| const fs = require("fs").promises; |
| const { marked } = require("marked"); |
| const jsdom = require("jsdom"); |
| const { JSDOM } = jsdom; |
| const path = require("path"); |
| |
| // Setup some options for our markdown renderer |
| marked.setOptions({ |
| renderer: new marked.Renderer(), |
| |
| // Add a code highlighter |
| highlight: function (code, forlanguage) { |
| const hljs = require("highlight.js"); |
| language = hljs.getLanguage(forlanguage) ? forlanguage : "plaintext"; |
| return hljs.highlight(code, { language }).value; |
| }, |
| pedantic: false, |
| gfm: true, |
| breaks: false, |
| sanitize: false, |
| smartLists: true, |
| smartypants: false, |
| xhtml: false, |
| }); |
| |
| /** |
| * Read the input .md file, and write to a corresponding .html file |
| * @param {string} infile path to input file |
| * @returns {Promise<string>} name of output file (for status update) |
| */ |
| async function renderit(infile) { |
| console.log(`Reading ${infile}`); |
| basename = path.basename(infile, ".md"); |
| const outfile = path.join(path.dirname(infile), `${basename}.html`); |
| let f1 = await fs.readFile(infile, "utf-8"); |
| |
| // oh the irony of removing a BOM before posting to unicode.org |
| if (f1.charCodeAt(0) == 0xfeff) { |
| f1 = f1.substring(3); |
| } |
| |
| // render to HTML |
| const rawHtml = marked(f1); |
| |
| // now fix. Spin up a JSDOM so we can manipulate |
| const dom = new JSDOM(rawHtml); |
| const document = dom.window.document; |
| |
| // First the HEAD |
| const head = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; |
| |
| // add CSS to HEAD |
| head.innerHTML = |
| head.innerHTML + |
| `<meta charset="utf-8">\n` + |
| `<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='../reports-v2.css'>\n`; |
| |
| // Assume there's not already a title and that we need to add one. |
| if (dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("title").length >= 1) { |
| console.log("Already had a <title>… not changing."); |
| } else { |
| const title = document.createElement("title"); |
| const first_h1_text = document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent.replace(')Part', ') Part'); |
| title.appendChild(document.createTextNode(first_h1_text)) |
| head.appendChild(title); |
| } |
| |
| // calculate the header object |
| const header = dom.window.document.createElement("div"); |
| header.setAttribute("class", "header"); |
| |
| // taken from prior TRs, read from the header in 'header.html' |
| header.innerHTML = (await fs.readFile('header.html', 'utf-8')).trim(); |
| |
| // Move all elements out of the top level body and into a subelement |
| // The subelement is <div class="body"/> |
| const body = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; |
| const bp = body.parentNode; |
| div = dom.window.document.createElement("div"); |
| div.setAttribute("class", "body"); |
| let sawFirstTable = false; |
| for (const e of body.childNodes) { |
| body.removeChild(e); |
| if (div.childNodes.length === 0 && e.tagName === 'P') { |
| // update title element to <h2 class="uaxtitle"/> |
| const newTitle = document.createElement('h2'); |
| newTitle.setAttribute("class", "uaxtitle"); |
| newTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e.textContent)); |
| div.appendChild(newTitle); |
| } else { |
| if (!sawFirstTable && e.tagName === 'TABLE') { |
| // Update first table to simple width=90% |
| // The first table is the document header (Author, etc.) |
| e.setAttribute("class", "simple"); |
| e.setAttribute("width", "90%"); |
| sawFirstTable = true; |
| } |
| div.appendChild(e); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * create a <SCRIPT/> object. |
| * Choose ONE of src or code. |
| * @param {Object} obj |
| * @param {string} obj.src source of script as url |
| * @param {string} obj.code code for script as text |
| * @returns |
| */ |
| function getScript({src, code}) { |
| const script = dom.window.document.createElement("script"); |
| if (src) { |
| script.setAttribute("src", src); |
| } |
| if (code) { |
| script.appendChild(dom.window.document.createTextNode(code)); |
| } |
| return script; |
| } |
| |
| // body already has no content to it at this point. |
| // Add all the pieces back. |
| body.appendChild(getScript({ src: './js/anchor.min.js' })); |
| body.appendChild(header); |
| body.appendChild(div); |
| |
| // now, fix all links from ….md#… to ….html#… |
| for (const e of dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("a")) { |
| const href = e.getAttribute("href"); |
| let m; |
| if ((m = /^(.*)\.md#(.*)$/.exec(href))) { |
| e.setAttribute("href", `${m[1]}.html#${m[2]}`); |
| } else if ((m = /^(.*)\.md$/.exec(href))) { |
| e.setAttribute("href", `${m[1]}.html`); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // put this last |
| body.appendChild(getScript({ |
| // This invokes anchor.js |
| code: `anchors.add('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, caption');` |
| })); |
| |
| // Now, fixup captions |
| // Look for: <h6>Table: …</h6> followed by <table>…</table> |
| // Move the h6 inside the table, but as <caption/> |
| const h6es = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("h6"); |
| const toRemove = []; |
| for (const h6 of h6es) { |
| if (!h6.innerHTML.startsWith("Table: ")) { |
| console.error('Does not start with Table: ' + h6.innerHTML); |
| continue; // no 'Table:' marker. |
| } |
| const next = h6.nextElementSibling; |
| if (next.tagName !== 'TABLE') { |
| console.error('Not a following table for ' + h6.innerHTML); |
| continue; // Next item is not a table. Maybe a PRE or something. |
| } |
| const caption = dom.window.document.createElement("caption"); |
| for (const e of h6.childNodes) { |
| // h6.removeChild(e); |
| caption.appendChild(e.cloneNode(true)); |
| } |
| for (const p of h6.attributes) { |
| caption.setAttribute(p.name, p.value); |
| h6.removeAttribute(p.name); // so that it does not have a conflicting id |
| } |
| next.prepend(caption); |
| toRemove.push(h6); |
| } |
| for (const h6 of toRemove) { |
| h6.remove(); |
| } |
| |
| // Drop generated anchors where there is an explicit anchor |
| const anchors = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName("a"); |
| for (const a of anchors) { |
| // a needs to have a name |
| const aname = a.getAttribute('name'); |
| if (!aname) continue; |
| // parent needs to have a single child node and its own 'id'. |
| const parent = a.parentElement; |
| if (parent.childElementCount !== 1) continue; |
| const parid = parent.getAttribute('id'); |
| if(!parid) continue; |
| // Criteria met. swap the name and id |
| parent.setAttribute('id', aname); |
| a.setAttribute('name', parid); |
| } |
| |
| // OK, done munging the DOM, write it out. |
| console.log(`Writing ${outfile}`); |
| |
| // TODO: we assume that DOCTYPE is not written. |
| await fs.writeFile(outfile, `<!DOCTYPE html>\n` |
| + dom.serialize()); |
| return outfile; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Convert all files |
| * @returns Promise<String[]> list of output files |
| */ |
| async function fixall() { |
| outbox = "./dist"; |
| |
| // TODO: move source file copy into JavaScript? |
| // srcbox = '../../../docs/ldml'; |
| |
| const fileList = (await fs.readdir(outbox)) |
| .filter((f) => /\.md$/.test(f)) |
| .map((f) => path.join(outbox, f)); |
| return Promise.all(fileList.map(renderit)); |
| } |
| |
| fixall().then( |
| (x) => console.dir(x), |
| (e) => { |
| console.error(e); |
| process.exitCode = 1; |
| } |
| ); |