blob: bd33fd9e7d0924df3a5570d5c2bd03786d7cae91 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Keyboard Charts
## What are these
The Keyboard Charts are now built as client-side JavaScript tables.
## To Build from the command line
- install <> current LTS version, then in this directory:
- `npm i`
- `npm run build`
## To build from Maven
Run this from the command line in the top level directory:
- `mvn --file=tools/pom.xml -pl :cldr-keyboard-charts integration-test`
## To build from Eclipse
- Right-click on the `pom.xml` in `docs/charts/keyboards` (it will show as "cldr-keyboard-charts")
- Choose **Run As... - Maven Build**
- Change the **goal** to `integration-test`
- Choose Run
## Trying them out
- `npm run serve` will serve the charts locally on <http://localhost:3000>
- Or view the [`index.html`](./index.html) file located in the same directory as this README