Add missing generated sources and windows targets for awssdk-kms

awssdk-kms is built from source with soong, but requires some generated
sources that are created upstream via maven plugin.

These sources were created by running `mvn generate-sources` locally, and
then checking in the (normally ignored) source files that are then used
to compile the SDK.

This change also enables all build targets for windows, now that targets
in other repositories also have windows enabled.

Bug: 319296495
Test: m awssdk-kms
Test: m apksigner-kms && apksigner-kms sign --ks-type aws --ks-key-alias rsa-2048 --cert
--v4-signing-enabled false --alignment-preserved --in
src/test/resources/com/android/apksig/golden-aligned-in.apk --out
(golden output remains unchanged)

Change-Id: Ib08d984894705b2f7821be0621a6de3cc85c6134
360 files changed
tree: c3a20b706267a707b74f04337cb8d3af53d71b00
  1. .changes/
  2. .github/
  3. .idea/
  4. .mvn/
  5. archetypes/
  6. aws-sdk-java/
  7. bom/
  8. bom-internal/
  9. build-tools/
  10. buildspecs/
  11. bundle/
  12. bundle-logging-bridge/
  13. bundle-sdk/
  14. changelogs/
  15. codegen/
  16. codegen-lite/
  17. codegen-lite-maven-plugin/
  18. codegen-maven-plugin/
  19. core/
  20. docs/
  21. http-client-spi/
  22. http-clients/
  23. javadoc-resources/
  24. metric-publishers/
  25. release-scripts/
  26. scripts/
  27. services/
  28. services-custom/
  29. test/
  30. third-party/
  31. utils/
  32. .all-contributorsrc
  33. .brazil.json
  34. .codecov.yml
  35. .gitignore
  39. LICENSE.txt
  42. mvnw
  43. mvnw.cmd
  44. NOTICE.txt
  45. OWNERS
  46. pom.xml

AWS SDK for Java 2.0

Build Status Maven Gitter codecov

All Contributors

The AWS SDK for Java 2.0 is a rewrite of 1.0 with some great new features. As with version 1.0, it enables you to easily work with Amazon Web Services but also includes features like non-blocking IO and pluggable HTTP implementation to further customize your applications. You can get started in minutes using Maven or any build system that supports MavenCentral as an artifact source.

Getting Started

Sign up for AWS

Before you begin, you need an AWS account. Please see the Sign Up for AWS section of the developer guide for information about how to create an AWS account and retrieve your AWS credentials.

Minimum requirements

To run the SDK you will need Java 1.8+. For more information about the requirements and optimum settings for the SDK, please see the Installing a Java Development Environment section of the developer guide.

Using the SDK

The recommended way to use the AWS SDK for Java in your project is to consume it from Maven Central.

Importing the BOM

To automatically manage module versions (currently all modules have the same version, but this may not always be the case) we recommend you use the Bill of Materials import as follows:


Then individual modules may omit the version from their dependency statement:


Individual Services

Alternatively you can add dependencies for the specific services you use only:


Whole SDK

You can import the whole SDK into your project (includes ALL services). Please note that it is recommended to only import the modules you need.


See the Set up the AWS SDK for Java section of the developer guide for more usage information.

New Features for 2.0

  • Provides a way to plug in your own HTTP implementation.

  • Provides first class support for non-blocking IO in Async clients.

Building From Source

Once you check out the code from GitHub, you can build it using the following commands.


./mvnw clean install

# Skip tests, checkstyles, findbugs, etc for quick build
./mvnw clean install -P quick

# Build a specific service module
./mvnw clean install -pl :s3 -P quick --am


./mvnw.cmd clean install

Sample Code

You can find sample code for v2 in the following places:

Maintenance and Support for SDK Major Versions

For information about maintenance and support for SDK major versions and their underlying dependencies, see the following in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide:

Maintenance and Support for Java Versions

We maintain full support on Long-Term Support(LTS) releases: Java 8, Java 11, Java 17, and Java 21.

Giving Feedback

We need your help in making this SDK great. Please participate in the community and contribute to this effort by submitting issues, participating in discussion forums and submitting pull requests through the following channels:

  • Submit issues - this is the preferred channel to interact with our team
  • Articulate your feature request or upvote existing ones on our Issues page

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!