Move utils to base_utils

Signed-off-by: Martin Bligh <[email protected]>

git-svn-id: 592f7852-d20e-0410-864c-8624ca9c26a4
diff --git a/client/bin/ b/client/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fb7a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+DO NOT import this file directly - import client/bin/,
+which will mix this in
+Convenience functions for use by tests or whomever.
+Note that this file is mixed in by - note very carefully the
+precedence order defined there
+import os, shutil, sys, signal, commands, pickle, glob, statvfs
+import math, re, string, fnmatch
+from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, utils
+def grep(pattern, file):
+    """
+    This is mainly to fix the return code inversion from grep
+    Also handles compressed files.
+    returns 1 if the pattern is present in the file, 0 if not.
+    """
+    command = 'grep "%s" > /dev/null' % pattern
+    ret = cat_file_to_cmd(file, command, ignore_status=True)
+    return not ret
+def difflist(list1, list2):
+    """returns items in list2 that are not in list1"""
+    diff = [];
+    for x in list2:
+        if x not in list1:
+            diff.append(x)
+    return diff
+def cat_file_to_cmd(file, command, ignore_status=0, return_output=False):
+    """
+    equivalent to 'cat file | command' but knows to use
+    zcat or bzcat if appropriate
+    """
+    if not os.path.isfile(file):
+        raise NameError('invalid file %s to cat to command %s'
+                % (file, command))
+    if return_output:
+        run_cmd = utils.system_output
+    else:
+        run_cmd = utils.system
+    if file.endswith('.bz2'):
+        cat = 'bzcat'
+    elif (file.endswith('.gz') or file.endswith('.tgz')):
+        cat = 'zcat'
+    else:
+        cat = 'cat'
+    return run_cmd('%s %s | %s' % (cat, file, command),
+                                                    ignore_status=ignore_status)
+def extract_tarball_to_dir(tarball, dir):
+    """
+    Extract a tarball to a specified directory name instead of whatever
+    the top level of a tarball is - useful for versioned directory names, etc
+    """
+    if os.path.exists(dir):
+        raise NameError, 'target %s already exists' % dir
+    pwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dir)))
+    newdir = extract_tarball(tarball)
+    os.rename(newdir, dir)
+    os.chdir(pwd)
+def extract_tarball(tarball):
+    """Returns the directory extracted by the tarball."""
+    extracted = cat_file_to_cmd(tarball, 'tar xvf - 2>/dev/null',
+                                    return_output=True).splitlines()
+    dir = None
+    for line in extracted:
+        line = re.sub(r'^./', '', line)
+        if not line or line == '.':
+            continue
+        topdir = line.split('/')[0]
+        if os.path.isdir(topdir):
+            if dir:
+                assert(dir == topdir)
+            else:
+                dir = topdir
+    if dir:
+        return dir
+    else:
+        raise NameError('extracting tarball produced no dir')
+def get_md5sum(file_path):
+    """Gets the md5sum of a file. You must provide a valid path to the file"""
+    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+        raise ValueError, 'invalid file %s to verify' % file_path
+    md5sum = utils.system_output("md5sum " + file_path)
+    return md5sum.split()[0]
+def unmap_url_cache(cachedir, url, expected_md5):
+    """
+    Downloads a file from a URL to a cache directory. If the file is already
+    at the expected position and has the expected md5 number, let's not
+    download it again.
+    """
+    # Let's convert cachedir to a canonical path, if it's not already
+    cachedir = os.path.realpath(cachedir)
+    if not os.path.isdir(cachedir):
+        try:
+            utils.system('mkdir -p ' + cachedir)
+        except:
+            raise ValueError('Could not create cache directory %s' % cachedir)
+    file_from_url = os.path.basename(url)
+    file_local_path = os.path.join(cachedir, file_from_url)
+    if os.path.isfile(file_local_path):
+        file_md5 = get_md5sum(file_local_path)
+        if file_md5 == expected_md5:
+            # File is already at the expected position and ready to go
+            src = file_from_url
+        else:
+            # Let's download the package again, it's corrupted...
