[automerger skipped] Empty merge of Android 24Q2 Release (ab/11526283) to aosp-main-future am: 2140b1d82b -s ours

am skip reason: Merged-In Ic163828d753c92d5fa9b03d7f78cd52688fd00fd with SHA-1 de525a0c77 is already in history

Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/dtc/+/27143691

Change-Id: I0682a79bf3dd7909e3c0b0eb2534646b8903cc3e
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <[email protected]>
tree: 39079d8f82b3dca7d53b7260adf862f4906e2553
  1. Documentation/
  2. fuzzing/
  3. libfdt/
  4. pylibfdt/
  5. scripts/
  6. tests/
  7. .cirrus.yml
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .gitignore
  10. .travis.yml
  11. Android.bp
  12. BSD-2-Clause
  13. BUILD.bazel
  14. checks.c
  16. convert-dtsv0-lexer.l
  17. data.c
  18. dtc-lexer.l
  19. dtc-parser.y
  20. dtc.c
  21. dtc.h
  22. dtdiff
  23. fdtdump.c
  24. fdtget.c
  25. fdtoverlay.c
  26. fdtput.c
  27. flattree.c
  28. fstree.c
  29. GPL
  30. LGPL
  32. livetree.c
  33. Makefile
  34. Makefile.convert-dtsv0
  35. Makefile.dtc
  36. Makefile.utils
  37. MANIFEST.in
  38. meson.build
  39. meson_options.txt
  41. METADATA_version.sed
  45. OWNERS
  46. README.license
  47. README.md
  48. README.version
  49. setup.py
  50. srcpos.c
  51. srcpos.h
  52. TODO
  53. treesource.c
  54. util.c
  55. util.h
  56. version_gen.h.in
  58. yamltree.c

Device Tree Compiler and libfdt

The source tree contains the Device Tree Compiler (dtc) toolchain for working with device tree source and binary files and also libfdt, a utility library for reading and manipulating the binary format.

dtc and libfdt are maintained by:

Python library

A Python library wrapping libfdt is also available. To build this you will need to install swig and Python development files. On Debian distributions:

$ sudo apt-get install swig python3-dev

The library provides an Fdt class which you can use like this:

$ PYTHONPATH=../pylibfdt python3
>>> import libfdt
>>> fdt = libfdt.Fdt(open('test_tree1.dtb', mode='rb').read())
>>> node = fdt.path_offset('/subnode@1')
>>> print(node)
>>> prop_offset = fdt.first_property_offset(node)
>>> prop = fdt.get_property_by_offset(prop_offset)
>>> print('%s=%s' % (prop.name, prop.as_str()))
>>> node2 = fdt.path_offset('/')
>>> print(fdt.getprop(node2, 'compatible').as_str())

You will find tests in tests/pylibfdt_tests.py showing how to use each method. Help is available using the Python help command, e.g.:

$ cd pylibfdt
$ python3 -c "import libfdt; help(libfdt)"

If you add new features, please check code coverage:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-coverage
$ cd tests
# It's just 'coverage' on most other distributions
$ python3-coverage run pylibfdt_tests.py
$ python3-coverage html
# Open 'htmlcov/index.html' in your browser

The library can be installed with pip from a local source tree:

$ pip install . [--user|--prefix=/path/to/install_dir]

Or directly from a remote git repo:

$ pip install git+git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/dtc/dtc.git@main

The install depends on libfdt shared library being installed on the host system first. Generally, using --user or --prefix is not necessary and pip will use the default location for the Python installation which varies if the user is root or not.

You can also install everything via make if you like, but pip is recommended.

To install both libfdt and pylibfdt you can use:

$ make install [PREFIX=/path/to/install_dir]

To disable building the python library, even if swig and Python are available, use:

$ make NO_PYTHON=1

More work remains to support all of libfdt, including access to numeric values.

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