Self-link: go/faft-pd
PD FAFT is another set of firmware tests (FAFT), which targets testing USB-C, PD (Power Delivery) functionalities, and ULP (Ultra Low Power) mode.
The USB-C and PD stack is complex that involves multiple hardware/firmware:
- TCPM (USB Type-C Port Manager), integrated in EC, using Chrome EC firmware
- TCPC (USB Type-C Port Controller), usually using proprietary firmware, in the form of
- dedicated chip, like ANX74xx, PS8xxx,
- integrated in EC, like IT83xx, or
- integrated in PMIC, like MT6370.
The USB-C path also has other functions, like:
- DisplayPort, which shares the SuperSpeed lanes and the SBU channel;
- CCD, which shares the SBU channel and has special CC terminations.
Many USB-C bugs are mysterious or flaky, like CCD not being detected, USB Ethernet connection being lost, or external monitors not showing up, etc. This kind of issue blocks BIOS/EC FAFT running. Some bugs may be even more serious that brick the hardware, negotiating a wrong voltage/current.
PD FAFT was proposed to uncover any regression on the PD stack in an automated way.
PD FAFT requires hardware to emulate the PD port partner, e.g. a PD-capable power adapter, a USB-C hub, a USB-C debug accessory, a USB-C protocol converter, a USB-C monitor, etc. The first version of PD FAFT uses Plankton as PDTester. The latest version uses ServoV4 as PDTester.
Test details
The PD FAFT tests are located in the Autotest tree as directories, usually with the prefix firmware_PD.
firmware_PDConnect, checks:
- Ability to disconnect, then reconnect establishing a successful PD contract
- If PD Dual role mode is operational in the DUT
firmware_PDPowerSwap, checks:
- If the DUT advertises support for dualrole operation
- If the DUT can receive power swap requests
- If the DUT can initiate power swap requests
firmware_PDDataSwap, checks:
- If the DUT advertises support for data role swaps
- If the DUT can receive data swap requests
- If the DUT can initiate data swap requests
firmware_PDResetHard, checks:
- Ability of DUT to initiate hard resets
- Ability of DUT to receive hard resets
- If DUT is dualrole capable, hard resets are done with the DUT in each power role
firmware_PDResetSoft, checks:
- Ability of DUT to initiate soft resets
- Ability of DUT to receive soft reset requests from Plankton
- If DUT is dualrole capable, soft resets are done with the DUT in each power role
firmware_PDTrySrc, checks:
- If the DUT advertises support for dualrole and Try.SRC operation
- A series of disconnects/connects with Try.SRC on
- A series of disconnects/connects with Try.SRC off
- Try.SRC on the DUT connects in SRC mode
firmware_PDVbusRequest, checks:
- Ability to initiate a new PD contract with different VBUS value, according to the attached charger capability, like 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V, etc.
- Receiving Source Capability messages from PDTester
- If PD Dual role mode is operational in the DUT
firmware_ECWakefromULP, checks:
- Ability to wake AP and EC from ULP mode by PB, LID.
- Ability to wake EC from ULP mode by AC.
The above tests may have multiple subtests, the same test body but different prerequisite.
.flip subtest, checks
- If DUT passes the same test on the flipped plug direction, which is implemented by electrically flipping the CC signals on PDTester
.dts subtest, checks
- If DUT passes the same test on a USB-C debug accessory
- No behavior difference between the normal scenarios and the CCD scenarios (it is important as BIOS/EC FAFT uses the CCD setup)
How to run PD FAFT
Hardware setup, check this ServoV4 Type-C with servo micro setup.
Software setup, check this Running Tests instructions.
Known issues
PD FAFT by far only supports testing DUT using TCPMv1. Porting to TCPMv2 is in progress.
Multiple USB-C ports
Due to the hardware limitation, that PDTester (ServoV4) only supports testing one DUT-facing USB-C port at a time. If a DUT has two USB-C ports, you have to run PD FAFT twice -- once for each port under test.