Bump to Gradle 6.9 and update plugins

These changes make the build compatible with Gradle 7, except for
Android which requires plugin updates.

I removed animalsniffer from binder because it did nothing (as there
were no signatures) and it was failing after setting toolVersion. It
failed because animalsniffer is only compatible with java plugin. After
this change I put the withId(animalsniffer) loading inside the
withId(java) to avoid a plugin ordering failure. That made it safe again
for binder to load animalsniffer, but it is still best to remove the
plugin from binder as it is misleading.

I did not upgrade Android plugin versions as newer versions (even 3.6)
require dealing with androidx (#8421).
diff --git a/all/build.gradle b/all/build.gradle
index bfc9ad0..ede0b03 100644
--- a/all/build.gradle
+++ b/all/build.gradle
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
 jacocoTestReport {
     reports {
-        xml.enabled = true
-        html.enabled = true
+        xml.required = true
+        html.required = true
     subprojects.each { subproject ->