Update emoji translations & ordering
SBRS (at the start of the release):
Where the current version is VV:
Run unicodetools GenerateEmoji with specific version number, like 14.0
If you get an error like
- Exception in thread βmainβ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: no name for π«±βπ«² 1FAF1 200D 1FAF2
- at org.unicode.tools.emoji.EmojiData._getName(EmojiData.java:1230)
- at org.unicode.tools.emoji.EmojiData.getName(EmojiData.java:1194)
- at org.unicode.tools.emoji.EmojiDataSourceCombined.getName(EmojiDataSourceCombined.java:156)
- at org.unicode.tools.emoji.GenerateEmoji.showCandidateStyle(GenerateEmoji.java:3600)
- at org.unicode.tools.emoji.GenerateEmoji.main(GenerateEmoji.java:641)
Then change the name composition algorithm if necessary (for new emoji zwj sequences)
- It may have also been modified during the emoji development. Typically the code that needs changing will be in Annotations.synthesize, to capture yet another special skintone instance
- Ensure that the documentation of composition of names (for new components like hair styles) in LDML is updated to match what is in org.unicode.cldr.util.Annotations.
- Make sure that org.unicode.tools.emoji.unittest.TestAll runs successfully, with -Demoji-beta.
- /emoji/docs/Public/emoji/14.0/emoji-test.txt
to - /cldr-code/src/main/resources/org/unicode/cldr/util/data/emoji/emoji-test.txt
Run unicode tools: org.unicode.tools.emoji.GenerateCldrData
Copy each list of data from the console into (respectively) as per instructions
- annotations/root.xml
- annotations/en.xml
Copy emoji-test.txt into org.unicode.cldr.util.data.emoji
Run org.unicode.tools.emoji.CopyImagesToCldr.java to add images to ... /cldr/tools/cldr-apps/src/main/webapp/images/emoji
- These are the ones that show up in the info panel of the survey tool.
- Update the collation/root.xml using unicode/draft/emoji/charts-VV/emoji-ordering-rules.txt
Run tests
You may get an error in testAnnotationPaths.
- May need to change org.unicode.cldr.util.Emoji.SPECIALS to have TestAnnotations pass. These are zwj sequences whose names cannot be composed.
- eg β[{π³βπ}{πβπ¨}{π΄ββ }]β
You may also get an error in TestNames. Check the names to see what is happening, and whether to change the test or the data.
TODO: test that derived names are complete
BRS (if the UCD files are adjusted after the start of the release):
As above, except that you only need to
- Run unicodetools GenerateEmoji with the beta options
- Copy emoji-test.txt into org.unicode.cldr.util.data.emoji
- update collation/root.xml using unicode/draft/emoji/charts-XX/emoji-ordering-rules.txt