AWS CRT Android

This document provides information about building and using the AWS CRT Java with Android.

If you have any issues or feature requests, please file an issue or pull request.

API documentation:

This SDK is built on the AWS Common Runtime, a collection of libraries (aws-c-common, aws-c-io, aws-c-mqtt, aws-c-http, aws-c-cal, aws-c-auth, s2n...) written in C to be cross-platform, high-performance, secure, and reliable.

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Minimum requirements

Build and install CRT from source

Supports API 24 or newer.

# Create a workspace directory to hold all the SDK files
mkdir sdk-workspace
cd sdk-workspace
# Clone the CRT repository
# (Use the latest version of the CRT here instead of "v0.27.6)
git clone --branch v0.27.6 --recurse-submodules
# Compile and install the CRT for Android
./gradlew :android:crt:build
# Install CRT locally
./gradlew :android:crt:publishToMavenLocal

Consuming AWS CRT Android

Consuming from Maven

Consuming this CRT via Maven is the preferred method of consuming it and using it within your application. To consume AWS CRT Android in your application, add the following to your build.gradle repositories and dependencies:

repositories {

dependencies {
    api ''

Replace 0.27.6 in with the latest release version of the CRT library. Look up the latest SDK version here:

Consuming from locally installed

You may also consume AWS CRT Android in your application using a locally installed version by adding the following to your build.gradle repositories and depenencies:

repositories {

dependencies {
    api ''

Replace 0.27.6 in with the latest release version for the SDK or replace with 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT to use the CRT built and installed from source.


Below are instructions on how you can set JAVA_HOME, which varies from depending on whether you are on Windows or are on MacOS/Linux:


  1. Open “Edit the system environment variable”
  2. Click “New” to create new environment variable
    • variable name: JAVA_HOME
    • variable value: <jdk_install_path> (example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.2)
  3. Press “Ok” to save the changes
  4. re-open the command prompt for the environment variables to apply

MacOS and Linux

Run the following command to set the JAVA_PATH

# (example: "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-10.jdk/Contents/Home")
export JAVA_HOME=<jdk_install_path>


Below are instructions on how you can set ANDROID_HOME, which varies from depending on whether you are on Windows or are on MacOS/Linux:


  1. Open “Edit the system environment variable”
  2. Click “New” to create new environment variable
    • variable name: ANDROID_HOME
    • variable value: <android_sdk_path> (example: C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk)
  3. Press “Ok” to save the changes
  4. re-open the command prompt for the environment variables to apply

MacOS and Linux

Run the following command to set the JAVA_PATH

# (example: "/Users/YourUsername/Library/Android/sdk")
export ANDROID_HOME=<android_sdk_path>