+            src = url
+    else:
+        # File is not there, let's download it
+        src = url
+    return utils.unmap_url(cachedir, src, cachedir)
+def force_copy(src, dest):
+    """Replace dest with a new copy of src, even if it exists"""
+    if os.path.isfile(dest):
+        os.remove(dest)
+    if os.path.isdir(dest):
+        dest = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src))
+    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
+    return dest
+def force_link(src, dest):
+    """Link src to dest, overwriting it if it exists"""
+    return utils.system("ln -sf %s %s" % (src, dest))
+def file_contains_pattern(file, pattern):
+    """Return true if file contains the specified egrep pattern"""
+    if not os.path.isfile(file):
+        raise NameError('file %s does not exist' % file)
+    return not utils.system('egrep -q "' + pattern + '" ' + file, ignore_status=True)
+def list_grep(list, pattern):
+    """True if any item in list matches the specified pattern."""
+    compiled = re.compile(pattern)
+    for line in list:
+        match =
+        if (match):
+            return 1
+    return 0
+def get_os_vendor():
+    """Try to guess what's the os vendor
+    """
+    issue = '/etc/issue'
+    if not os.path.isfile(issue):
+        return 'Unknown'
+    if file_contains_pattern(issue, 'Red Hat'):
+        return 'Red Hat'
+    elif file_contains_pattern(issue, 'Fedora'):
+        return 'Fedora Core'
+    elif file_contains_pattern(issue, 'SUSE'):
+        return 'SUSE'
+    elif file_contains_pattern(issue, 'Ubuntu'):
+        return 'Ubuntu'
+    elif file_contains_pattern(issue, 'Debian'):
+        return 'Debian'
+    else:
+        return 'Unknown'
+def get_vmlinux():
+    """Return the full path to vmlinux
+    Ahem. This is crap. Pray harder. Bad Martin.
+    """
+    vmlinux = '/boot/vmlinux-%s' % utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    if os.path.isfile(vmlinux):
+        return vmlinux
+    vmlinux = '/lib/modules/%s/build/vmlinux' % utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    if os.path.isfile(vmlinux):
+        return vmlinux
+    return None
+def get_systemmap():
+    """Return the full path to
+    Ahem. This is crap. Pray harder. Bad Martin.
+    """
+    map = '/boot/' % utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    if os.path.isfile(map):
+        return map
+    map = '/lib/modules/%s/build/' % utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    if os.path.isfile(map):
+        return map
+    return None
+def get_modules_dir():
+    """Return the modules dir for the running kernel version"""
+    kernel_version = utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    return '/lib/modules/%s/kernel' % kernel_version
+def get_cpu_arch():
+    """Work out which CPU architecture we're running on"""
+    f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+    cpuinfo = f.readlines()
+    f.close()
+    if list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*(RS64|POWER3|Broadband Engine)'):
+        return 'power'
+    elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER4'):
+        return 'power4'
+    elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER5'):
+        return 'power5'
+    elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER6'):
+        return 'power6'
+    elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*PPC970'):
+        return 'power970'
+    elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^flags.*:.* lm .*'):
+        return 'x86_64'
+    else:
+        return 'i386'
+def get_current_kernel_arch():
+    """Get the machine architecture, now just a wrap of 'uname -m'."""
