blob: 77bfe5ad310ff3981a9650350dcd439b400d45e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
namespace gfx {
class Size;
class Rect;
} // namespace ui
namespace content {
// Surface capturer interface. This interface is implemented by classes
// that perform image capturing from the backbuffer.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SurfaceCapturer {
enum Error {
// Invalid argument was passed to an API method.
// A failure occurred at the GPU process or one of its dependencies.
// Examples of such failures include GPU hardware failures, GPU driver
// failures, GPU library failures, GPU process programming errors, and so
// on.
class CONTENT_EXPORT Client {
// Callback to notify client of parameters of the backbuffer capture. Every
// time the Client receives this callback, subsequent media::VideoFrames
// passed to CopyCaptureToVideoFrame() should mind the new parameters.
// Parameters:
// |buffer_size| is the required logical size (in pixels) of the buffer
// to capture to (corresponds to |frame->coded_size()| in
// CopyCaptureToVideoFrame().
// |visible_rect| is the visible subrect of the actual screen capture
// contents in the buffer to capture to (corresponds to
// |frame->visible_rect()| in CopyCaptureToVideoFrame().
virtual void NotifyCaptureParameters(const gfx::Size& buffer_size,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect) = 0;
// Callback to notify client that CopyCaptureToVideoFrame() has been
// completed for |frame|. After this call, the capturer will drop all its
// outstanding references to |frame|.
// Parameters:
// |frame| is the completed copied captured frame.
virtual void NotifyCopyCaptureDone(
const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame) = 0;
// Error notification callback.
// Parameters:
// |error| is the error to report.
virtual void NotifyError(Error error) = 0;
// Clients are not owned by Capturer instances and should not be deleted
// through these pointers.
virtual ~Client() {}
// Initialize the capturer to a specific configuration.
// Parameters:
// |format| is the format to capture to (corresponds to |frame->format()| in
// CopyCaptureToVideoFrame()). The NotifyCaptureParameters() callback is
// made to the Client on success; on failure, a NotifyError() callback is
// performed.
virtual void Initialize(media::VideoFrame::Format format) = 0;
// Attempt to capture a single frame. This call is advisory to note to the
// SurfaceCapturer that capture should be attempted at this time; success is
// not guaranteed. The most recent captured frame is cached internally, and
// its contents returned every time CopyCaptureToVideoFrame() is called.
virtual void TryCapture() = 0;
// Copy the most recent captured contents to |frame|.
// Parameters:
// |frame| is the media::VideoFrame to fill with captured contents.
virtual void CopyCaptureToVideoFrame(
const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame) = 0;
// Destroys the capturer; all pending inputs and outputs are dropped
// immediately and the component is freed. This call may asynchronously free
// system resources, but its client-visible effects are synchronous. After
// this method returns no more callbacks will be made on the client. Deletes
// |this| unconditionally, so make sure to drop all pointers to it!
virtual void Destroy() = 0;
virtual ~SurfaceCapturer();
} // namespace content