Move distribute_across_machines and gtest to site extension.
(Patch 11: Simplify how inserts gtest_runner
into the namespace parameter of
(Patch 10: Update gtest_parser to warn and gracefully exit if the test
log file does not exist. This happens in a gtest suite
throws a test exception before completing and copying the
test log file back to the server.
Also updated FailureDescription() to not return the name of
the test to simplify checking for failure lines. This
makes "if failures: then use failures" work instead of
"if len(failures) >1: then use failures[1:]")
(Patch 9: Code review fixes, clearer comments and one line argument
(Patch 8: Fix PyAuto parse failure with no error lines.)
To make keeping in step with upstream Autotest moving the
distribute_across_machines and gtest_runner into site extensions.
Clean up the old include, exclude, action test attributes from the old
(test_name, {args}, [include], [exclude], [action]) to a cleaner form
of (test_name, {args}, {attributes} where the attributes dictionary
is keyed to include, exclude, and attributes for the same behavior as
before in a nicer format.
Updated BVT and Regressions to use the new format.
Removed unused imports I added for removed functions.
Move site functions to end of file to enable importing
Removed distribute_across_machines() and record_skipped_test().
Removed gtest_runner from the default namespace.
Added imports and functions removed from server_job.
Changed distribute_across_machines from using threads that
launched subprocesses to just using subprocesses.
Fixed test attributes to use a dictionary instead of 3 lists.
Enabled running server jobs in addition to client jobs.
Removed base thread class from machine_worker since the instances
are run by subcommands now.
TEST=Local Runs.
Change-Id: I118ae8bdc2b49d4190051d59a748ecb01d0da33c
Reviewed-by: Dale Curtis <[email protected]>
Tested-by: Paul Pendlebury <[email protected]>
diff --git a/server/ b/server/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07bfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Utility classes used to run and parse a gest suite in autotest.
+gtest_runner: runs a gtest suite parsing individual tests.
+gtest_parser: understands the output of a gtest run.
+import logging, os, re
+from autotest_lib.server import autotest, hosts, host_attributes
+from autotest_lib.server import site_server_job_utils
+class gtest_runner(object):
+ """Run a gtest test suite and evaluate the individual tests."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Creates an instance of gtest_runner to run tests on a remote host."""
+ self._results_dir = ''
+ self._gtest = None
+ self._host = None
+ def run(self, gtest_entry, machine, work_dir='.'):
+ """Run the gtest suite on a remote host, then parse the results.
+ Like machine_worker, gtest_runner honors include/exclude attributes on
+ the test item and will only run the test if the supplied host meets the
+ test requirements.
+ Note: This method takes a test and a machine as arguments, not a list
+ of tests and a list of machines like the parallel and distribute
+ methods do.
+ Args:
+ gtest_entry: Test tuple from control file. See documentation in
+ server_job_utils.test_item class.
+ machine: Name (IP) if remote host to run tests on.
+ work_dir: Local directory to run tests in.
+ """
+ self._gtest = site_server_job_utils.test_item(*gtest_entry)
+ self._host = hosts.create_host(machine)
+ self._results_dir = work_dir
+ client_autotest = autotest.Autotest(self._host)
+ client_attributes = host_attributes.host_attributes(machine)
+ attribute_set = set(client_attributes.get_attributes())
+ if self._gtest.validate(attribute_set):
+'%s %s Running %s', self._host,
+ [a for a in attribute_set], self._gtest)
+ try:
+ self._gtest.run_test(client_autotest, self._results_dir)
+ finally:
+ self.parse()
+ else:
+ self.record_failed_test(self._gtest.test_name,
+ 'No machines found for: ' + self._gtest)
+ def parse(self):
+ """Parse the gtest output recording individual test results.
+ Uses gtest_parser to pull the test results out of the gtest log file.
+ Then creates entries in status.log file for each test.
+ """
+ # Find gtest log files from the autotest client run.
+ log_path = os.path.join(self._results_dir, self._gtest.test_name,
+ 'debug', self._gtest.test_name + '.DEBUG')
+ if not os.path.exists(log_path):
+ logging.error('gtest log file "%s" is missing.', log_path)
+ return
+ parser = gtest_parser()
+ # Read the log file line-by-line, passing each line into the parser.
