tree: a05d210990591d05242ec06fc68f00ef83f2ff08 [path history] [tgz]
  1. cnn_instrumentation.js
  2. globo_instrumentation.js
  3. network_config_phone.hjson
  4. network_config_tablet.hjson
  5. page_config_phone.hjson
  6. page_config_tablet.hjson
  7. probe_config.hjson
  8. probe_config_experimental.hjson
  10. youtube_instrumentation.js

LoadLine Benchmark

This folder contains configs for the LoadLine benchmark. The goal of the benchmark is to facilitate web performance optimization based on a realistic workload. The benchmark has two workload variants:

  • General-purpose workload representative of the web usage on mobile phones (“phone”);

  • Android Tablet web performance workload (“tablet”).

tl;dr: Running the Benchmark

Run “phone” workload:

./ loadline-phone --browser <browser>

Run “tablet” workload:

./ loadline-tablet --browser <browser>

The browser can be android:chrome-canary, android:chrome-stable etc. See crossbench docs for the full list of options.

Results will be located in results/latest/. Notable files in this directory:

  • loadline_benchmark_probe.csv: Final score for the run
  • trace_processor/loadline_benchmark_score.csv: Breakdown of scores per page and repetition

Benchmark Details


Web is one of the most important use cases on mobile devices. Page loading speed represents a crucial part of user experience, and is not well covered by existing benchmarks (Speedometer, Jetstream, MotionMark). Experiments show that raw CPU performance does not always result in faster web loading speeds, since it's a complex highly parallelized process that stresses a lot of browser and OS components and their interactions. Hence the need for a dedicated web loading benchmark that will enable us to compare devices, track improvements across OS and browser releases.


We aimed for two configurations:

  • Representative mobile Web on Android usage (~5 pages)

    Aimed at covering loading scenarios representative of real web workloads and user environments on Android mobile phones.

  • Android Tablet web performance (~5 pages)

    A set of larger desktop-class workloads intended for tablet/large screen devices running Android.

The biggest challenges we faced in achieving this goal were:

  • Representativeness: How do we determine a representative set of web sites given the humongous corpus of websites whose overall distribution is not thoroughly understood.
  • Metrics Existing page load metrics generalize well for O(millions) of page loads across a variety of sites, but are poor fit to judge performance of a specific site
  • Noise: The web evolves. To ensure the benchmark workloads stay consistent over time, we chose to use recorded & replayed workloads. However, page load is very complex and indeterministic so naive replays are often not consistent.

Site Selection

We did a thorough analysis to ensure we select relevant and representative sites. Our aspiration was to understand the distribution of the most important CUJs and performance characteristics on the web and use this knowledge to elect a small number of representative CUJs, such that their performance characteristics maximize coverage of the distribution.

Practically, we evaluated ~50 prominent sites across a number of different characteristics (dimensions) via trace-based analysis, cross-checking via field data. We clustered similar pages and selected representatives for important clusters. In the end, this was a manual selection aided by algorithmic clustering/correlation analysis.

We looked at over 20 dimensions for suitability and relevance to our site selection, and low correlation between dimensions. Of these, we chose 6 primary metrics that we optimized coverage on: Website type, workload size (CPU time), DOM/Layout complexity (#nodes), JavaScript heap size, time spent in V8, time spent in V8 callbacks into Blink. Secondarily, we included utilization of web features and relevant mojo interfaces, e.g. Video, cookies, main/subframe communication, input events, frame production, network requests, etc.

In the end we selected 5 sites for each configuration which we plan to extend in the future.


Page (mobile version)CUJPerformance characteristics
(product page)
Shopping* average page load, large workload, large DOM/JS (but heavier on DOM)
* high on OOPIFs, input, http(s) resources, frame production
News* slow page load, large workload, large DOM/JS (but heavier on JS)
* high on iframes, main frame, local storage, cookies, http(s) resources
Reference work* fast page load, small workload, large DOM, small JS
* high on input
* low on iframes, http(s) resources, frame production
News / web portal* slow page load, large workload, small DOM, large JS
* high on iframes, OOPIFs, http(s) resources, frame production, cookies
Search* fast page load, average workload, average DOM + JS
* high on main frame, local storage, video


Page (desktop version)CUJPerformance characteristics
(product page)
Shopping* average page load, large workload, large DOM, average JS
* high on OOPIFs, http(s) resources, frame production
News* slow page load, large workload, large DOM/JS (but heavier on JS)
* high on iframes, local storage, video, frame production, cookies
Productivity* slow page load, large workload, large DOM + JS (heavier on JS)
* high on main frame
* high on font resources
Search* fast page load, low workload, low DOM + JS
* high on main frame, local storage
* low on video
Media* slow page load, very high workload, large DOM, small JS heap, average JS time
* high on video


Measuring page load accurately in generic ways is difficult (e.g. some pages require significant work after LCP to become “interactive”) and inaccurate metrics risk incorrect power/perf trade-off choices. Once we had a selection of sites, we looked at each one of them and devised site-specific metrics that better reflect when a page is ready to be interacted with.

