Bug: 263150094

Clone this repo:
  1. ec01ef0 Build Cronet against the System SDK by Etienne Dechamps · 7 weeks ago main master
  2. 54e713a Add tests for Http preloading flags by Mohannad Farrag · 33 hours ago
  3. 15754f5 Preload HttpEngine Impl classes by Mohannad Farrag · 5 weeks ago
  4. c5aa4a8 Preload Cronet's shared library into Zygote [reland aosp/3416509] by Mohannad Farrag · 4 weeks ago
  5. edf15d8 Resolve spurious newline in copybara 3-way merge by Etienne Dechamps · 3 weeks ago

Cronet (HttpEngine)

Cronet is Chrome's networking stack packaged into a client networking library for Android. It significantly improves performance thanks to highly optimized code and support of modern protocols like QUIC and HTTP/3.

Cronet is imported through copybara from Chromium. Please do not submit any changes to this repoistory or touch the Android.bp as they are auto-generated. Contact cronet-team@ for more information

Repository Layout

See go/cronet-structure-in-aosp for more additional details


android/ only exists in AOSP and is not imported from Chromium. This contains tools and code that is usually developed in AOSP and is not related to Chromium (eg: HttpEngine API).

Third-party code

This include the top-level third_party/. It's important to note that there are some third-party code that lives under first-party code (eg: QUICHE which lives under net/third_party). Those should be moved to the top-level third_party directory at some point but we will only do so once chromium has done that.

Rust Third-party code

We follow the same structure which Rust follows in AOSP where the crates live under third_party/rust/chromium_crates_io/vendor but the BUILD.gn which defines the build target lives under third_party/rust/{library_name} (eg: aho-corasick). For more information, see the README.md in Chromium for Rust crates.