+    return os.popen('uname -m').read().rstrip()
+def get_file_arch(filename):
+    # -L means follow symlinks
+    file_data = utils.system_output('file -L ' + filename)
+    if file_data.count('80386'):
+        return 'i386'
+    return None
+def count_cpus():
+    """number of CPUs in the local machine according to /proc/cpuinfo"""
+    f = file('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
+    cpus = 0
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        if line.startswith('processor'):
+            cpus += 1
+    return cpus
+# Returns total memory in kb
+def read_from_meminfo(key):
+    meminfo = utils.system_output('grep %s /proc/meminfo' % key)
+    return int('\d+', meminfo).group(0))
+def memtotal():
+    return read_from_meminfo('MemTotal')
+def freememtotal():
+    return read_from_meminfo('MemFree')
+def rounded_memtotal():
+    # Get total of all physical mem, in kbytes
+    usable_kbytes = memtotal()
+    # usable_kbytes is system's usable DRAM in kbytes,
+    #   as reported by memtotal() from device /proc/meminfo memtotal
+    #   after Linux deducts 1.5% to 5.1% for system table overhead
+    # Undo the unknown actual deduction by rounding up
+    #   to next small multiple of a big power-of-two
+    #   eg  12GB - 5.1% gets rounded back up to 12GB
+    mindeduct = 0.015  # 1.5 percent
+    maxdeduct = 0.055  # 5.5 percent
+    # deduction range 1.5% .. 5.5% supports physical mem sizes
+    #    6GB .. 12GB in steps of .5GB
+    #   12GB .. 24GB in steps of 1 GB
+    #   24GB .. 48GB in steps of 2 GB ...
+    # Finer granularity in physical mem sizes would require
+    #   tighter spread between min and max possible deductions
+    # increase mem size by at least min deduction, without rounding
+    min_kbytes   = int(usable_kbytes / (1.0 - mindeduct))
+    # increase mem size further by 2**n rounding, by 0..roundKb or more
+    round_kbytes = int(usable_kbytes / (1.0 - maxdeduct)) - min_kbytes
+    # find least binary roundup 2**n that covers worst-cast roundKb
+    mod2n = 1 << int(math.ceil(math.log(round_kbytes, 2)))
+    # have round_kbytes <= mod2n < round_kbytes*2
+    # round min_kbytes up to next multiple of mod2n
+    phys_kbytes = min_kbytes + mod2n - 1
+    phys_kbytes = phys_kbytes - (phys_kbytes % mod2n)  # clear low bits
+    return phys_kbytes
+def sysctl_kernel(key, value=None):
+    """(Very) partial implementation of sysctl, for kernel params"""
+    if value:
+        # write
+        utils.write_one_line('/proc/sys/kernel/%s' % key, str(value))
+    else:
+        # read
+        out = utils.read_one_line('/proc/sys/kernel/%s' % key)
+        return int('\d+', out).group(0))
+def _convert_exit_status(sts):
+    if os.WIFSIGNALED(sts):
+        return -os.WTERMSIG(sts)
+    elif os.WIFEXITED(sts):
+        return os.WEXITSTATUS(sts)
+    else:
+        # impossible?
+        raise RuntimeError("Unknown exit status %d!" % sts)
+def where_art_thy_filehandles():
+    """Dump the current list of filehandles"""
+    os.system("ls -l /proc/%d/fd >> /dev/tty" % os.getpid())
+def print_to_tty(string):
+    """Output string straight to the tty"""
+    open('/dev/tty', 'w').write(string + '\n')
+def dump_object(object):
+    """Dump an object's attributes and methods
+    kind of like dir()
+    """
+    for item in object.__dict__.iteritems():
+        print item
+        try:
+            (key,value) = item
+            dump_object(value)
+        except:
+            continue
+def environ(env_key):
+    """return the requested environment variable, or '' if unset"""
+    if (os.environ.has_key(env_key)):
+        return os.environ[env_key]
+    else:
+        return ''
+def prepend_path(newpath, oldpath):
+    """prepend newpath to oldpath"""
+    if (oldpath):
+        return newpath + ':' + oldpath
+    else:
+        return newpath
+def append_path(oldpath, newpath):
+    """append newpath to oldpath"""
+    if (oldpath):
+        return oldpath + ':' + newpath
+    else:
+        return newpath
+def avgtime_print(dir):
+    """ Calculate some benchmarking statistics.
+        Input is a directory containing a file called 'time'.
