Add CBLAS library.

Change-Id: I6d5c0ea5eb350f1d35637d8963a78811a4e015d8
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d819280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+dlvl = ./.
+include $(dlvl)/
+all: alllib alltst 
+	@ echo "Make sure you are using correct for your system."
+	@ echo "At this level, assuming you have downloded all necessary    "
+	@ echo "files and made an archive file of BLAS routines for your    "
+	@ echo "system."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "The Makefile compiles the routines of CBLAS (C interface of "
+	@ echo "BLAS) and testers for all the precisions.                   "
+	@ echo "If there is no directory for archives in CBLAS/lib, it      "
+	@ echo "creates new directory with the name of the platform of your "
+	@ echo "machine." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "To compile, you have to type as follows"
+	@ echo "make <target>"
+	@ echo " where <target> is one of:"
+	@ echo "slib1 --- make an archive of level 1 REAL."
+	@ echo "dlib1 --- make an archive of level 1 DOUBLE PRECISION."
+	@ echo "clib1 --- make an archive of level 1 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "zlib1 --- make an archive of level 1 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alllib1 - make an archive of level 1 all precisions."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "slib2 --- make an archive of level 2 REAL."
+	@ echo "dlib2 --- make an archive of level 2 DOUBLE PRECSION."
+	@ echo "clib2 --- make an archive of level 2 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "zlib2 --- make an archive of level 2 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alllib2 - make an archive of level 2 all precisions."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "slib3 --- make an archive of level 3 REAL."
+	@ echo "dlib3 --- make an archive of level 3 DOUBLE PRECISION ."
+	@ echo "clib3 --- make an archive of level 3 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "zlib3 --- make an archive of level 3 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alllib3 - make an archive of level 3 all precisions."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "alllib -- make an archive for all precisions."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "stest1 -- Compiles the tester for level 1 REAL."
+	@ echo "dtest1 -- Compiles the tester for level 1 DOUBLE PRECISION. "
+	@ echo "ctest1 -- Compiles the tester for level 1 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "ztest1 -- Compiles the tester for level 1 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alltst1 - Compiles testers for all precisions of level 1." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "stest2 -- Compiles the tester for level 2 REAL."
+	@ echo "dtest2 -- Compiles the tester for level 2 DOUBLE PRECISION. "
+	@ echo "ctest2 -- Compiles the tester for level 2 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "ztest2 -- Compiles the tester for level 2 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alltst2 - Compiles testers for all precisions of level 2." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "stest3 -- Compiles the tester for level 3 REAL."
+	@ echo "dtest3 -- Compiles the tester for level 3 DOUBLE PRECISON. "
+	@ echo "ctest3 -- Compiles the tester for level 3 COMPLEX."
+	@ echo "ztest3 -- Compiles the tester for level 3 COMPLEX*16."
+	@ echo "alltst3 - Compiles testers for all precisions of level 3." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "alltst -- Compiles testers for all CBLAS routines." 
+	@ echo "runtst -- Execute testers for all CBLAS routines." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "all ----- Creates a library and testers for ALL." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "clean --- Erase all the .o and excutable files" 
+	@ echo "cleanlib -- Erase all the .o  files" 
+	@ echo "cleanexe -- Erase all the excutable files" 
+	@ echo "rmlib --- Remove a library file." 
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "example -- Creates example1 and example2"
+	@ echo "example1 -- A small example to exercise the interface "
+	@ echo "example2 -- Test that cblas_xerbla() is working correctly"
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo " ------- Warning ------- "
+	@ echo "If you want just to make a tester, make sure you have"
+	@ echo "already made an archive file out of CBLAS routines."
+	@ echo " "
+	@ echo "Written by Keita Teranishi"
+	@ echo "3/4/98 "
+# In general, the Makefile call other Makefiles in the sub-directories.
+	( cd testing && make clean )
+	( cd src && make clean )
+	rm -f *.o cblas_ex1 cblas_ex2
+	( cd testing && make cleanobj )
+	( cd src && make clean )
+	( cd testing && make cleanexe )
+	( rm -f $(CBLIB) )
+slib1:  sreal1
+dlib1:  dreal1
+clib1:  scplx1
+zlib1:  dcplx1
+slib2:  sreal2
+dlib2:  dreal2
+clib2:  scplx2
+zlib2:  dcplx2
+slib3:  sreal3
+dlib3:  dreal3
+clib3:  scplx3 
+zlib3:  dcplx3 
+alllib1: allprecision1
+alllib2: allprecision2
+alllib3: allprecision3
+alllib:  allprecision
+	( cd src && make slib1)
+	( cd src && make dlib1)
+	( cd src && make clib1)
+	( cd src && make zlib1)
+	( cd src && make all1)
+	( cd src && make slib2)
+	( cd src && make dlib2)
+	( cd src && make clib2)
+	( cd src && make zlib2)
+	( cd src && make all2)
+	( cd src && make slib3)
+	( cd src && make dlib3)
+	( cd src && make clib3)
+	( cd src && make zlib3)
+	( cd src && make all3)
+	( cd src && make all)
+	( cd testing && make stest1 )
+	( cd testing && make dtest1 )
+	( cd testing && make ctest1 )
+	( cd testing && make ztest1 )
+	( cd testing && make all1 )
+	( cd testing && make stest2 )
+	( cd testing && make dtest2 )
+	( cd testing && make ctest2 )
+	( cd testing && make ztest2 )
+	( cd testing && make all2 )
+	( cd testing && make stest3 )
+	( cd testing && make dtest3 )
+	( cd testing && make ctest3 )
+	( cd testing && make ztest3 )
+	( cd testing && make all3 )
+	( cd testing && make all )
+	( cd testing && make run )
+example: alllib
+	( cd examples && make all )
+example1: alllib
+	( cd examples && make example1 )
+example2: alllib
+	( cd examples && make example1 )
+	( cd src && rm -f a.out core *.o $(CBLIB) )
+	( cd testing && rm -f *.out core *.o x[sdcz]cblat[123] )
+	( cd examples && rm -f *.o cblas_ex1 cblas_ex2 )