 32-bit single precision float
- `qc8`
- `qs8` - quantized signed 8 bit
- `qu8` - quantized unsigned 8 bit
- `s16`
- `u32`
- `x8`
- `x16`
- `x24`
- `x32`
- `xx`
`<microkernel>` is the type of microkernel, such as:
- `gemm`
- `igemm`
- `avgpool`
`<activation>` if supported for the microkernel is activation that is fused into
the microkernel:
- `linear`
- `minmax`
- `relu`
`<parameters>` are microkernel specific, and can mean different things depending
on the microkernel (see below for details).
`<arch>` is the architecture the microkernel is optimized for, and can contain
further subdivisions for additional instruction sets supported on the specified
architecture, or processor information:
- `scalar`
- `aarch32_neon_cortex_a55`
- `neonv8_mlal`
- `wasm`
- `avx512`
- `avx512skx`
## GEMM and IGEMM microkernels
The `<parameters>` for GEMM and IGEMM microkernels represent the `mr` and `nr`
of the microkernel. You can think of it as the number of rows and columns of the
output calculated by the microkernel.
E.g. `xnn_f32_gemm_minmax_ukernel_4x8__aarch32_neon_cortex_a7` processes 32
elements of the output matrix.
## Average Pooling and Global Average Pooling
These microkernels come in 2 varieties, uni-pass and multi-pass.
Uni-pass have `Cx` in their name, where `C` is a number. This microkernel
processes up to and including `C` elements.
Multi-pass have `CpDx` in their name, where `C` and `D` are numbers. This
microkernel processes `D` elements in the first pass, and middle pass (which can
run multiple times), and up to `C` elements in the last pass.
E.g. `xnn_f32_avgpool_minmax_ukernel_9x__neon_c4` can process up to 9 elements.