| # FAFT Links |
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| _Self-link: [go/faft-links]_ |
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| **FAFT**, short for "Fully Automated Firmware Tests", refers to the automated |
| firmware end-to-end tests written for ChromiumOS. |
| |
| FAFT tests were originally written for the remote test driver [Tauto]. There is |
| a 2021 initiative to convert FAFT tests to another remote driver, [Tast]. That |
| initiative is called [FAFT2Tast]. All new tests should be written in [Tast]. |
| |
| [Tauto]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/autotest/ |
| [Tast]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/tast/ |
| [FAFT2Tast]: https://goto.google.com/faft2tast-overview |
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| ## FAFT related links |
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| *Note:* Go links requires access to the Google interanet. |
| |
| Link name | Go link | Source location |
| ------------------- | -------------------- | --------------- |
| FAFT Links | [go/faft-links] | [docs/faft-links.md] |
| FAFT Running manual | [go/faft-running] | [docs/faft-how-to-run-doc.md] |
| FAFT PD | [go/faft-pd] | [docs/faft-pd.md] |
| FAFT for bringup | [go/faft-bringup] | tast-tests/src/chromiumos/tast/remote/firmware/bringup.md |
| Tast FAFT Codelab | [go/tast-faft-codelab] | tast-tests/src/chromiumos/tast/remote/firmware/codelab/README.md |
| FAFT Code overview (deprecated) | [go/faft-code] | [docs/faft-code.md] |
| FAFT Design Doc | [go/faft-design-doc] | [docs/faft-design-doc.md] |
| |
| [go/faft-links]: https://goto.google.com/faft-links |
| [docs/faft-links.md]: faft-links.md |
| |
| [go/faft-design-doc]: https://goto.google.com/faft-design-doc |
| [docs/faft-design-doc.md]: faft-design-doc.md |
| |
| [go/faft-pd]: https://goto.google.com/faft-pd |
| [docs/faft-pd.md]: faft-pd.md |
| |
| [go/faft-running]: https://goto.google.com/faft-running |
| [docs/faft-how-to-run-doc.md]: faft-how-to-run-doc.md |
| |
| [go/faft-code]: https://goto.google.com/faft-code |
| [docs/faft-code.md]: faft-code.md |
| |
| [go/tast-faft-codelab]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/tast-tests/+/HEAD/src/chromiumos/tast/remote/firmware/codelab/README.md |
| [go/faft-bringup]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/platform/tast-tests/+/HEAD/src/chromiumos/tast/remote/firmware/bringup.md |
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| ## FAFT Users Chat |
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| There is a Google Chat room for FAFT users. |
| |
| * Go-link: [go/faft-users-chat] |
| * External-facing link: https://chat.google.com/room/AAAAsHQFTo8 |
| |
| If you are unable to access the chatroom via these links, please get in touch |
| with the ChromeOS Firmware Engprod team. This will definitely happen if you |
| don't have an @google.com email address. |
| |
| [go/faft-users-chat]: https://goto.google.com/faft-users-chat |