COMPRESS-452 document new constructors
diff --git a/src/changes/changes.xml b/src/changes/changes.xml
index 37da29a..316a074 100644
--- a/src/changes/changes.xml
+++ b/src/changes/changes.xml
@@ -81,6 +81,16 @@
       <action issue="COMPRESS-451" type="fix" date="2018-05-04">
         IOUtils.copy now verifies the buffer size is bigger than 0.
+      <action issue="COMPRESS-452" type="add" date="2018-05-09">
+        New constructors have been added to <code>SevenZFile</code>
+        that accept <code>char[]</code>s rather than
+        <code>byte[]</code>s in order to avoid a common error of using
+        the wrong encoding when creating the <code>byte[]</code>.
+        This change may break source compatibility for client code
+        that uses one of the constructors expecting a password and
+        passes in <code>null</code> as password. We recommend to
+        change the code to use a constructor without password argument.
+      </action>
     <release version="1.16.1" date="2018-02-10"
              description="Release 1.16.1">
diff --git a/src/site/xdoc/examples.xml b/src/site/xdoc/examples.xml
index 2d5bbe8..dc5184d 100644
--- a/src/site/xdoc/examples.xml
+++ b/src/site/xdoc/examples.xml
@@ -391,7 +391,22 @@, offset, content.length - offset);
-        </subsection>
+        <p>Starting with Compress 1.17 new constructors have been
+        added that accept the password as <code>char[]</code> rather
+        than a <code>byte[]</code>. We recommend you use these in
+        order to avoid the problem above.</p>
+SevenZFile sevenZFile = new SevenZFile(new File("archive.7z"), "secret".toCharArray());
+SevenZArchiveEntry entry = sevenZFile.getNextEntry();
+byte[] content = new byte[entry.getSize()];
+LOOP UNTIL entry.getSize() HAS BEEN READ {
+, offset, content.length - offset);
+      </subsection>
       <subsection name="ar">