+ with open(log_path, 'r') as log_file:
+ for log_line in log_file:
+ parser.ProcessLogLine(log_line)
+'gtest_runner found %d tests.', parser.TotalTests())
+ # Record each failed test.
+ for failed in parser.FailedTests():
+ fail_description = parser.FailureDescription(failed)
+ if fail_description:
+ self.record_failed_test(failed, fail_description[0].strip(),
+ ''.join(fail_description))
+ else:
+ self.record_failed_test(failed, 'NO ERROR LINES FOUND.')
+ # Finally record each successful test.
+ for passed in parser.PassedTests():
+ self.record_passed_test(passed)
+ def record_failed_test(self, failed_test, message, error_lines=None):
+ """Insert a failure record into status.log for this test.
+ Args:
+ failed_test: Name of test that failed.
+ message: Reason test failed, will be put in status.log file.
+ error_lines: Additional failure info, will be put in ERROR log.
+ """
+ # Create a test name subdirectory to hold the test status.log file.
+ test_dir = os.path.join(self._results_dir, failed_test)
+ if not os.path.exists(test_dir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(test_dir)
+ except OSError:
+ logging.exception('Failed to created test directory: %s',
+ test_dir)
+ # Record failure into the global job and test specific status files.
+ self._host.record('START', failed_test, failed_test)
+ self._host.record('INFO', failed_test, 'FAILED: ' + failed_test)
+ self._host.record('END FAIL', failed_test, failed_test, message)
+ # If we have additional information on the failure, create an error log
+ # file for this test in the location a normal autotest would have left
+ # it so the frontend knows where to find it.
+ if error_lines is not None:
+ fail_log_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'debug')
+ fail_log_path = os.path.join(fail_log_dir, failed_test + '.ERROR')
+ if not os.path.exists(fail_log_dir):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(fail_log_dir)
+ except OSError:
+ logging.exception('Failed to created log directory: %s',
+ fail_log_dir)
+ return
+ try:
+ with open(fail_log_path, 'w') as fail_log:
+ fail_log.write(error_lines)
+ except IOError:
+ logging.exception('Failed to open log file: %s', fail_log_path)
+ def record_passed_test(self, passed_test):
+ """Insert a failure record into status.log for this test.
+ Args:
+ passed_test: Name of test that passed.
+ """
+ self._host.record('START', None, passed_test)
+ self._host.record('INFO', None, 'PASSED: ' + passed_test)
+ self._host.record('END GOOD', None, passed_test)
+class gtest_parser(object):
+ """This class knows how to understand GTest test output.
+ The code was borrowed with minor changes from chrome utility gtest_command.
+ log_parser/
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ # State tracking for log parsing
+ self._current_test = ''
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_suppression_hash = ''
+ self._current_suppression = []
+ # Line number currently being processed.
+ self._line_number = 0
+ # List of parsing errors, as human-readable strings.
+ self.internal_error_lines = []
+ # Tests are stored here as '': (status, [description]).
+ # The status should be one of ('started', 'OK', 'failed', 'timeout').
+ # The description is a list of lines detailing the test's error, as
+ # reported in the log.
+ self._test_status = {}
+ # Suppressions are stored here as 'hash': [suppression].
+ self._suppressions = {}
+ # This may be either text or a number. It will be used in the phrase
+ # '%s disabled' or '%s flaky' on the waterfall display.
+ self.disabled_tests = 0
+ self.flaky_tests = 0
+ # Regular expressions for parsing GTest logs. Test names look like
+ # SomeTestCase.SomeTest
+ # SomeName/SomeTestCase.SomeTest/1
+ # This regexp also matches SomeName.SomeTest/1, which should be
+ # harmless.
+ test_name_regexp = r'((\w+/)?\w+\.\w+(\.\w+)?(/\d+)?)'