+        File contains one-per-line results of /usr/bin/time.
+        Output is average Elapsed, User, and System time in seconds,
+          and average CPU percentage.
+    """
+    f = open(dir + "/time")
+    user = system = elapsed = cpu = count = 0
+    r = re.compile('([\d\.]*)user ([\d\.]*)system (\d*):([\d\.]*)elapsed (\d*)%CPU')
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        try:
+            s = r.match(line);
+            user += float(
+            system += float(
+            elapsed += (float( * 60) + float(
+            cpu += float(
+            count += 1
+        except:
+            raise ValueError("badly formatted times")
+    f.close()
+    return "Elapsed: %0.2fs User: %0.2fs System: %0.2fs CPU: %0.0f%%" % \
+          (elapsed/count, user/count, system/count, cpu/count)
+def running_config():
+    """
+    Return path of config file of the currently running kernel
+    """
+    version = utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    for config in ('/proc/config.gz', \
+                   '/boot/config-%s' % version,
+                   '/lib/modules/%s/build/.config' % version):
+        if os.path.isfile(config):
+            return config
+    return None
+def check_for_kernel_feature(feature):
+    config = running_config()
+    if not config:
+        raise TypeError("Can't find kernel config file")
+    if config.endswith('.gz'):
+        grep = 'zgrep'
+    else:
+        grep = 'grep'
+    grep += ' ^CONFIG_%s= %s' % (feature, config)
+    if not utils.system_output(grep, ignore_status=True):
+        raise ValueError("Kernel doesn't have a %s feature" % (feature))
+def cpu_online_map():
+    """
+    Check out the available cpu online map
+    """
+    cpus = []
+    for line in open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r').readlines():
+        if line.startswith('processor'):
+            cpus.append(line.split()[2]) # grab cpu number
+    return cpus
+def check_glibc_ver(ver):
+    glibc_ver = commands.getoutput('ldd --version').splitlines()[0]
+    glibc_ver ='(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)', glibc_ver).group()
+    if glibc_ver.split('.') < ver.split('.'):
+        raise error.TestError("Glibc too old (%s). Glibc >= %s is needed." % \
+                                                (glibc_ver, ver))
+def check_kernel_ver(ver):
+    kernel_ver = utils.system_output('uname -r')
+    kv_tmp = re.split(r'[-]', kernel_ver)[0:3]
+    if kv_tmp[0].split('.') < ver.split('.'):
+        raise error.TestError("Kernel too old (%s). Kernel > %s is needed." % \
+                                                (kernel_ver, ver))
+def human_format(number):
+    # Convert number to kilo / mega / giga format.
+    if number < 1024:
+        return "%d" % number
+    kilo = float(number) / 1024.0
+    if kilo < 1024:
+        return "%.2fk" % kilo
+    meg = kilo / 1024.0
+    if meg < 1024:
+        return "%.2fM" % meg
+    gig = meg / 1024.0
+    return "%.2fG" % gig
+def numa_nodes():
+    node_paths = glob.glob('/sys/devices/system/node/node*')
+    nodes = [int(re.sub(r'.*node(\d+)', r'\1', x)) for x in node_paths]
+    return (sorted(nodes))
+def node_size():
+    nodes = max(len(numa_nodes()), 1)
+    return ((memtotal() * 1024) / nodes)
+def to_seconds(time_string):
+    """Converts a string in M+:SS.SS format to S+.SS"""
+    elts = time_string.split(':')
+    if len(elts) == 1:
+        return time_string
+    return str(int(elts[0]) * 60 + float(elts[1]))
+def extract_all_time_results(results_string):
+    """Extract user, system, and elapsed times into a list of tuples"""
+    pattern = re.compile(r"(.*?)user (.*?)system (.*?)elapsed")
+    results = []
+    for result in pattern.findall(results_string):
+        results.append(tuple([to_seconds(elt) for elt in result]))
+    return results
+def pickle_load(filename):
+    return pickle.load(open(filename, 'r'))
+# Return the kernel version and build timestamp.
