Copy CLDR 32.0.1 from to aosp/cldr-release-32-0-1.
These files were exported from the CLDR Subversion repository by running
the following commands:
svn export --force .
git clean -dfX
git add -A .
Bug: 79438058
Change-Id: I0b4a10f3a3f49b52ffe4bdb3c60cb1cc65de8cc1
diff --git a/common/collation/km.xml b/common/collation/km.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7b4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/collation/km.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd">
+Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc.
+CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (
+For terms of use, see
+ <identity>
+ <version number="$Revision: 11914 $"/>
+ <language type="km" />
+ </identity>
+ <collations>
+ <collation type="standard">
+ <cr><![CDATA[
+ [normalization on]
+ [reorder Khmr]
+ &[last tertiary ignorable]=\u17b4=\u17b5
+ &។ល។<<<៘
+ &ៈ<<៎<<៏<<៑<<័<<ៈ<<៝<<់<<៉<<៊<<៍
+ &រ<ឫ<ឬ
+ &ល<ឭ<ឮ
+ &រ្ក<<ក៌
+ &រ្ខ<<ខ៌
+ &រ្គ<<គ៌
+ &រ្ឃ<<ឃ៌
+ &រ្ង<<ង៌
+ &រ្ច<<ច៌
+ &រ្ឆ<<ឆ៌
+ &រ្ជ<<ជ៌
+ &រ្ឈ<<ឈ៌
+ &រ្ញ<<ញ៌
+ &រ្ដ<<ដ៌
+ &រ្ឋ<<ឋ៌
+ &រ្ឌ<<ឌ៌
+ &រ្ឍ<<ឍ៌
+ &រ្ណ<<ណ៌
+ &រ្ត<<ត៌
+ &រ្ថ<<ថ៌
+ &រ្ទ<<ទ៌
+ &រ្ធ<<ធ៌
+ &រ្ន<<ន៌
+ &រ្ប<<ប៌
+ &រ្ផ<<ផ៌
+ &រ្ព<<ព៌
+ &រ្ភ<<ភ៌
+ &រ្ម<<ម៌
+ &រ្យ<<យ៌
+ &រ្រ<<រ៌
+ &រ្ឫ<<ឫ៌
+ &រ្ឬ<<ឬ៌
+ &រ្ល<<ល៌
+ &រ្ឭ<<ឭ៌
+ &រ្ឮ<<ឮ៌
+ &រ្វ<<វ៌
+ &រ្ឝ<<ឝ៌
+ &រ្ឞ<<ឞ៌
+ &រ្ស<<ស៌
+ &រ្ហ<<ហ៌
+ &រ្ឡ<<ឡ៌
+ &រ្អ<<អ៌=ឣ៌
+ &អ=ឣ
+ &អា=ឤ
+ &អិ<<ឥ
+ &អី<<ឦ
+ &អុ<<ឧ
+ &អូ<<ឩ
+ &អែ<<ឯ
+ &អៃ<<ឰ
+ &អោ<<ឱ
+ &អៅ<<ឳ
+ &ឧក<<<ឨ
+ &ឩវ<<<ឪ
+ &ឱ<<<ឲ
+ &ៅ<ុំ<ំ<ាំ<ះ<ិះ<ុះ<េះ<ោះ
+ ]]></cr>
+ </collation>
+ </collations>