Reproducibility / Noise

Page load is a very complex process and is inherently noisy. There is a lot of concurrent work happening in the browser and slight timing differences can have big impact in the actual workload being executed and thus in the perceived load speed.

We took various measures to try to reduce this variability, but there is still room to improve and we plan to do this in the next versions of this benchmark.


We are still actively developing this benchmark and we will try our best to keep the score as stable across changes as possible. We will update the benchmark's minor version if we introduce changes that have a chance of affecting the score. This version is reported in the benchmark output and should be quoted when sharing scores.

Cross-device Comparisons

Workload on two different devices will differ due to variance in application tasks, such as the number of frames rendered during load, timers being executed more frequently during load, etc.

It is important to stress that page load is a complex workload. As a result, if we were to compare scores between two devices A and B, device A having 2x the CPU speed compared to device B, then A‘s score will be less than 2x of B’s score. This is not an error or an artifact of the measurement, this is a result of the adaptable nature of web loading (and / or potential effort of a browser trying to get the best user experience from the resources available). The benchmark score reflects the actual user-observable loading speed.

Web Page Replay

To maintain reproducibility, the benchmark uses the web page replay mechanism. Archives of the web pages are stored in the chrome-partner-telemetry cloud bucket, so you‘ll need access to that bucket to run the benchmark on recorded pages (you can still run the benchmark on live sites if you don’t have the access, but there's no guarantee that results will be reproducible/comparable).


By default, the benchmark runs 100 repetitions, as we have found that this brings the noise to an acceptable level. You can override this setting via --repetitions

Thermal Throttling

Given the high number of repetitions in the standard configuration, thermal throttling can be an issue, especially in more thermally constricted devices. A one size fits all solution to this problem is quite hard; even detecting this is very device specific. So for the first version of the benchmark, we leave it up to the user to determine if the results of the benchmark might be influenced by thermal issues. Crossbench has a way of adding a delay between repetitions that can be used to mitigate this problem (at the expense of longer running times): --cool-down-time.

In the future, we want to look at ways to aid users in detecting / mitigating thermal throttling (e.g. notify users that thermal throttling happened during the test or automatically waiting between repetitions until the device is in a good thermal state).


In its standard configuration, the benchmark will run 100 iterations. In addition, the WPR server will run on device, rather than on the host, to reduce the noise caused by the latency introduced by the host to device connection.

Both these settings can be overridden if needed / desirable. (Repetitions, WPR on host)

Run the benchmark on live sites

./ loadline-phone --browser <browser> --network live

Attention: This benchmark uses various custom metrics tailored to the individual pages. If the pages change, it is not guaranteed that these metrics will keep working.

Record a new WPR archive

Uncomment the wpr: {}, line in the probe config and run the benchmark on live sites (see the command above). The archive will be located in results/latest/archive.wprgo.

Attention: This benchmark uses various custom metrics tailored to the individual pages. If the pages change, it is not guaranteed that these metrics will keep working.

Running WPR on the host {#host_wpr}

If you care about running as little overhead as possible on the device, e.g. for power measurements, you might consider running the WPR server on the host machine instead of the device under test. You can do this by

Adding run_on_device: false, to the corresponding network config file config/benchmark/loadline/network_config_phone.hjson or config/benchmark/loadline/network_config_tablet.hjson.

Note golang must be available on the host machine. Check go.mod for the minimum version.

Run the benchmark with full set of experimental metrics

Sometimes to investigate a source of a regression, or get deeper insights, it may be useful to collect more detailed traces and compute additional metrics. This can be done with the following command:

./ loadline-phone --browser <browser>\
  --probe-config config/benchmark/loadline/probe_config_experimental.hjson

Note that collecting detailed traces incurs significant overhead, so the benchmark scores will likely be lower than in the default configuration.

Common issues

Problems finding wpr.go

If you see a Could not find wpr.go binary error:

  • If you have chromium checked out locally: set CHROMIUM_SRC environment variable to the path of your chromium/src folder.
  • If not (or if you're still getting this error): see the next section.

Running the benchmark without full chromium checkout

Follow the crossbench development instructions to check out code and run crossbench standalone.

Problems accessing the cloud bucket

In some cases, you might need to download the web page archive manually. In this case, save the archive file corresponding to the version you are running (gs://chrome-partner-telemetry/loading_benchmark/archive_*.wprgo) locally and run the benchmark as follows:

./ loadline-phone --network <path to archive.wprgo>