faft: Move all constants of verified boot out to a module

It slims the FAFTSequence class and makes other non-FAFT tests reuse these
vboot constants.

TEST=run the following tests passed:
run_remote_tests.sh --board link --remote dut control.faft_lv2
run_remote_tests.sh --board link --remote dut control.faft_lv3

Change-Id: I524d1ff2046e1e1826359c939f2d918426707141
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/34739
Reviewed-by: Mike Truty <truty@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Tom Wai-Hong Tam <waihong@chromium.org>
Commit-Ready: Brian Harring <ferringb@chromium.org>
diff --git a/server/cros/vboot_constants.py b/server/cros/vboot_constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47b5361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/cros/vboot_constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# The constants of verified boot.
+# Recovery reason codes, copied from:
+#     vboot_reference/firmware/lib/vboot_nvstorage.h
+#     vboot_reference/firmware/lib/vboot_struct.h
+    # Recovery not requested
+    'NOT_REQUESTED':      '0',   # 0x00
+    # Recovery requested from legacy utility
+    'LEGACY':             '1',   # 0x01
+    # User manually requested recovery via recovery button
+    'RO_MANUAL':          '2',   # 0x02
+    # RW firmware failed signature check
+    'RO_INVALID_RW':      '3',   # 0x03
+    # S3 resume failed
+    'RO_S3_RESUME':       '4',   # 0x04
+    # TPM error in read-only firmware
+    'RO_TPM_ERROR':       '5',   # 0x05
+    # Shared data error in read-only firmware
+    'RO_SHARED_DATA':     '6',   # 0x06
+    # Test error from S3Resume()
+    'RO_TEST_S3':         '7',   # 0x07
+    # Test error from LoadFirmwareSetup()
+    'RO_TEST_LFS':        '8',   # 0x08
+    # Test error from LoadFirmware()
+    'RO_TEST_LF':         '9',   # 0x09
+    # RW firmware failed signature check
+    'RW_NOT_DONE':        '16',  # 0x10
+    'RW_DEV_MISMATCH':    '17',  # 0x11
+    'RW_REC_MISMATCH':    '18',  # 0x12
+    'RW_VERIFY_KEYBLOCK': '19',  # 0x13
+    'RW_KEY_ROLLBACK':    '20',  # 0x14
+    'RW_DATA_KEY_PARSE':  '21',  # 0x15
+    'RW_VERIFY_PREAMBLE': '22',  # 0x16
+    'RW_FW_ROLLBACK':     '23',  # 0x17
+    'RW_HEADER_VALID':    '24',  # 0x18
+    'RW_GET_FW_BODY':     '25',  # 0x19
+    'RW_HASH_WRONG_SIZE': '26',  # 0x1A
+    'RW_VERIFY_BODY':     '27',  # 0x1B
+    'RW_VALID':           '28',  # 0x1C
+    # Read-only normal path requested by firmware preamble, but
+    # unsupported by firmware.
+    'RW_NO_RO_NORMAL':    '29',  # 0x1D
+    # Firmware boot failure outside of verified boot
+    'RO_FIRMWARE':        '32',  # 0x20
+    # Recovery mode TPM initialization requires a system reboot.
+    # The system was already in recovery mode for some other reason
+    # when this happened.
+    'RO_TPM_REBOOT':      '33',  # 0x21
+    # Unspecified/unknown error in read-only firmware
+    'RO_UNSPECIFIED':     '63',  # 0x3F
+    # User manually requested recovery by pressing a key at developer
+    # warning screen.
+    'RW_DEV_SCREEN':      '65',  # 0x41
+    # No OS kernel detected
+    'RW_NO_OS':           '66',  # 0x42
+    # OS kernel failed signature check
+    'RW_INVALID_OS':      '67',  # 0x43
+    # TPM error in rewritable firmware
+    'RW_TPM_ERROR':       '68',  # 0x44
+    # RW firmware in dev mode, but dev switch is off.
+    'RW_DEV_MISMATCH':    '69',  # 0x45
+    # Shared data error in rewritable firmware
+    'RW_SHARED_DATA':     '70',  # 0x46
+    # Test error from LoadKernel()
+    'RW_TEST_LK':         '71',  # 0x47
+    # No bootable disk found
+    'RW_NO_DISK':         '72',  # 0x48
+    # Unspecified/unknown error in rewritable firmware
+    'RW_UNSPECIFIED':     '127', # 0x7F
+    # DM-verity error
+    'KE_DM_VERITY':       '129', # 0x81
+    # Unspecified/unknown error in kernel
+    'KE_UNSPECIFIED':     '191', # 0xBF
+    # Recovery mode test from user-mode
+    'US_TEST':            '193', # 0xC1
+    # Unspecified/unknown error in user-mode
+    'US_UNSPECIFIED':     '255', # 0xFF
+# GBB flags, copied from:
+#     vboot_reference/firmware/include/gbb_header.h
+GBB_FLAG_LOAD_OPTION_ROMS          = 0x00000002
+GBB_FLAG_ENABLE_ALTERNATE_OS       = 0x00000004
+GBB_FLAG_FORCE_DEV_SWITCH_ON       = 0x00000008
+GBB_FLAG_FORCE_DEV_BOOT_USB        = 0x00000010
+# VbSharedData flags, copied from:
+#     vboot_reference/firmware/include/vboot_struct.h
+VDAT_FLAG_FWB_TRIED                = 0x00000001
+VDAT_FLAG_LF_DEV_SWITCH_ON         = 0x00000004
+VDAT_FLAG_LF_USE_RO_NORMAL         = 0x00000008
+VDAT_FLAG_BOOT_DEV_SWITCH_ON       = 0x00000010
+VDAT_FLAG_BOOT_REC_SWITCH_ON       = 0x00000020
+VDAT_FLAG_BOOT_S3_RESUME           = 0x00000100
+VDAT_FLAG_EC_SOFTWARE_SYNC         = 0x00000800
+VDAT_FLAG_EC_SLOW_UPDATE           = 0x00001000
+# Firmware preamble flags, copied from:
+#     vboot_reference/firmware/include/vboot_struct.h
+PREAMBLE_USE_RO_NORMAL             = 0x00000001