tree: f8dee2a5fa7a8337a247f47960f76d4cde5c1f81 [path history] [tgz]
  1. apikeys/
  2. cloudquotas/
  3. expr/
  4. servicecontrol/
  5. servicemanagement/
  6. serviceusage/
  7. Android.bp
  8. annotations.proto
  9. auth.proto
  10. backend.proto
  11. billing.proto
  12. BUILD.bazel
  13. client.proto
  14. config_change.proto
  15. consumer.proto
  16. context.proto
  17. control.proto
  18. distribution.proto
  19. documentation.proto
  20. endpoint.proto
  21. error_reason.proto
  22. field_behavior.proto
  23. field_info.proto
  24. http.proto
  25. httpbody.proto
  26. label.proto
  27. launch_stage.proto
  28. log.proto
  29. logging.proto
  30. metric.proto
  31. monitored_resource.proto
  32. monitoring.proto
  33. policy.proto
  34. quota.proto
  36. resource.proto
  37. routing.proto
  38. service.proto
  39. serviceconfig.yaml
  40. source_info.proto
  41. system_parameter.proto
  42. usage.proto
  43. visibility.proto

API Protos

This folder contains the schema of the configuration model for Google's internal API serving platform, which handles routing, quotas, monitoring, logging, and the like.

Google refers to this configuration colloquially as the “service config”, and the service.proto file in this directory is the entry point for understanding these.

Using these protos

To be honest, we probably open sourced way too much of this (basically by accident). There are a couple files in here you are most likely to be interested in: http.proto, documentation.proto, auth.proto, and annotations.proto.


The http.proto file contains the Http message (which then is wrapped in an annotation in annotations.proto), which provides a specification for REST endpoints and verbs (GET, POST, etc.) on RPC methods. We recommend use of this annotation for describing the relationship between RPCs and REST endpoints.


The documentation.proto file contains a Documentation message which provides a mechanism to fully describe an API, allowing a tool to build structured documentation artifacts.


The auth.proto file contains descriptions of both authentication rules and authentication providers, allowing you to describe what your services expect and accept from clients.