+ self._test_start = re.compile('\[\s+RUN\s+\] ' + test_name_regexp)
+ self._test_ok = re.compile('\[\s+OK\s+\] ' + test_name_regexp)
+ self._test_fail = re.compile('\[\s+FAILED\s+\] ' + test_name_regexp)
+ self._test_timeout = re.compile(
+ 'Test timeout \([0-9]+ ms\) exceeded for ' + test_name_regexp)
+ self._disabled = re.compile(' YOU HAVE (\d+) DISABLED TEST')
+ self._flaky = re.compile(' YOU HAVE (\d+) FLAKY TEST')
+ self._suppression_start = re.compile(
+ 'Suppression \(error hash=#([0-9A-F]+)#\):')
+ self._suppression_end = re.compile('^}\s*$')
+ self._master_name_re = re.compile('\[Running for master: "([^"]*)"')
+ self.master_name = ''
+ self._error_logging_start_re = re.compile('=' * 70)
+ self._error_logging_test_name_re = re.compile(
+ '[FAIL|ERROR]: ' + test_name_regexp)
+ self._error_logging_end_re = re.compile('-' * 70)
+ self._error_logging_first_dash_found = False
+ def _TestsByStatus(self, status, include_fails, include_flaky):
+ """Returns list of tests with the given status.
+ Args:
+ status: test results status to search for.
+ include_fails: If False, tests containing 'FAILS_' anywhere in
+ their names will be excluded from the list.
+ include_flaky: If False, tests containing 'FLAKY_' anywhere in
+ their names will be excluded from the list.
+ Returns:
+ List of tests with the status.
+ """
+ test_list = [x[0] for x in self._test_status.items()
+ if self._StatusOfTest(x[0]) == status]
+ if not include_fails:
+ test_list = [x for x in test_list if x.find('FAILS_') == -1]
+ if not include_flaky:
+ test_list = [x for x in test_list if x.find('FLAKY_') == -1]
+ return test_list
+ def _StatusOfTest(self, test):
+ """Returns the status code for the given test, or 'not known'."""
+ test_status = self._test_status.get(test, ('not known', []))
+ return test_status[0]
+ def _RecordError(self, line, reason):
+ """Record a log line that produced a parsing error.
+ Args:
+ line: text of the line at which the error occurred.
+ reason: a string describing the error.
+ """
+ self.internal_error_lines.append("%s: %s [%s]" % (self._line_number,
+ line.strip(),
+ reason))
+ def TotalTests(self):
+ """Returns the number of parsed tests."""
+ return len(self._test_status)
+ def PassedTests(self):
+ """Returns list of tests that passed."""
+ return self._TestsByStatus('OK', False, False)
+ def FailedTests(self, include_fails=False, include_flaky=False):
+ """Returns list of tests that failed, timed out, or didn't finish.
+ This list will be incorrect until the complete log has been processed,
+ because it will show currently running tests as having failed.
+ Args:
+ include_fails: If true, all failing tests with FAILS_ in their
+ names will be included. Otherwise, they will only be included
+ if they crashed.
+ include_flaky: If true, all failing tests with FLAKY_ in their
+ names will be included. Otherwise, they will only be included
+ if they crashed.
+ Returns:
+ List of failed tests.
+ """
+ return (self._TestsByStatus('failed', include_fails, include_flaky) +
+ self._TestsByStatus('timeout', include_fails, include_flaky))
+ def FailureDescription(self, test):
+ """Returns a list containing the failure description for the given test.
+ If the test didn't fail or timeout, returns [].
+ Args:
+ test: Name to test to find failure reason.
+ Returns:
+ List of test name, and failure string.
+ """
+ test_status = self._test_status.get(test, ('', []))
+ return test_status[1]
+ def SuppressionHashes(self):
+ """Returns list of suppression hashes found in the log."""
+ return self._suppressions.keys()
+ def Suppression(self, suppression_hash):
+ """Returns a list containing the suppression for a given hash.
+ If the suppression hash doesn't exist, returns [].
+ Args:
+ suppression_hash: name of hash.
+ Returns:
+ List of suppression for the hash.
+ """
+ return self._suppressions.get(suppression_hash, [])
+ def ProcessLogLine(self, line):
+ """This is called once with each line of the test log."""
+ # Track line number for error messages.
+ self._line_number += 1
+ if not self.master_name:
+ results =
+ if results:
+ self.master_name =
+ # Is it a line reporting disabled tests?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ try:
+ disabled = int(
+ except ValueError:
+ disabled = 0
+ if disabled > 0 and isinstance(self.disabled_tests, int):
+ self.disabled_tests += disabled
+ else:
+ # If we can't parse the line, at least give a heads-up. This is
+ # a safety net for a case that shouldn't happen but isn't a
+ # fatal error.