+def running_os_release():
+    return os.uname()[2:4]
+def running_os_ident():
+    (version, timestamp) = running_os_release()
+    return version + '::' + timestamp
+def running_os_full_version():
+    (version, timestamp) = running_os_release()
+    return version
+# much like find . -name 'pattern'
+def locate(pattern, root=os.getcwd()):
+    for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
+        for f in files:
+            if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, pattern):
+                yield os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, f))
+def freespace(path):
+    """Return the disk free space, in bytes"""
+    s = os.statvfs(path)
+    return s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize
+def disk_block_size(path):
+    """Return the disk block size, in bytes"""
+    return os.statvfs(path).f_bsize
+def get_cpu_family():
+    procinfo = utils.system_output('cat /proc/cpuinfo')
+    CPU_FAMILY_RE = re.compile(r'^cpu family\s+:\s+(\S+)', re.M)
+    matches = CPU_FAMILY_RE.findall(procinfo)
+    if matches:
+        return int(matches[0])
+    else:
+        raise error.TestError('Could not get valid cpu family data')
+def get_disks():
+    df_output = utils.system_output('df')
+    disk_re = re.compile(r'^(/dev/hd[a-z]+)3', re.M)
+    return disk_re.findall(df_output)
+def load_module(module_name):
+    # Checks if a module has already been loaded
+    if module_is_loaded(module_name):
+        return False
+    utils.system('/sbin/modprobe ' + module_name)
+    return True
+def unload_module(module_name):
+    utils.system('/sbin/rmmod ' + module_name)
+def module_is_loaded(module_name):
+    module_name = module_name.replace('-', '_')
+    modules = utils.system_output('/sbin/lsmod').splitlines()
+    for module in modules:
+        if module.startswith(module_name) and module[len(module_name)] == ' ':
+            return True
+    return False
+def get_loaded_modules():
+    lsmod_output = utils.system_output('/sbin/lsmod').splitlines()[1:]
+    return [line.split(None, 1)[0] for line in lsmod_output]
+def get_huge_page_size():
+    output = utils.system_output('grep Hugepagesize /proc/meminfo')
+    return int(output.split()[1]) # Assumes units always in kB. :(
+def get_num_huge_pages():
+    raw_hugepages = utils.system_output('/sbin/sysctl vm.nr_hugepages')
+    return int(raw_hugepages.split()[2])
+def set_num_huge_pages(num):
+    utils.system('/sbin/sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=%d' % num)
+def get_system_nodes():
+    nodes = os.listdir('/sys/devices/system/node')
+    nodes.sort()
+    return nodes
+def get_cpu_vendor():
+    cpuinfo = open('/proc/cpuinfo').read()
+    vendors = re.findall(r'(?m)^vendor_id\s*:\s*(\S+)\s*$', cpuinfo)
+    for i in xrange(1, len(vendors)):
+        if vendors[i] != vendors[0]:
+            raise error.TestError('multiple cpu vendors found: ' + str(vendors))
+    return vendors[0]
+def probe_cpus():
+    """
+    This routine returns a list of cpu devices found under
+    /sys/devices/system/cpu.
+    """
+    cmd = 'find /sys/devices/system/cpu/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name cpu*'
+    return utils.system_output(cmd).splitlines()
+def ping_default_gateway():
+    """Ping the default gateway."""
+    network = open('/etc/sysconfig/network')
+    m ='GATEWAY=(\S+)',
+    if m:
+        gw =
+        cmd = 'ping %s -c 5 > /dev/null' % gw
+        return utils.system(cmd, ignore_status=True)
+    raise error.TestError('Unable to find default gateway')
+def drop_caches():
+    """Writes back all dirty pages to disk and clears all the caches."""
+    utils.system("sync")
+    utils.system("sync")
+    # We ignore failures here as this will fail on 2.6.11 kernels.
+    utils.system("echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", ignore_status=True)