+ self.disabled_tests = 'some'
+ return
+ # Is it a line reporting flaky tests?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ try:
+ flaky = int(
+ except ValueError:
+ flaky = 0
+ if flaky > 0 and isinstance(self.flaky_tests, int):
+ self.flaky_tests = flaky
+ else:
+ # If we can't parse the line, at least give a heads-up. This is
+ # a safety net for a case that shouldn't happen but isn't a
+ # fatal error.
+ self.flaky_tests = 'some'
+ return
+ # Is it the start of a test?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ test_name =
+ if test_name in self._test_status:
+ self._RecordError(line, 'test started more than once')
+ return
+ if self._current_test:
+ status = self._StatusOfTest(self._current_test)
+ if status in ('OK', 'failed', 'timeout'):
+ self._RecordError(line, 'start while in status %s' % status)
+ return
+ if status not in ('failed', 'timeout'):
+ self._test_status[self._current_test] = (
+ 'failed', self._failure_description)
+ self._test_status[test_name] = ('started', ['Did not complete.'])
+ self._current_test = test_name
+ self._failure_description = []
+ return
+ # Is it a test success line?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ test_name =
+ status = self._StatusOfTest(test_name)
+ if status != 'started':
+ self._RecordError(line, 'success while in status %s' % status)
+ return
+ self._test_status[test_name] = ('OK', [])
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_test = ''
+ return
+ # Is it a test failure line?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ test_name =
+ status = self._StatusOfTest(test_name)
+ if status not in ('started', 'failed', 'timeout'):
+ self._RecordError(line, 'failure while in status %s' % status)
+ return
+ # Don't overwrite the failure description when a failing test is
+ # listed a second time in the summary, or if it was already
+ # recorded as timing out.
+ if status not in ('failed', 'timeout'):
+ self._test_status[test_name] = ('failed',
+ self._failure_description)
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_test = ''
+ return
+ # Is it a test timeout line?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ test_name =
+ status = self._StatusOfTest(test_name)
+ if status not in ('started', 'failed'):
+ self._RecordError(line, 'timeout while in status %s' % status)
+ return
+ self._test_status[test_name] = (
+ 'timeout', self._failure_description + ['Killed (timed out).'])
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_test = ''
+ return
+ # Is it the start of a new valgrind suppression?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ suppression_hash =
+ if suppression_hash in self._suppressions:
+ self._RecordError(line, 'suppression reported more than once')
+ return
+ self._suppressions[suppression_hash] = []
+ self._current_suppression_hash = suppression_hash
+ self._current_suppression = [line]
+ return
+ # Is it the end of a valgrind suppression?
+ results =
+ if results and self._current_suppression_hash:
+ self._current_suppression.append(line)
+ self._suppressions[self._current_suppression_hash] = (
+ self._current_suppression)
+ self._current_suppression_hash = ''
+ self._current_suppression = []
+ return
+ # Is it the start of a test summary error message?
+ results =
+ if results:
+ test_name =
+ self._test_status[test_name] = ('failed', ['Output not found.'])
+ self._current_test = test_name
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._error_logging_first_dash_found = False
+ return
+ # Is it the start of the next test summary signaling the end
+ # of the previous message?
+ results =
+ if results and self._current_test:
+ self._test_status[self._current_test] = ('failed',
+ self._failure_description)
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_test = ''
+ return
+ # Is it the end of the extra test failure summaries?
+ results =
+ if results and self._current_test:
+ if self._error_logging_first_dash_found:
+ self._test_status[self._current_test] = (
+ 'failed', self._failure_description)
+ self._failure_description = []
+ self._current_test = ''
+ self._error_logging_first_dash_found = True
+ return
+ # Random line: if we're in a suppression, collect it. Suppressions are
+ # generated after all tests are finished, so this should always belong
+ # to the current suppression hash.
+ if self._current_suppression_hash:
+ self._current_suppression.append(line)
+ return
+ # Random line: if we're in a test, collect it for the failure
+ # description. Tests may run simultaneously, so this might be off, but
+ # it's worth a try.
+ if self._current_test:
+ self._failure_description.append(line)