buildscripts: xDS Kubernetes Interop tests buildscript

diff --git a/buildscripts/kokoro/ b/buildscripts/kokoro/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fba84da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/kokoro/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# TODO(sergiitk): move to grpc/grpc when implementing support of other languages
+set -eo pipefail
+# Constants
+readonly PYTHON_VERSION="3.6"
+# Test driver
+readonly TEST_DRIVER_REPO_NAME="grpc"
+readonly TEST_DRIVER_PATH="tools/run_tests/xds_k8s_test_driver"
+readonly TEST_DRIVER_PROTOS_PATH="src/proto/grpc/testing"
+# Run command end report its exit code. Doesn't exit on non-zero exit code.
+# Globals:
+#   None
+# Arguments:
+#   Command to execute
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of given command to stdout, stderr
+run_ignore_exit_code() {
+  local exit_code=-1
+  "$@" || exit_code=$?
+  echo "Exit code: ${exit_code}"
+# Parses information about git repository at given path to global variables.
+# Globals:
+#   GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
+#   GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
+# Arguments:
+#   Git source dir
+parse_src_repo_git_info() {
+  local src_dir="${SRC_DIR:?SRC_DIR must be set}"
+  readonly GIT_ORIGIN_URL=$(git -C "${src_dir}" remote get-url origin)
+  readonly GIT_COMMIT=$(git -C "${src_dir}" rev-parse HEAD)
+  readonly GIT_COMMIT_SHORT=$(git -C "${src_dir}" rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# List GCR image tags matching given tag name.
+# Arguments:
+#   Image name
+#   Tag name
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the table with the list of found tags to stdout.
+#   If no tags found, the output is an empty string.
+gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags() {
+  gcloud container images list-tags --format="table[box](tags,digest," --filter="tags:$2" "$1"
+# A helper to execute `gcloud -q components update`.
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `gcloud` command to stdout, stderr
+gcloud_update() {
+  echo "Update gcloud components:"
+  gcloud -q components update
+# Create kube context authenticated with GKE cluster, saves context name.
+# Globals:
+#   KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `gcloud` command to stdout, stderr
+#   Writes authorization info $HOME/.kube/config
+gcloud_get_cluster_credentials() {
+  gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${GKE_CLUSTER_NAME}" --zone "${GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE}"
+  readonly KUBE_CONTEXT="$(kubectl config current-context)"
+# Clone the source code of the test driver to $TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR, unless
+# given folder exists.
+# Globals:
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: path to the repo containing the test driver
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR_USE_EXISTING: set non-empty value to use exiting
+#      clone of the driver repo located at $TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR.
+#      Useful for debugging the build script locally.
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `git` command to stdout, stderr
+#   Writes driver source code to $TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR
+test_driver_get_source() {
+  if [[ -n "${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR_USE_EXISTING}" && -d "${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR}" ]]; then
+    echo "Using exiting driver directory: ${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR}."
+  else
+    echo "Cloning driver to ${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_URL} branch ${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH} to ${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR}"
+    git clone -b "${TEST_DRIVER_BRANCH}" --depth=1 "${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_URL}" "${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR}"
+  fi
+# Install Python modules from required in $TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR/requirements.txt
+# to Python virtual environment. Creates and activates Python venv if necessary.
+# Globals:
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `python`, `pip` commands to stdout, stderr
+#   Writes the list of installed modules to stdout
+test_driver_pip_install() {
+  echo "Install python dependencies"
+  # Create and activate virtual environment unless already using one
+  if [[ -z "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]]; then
+    local venv_dir="${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}/venv"
+    if [[ -d "${venv_dir}" ]]; then
+      echo "Found python virtual environment directory: ${venv_dir}"
+    else
+      echo "Creating python virtual environment: ${venv_dir}"
+      "python${PYTHON_VERSION} -m venv ${venv_dir}"
+    fi
+    # Intentional: No need to check python venv activate script.
+    # shellcheck source=/dev/null
+    source "${venv_dir}/bin/activate"
+  fi
+  pip install -r requirements.txt
+  echo "Installed Python packages:"
+  pip list
+# Compile proto-files needed for the test driver
+# Globals:
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `python -m grpc_tools.protoc` to stdout, stderr
+#   Writes the list if compiled python code to stdout
+#   Writes compiled python code with proto messages and grpc services to
+#   $TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR/src/proto
+test_driver_compile_protos() {
+  declare -a protos
+  protos=(
+    "${TEST_DRIVER_PROTOS_PATH}/test.proto"
+    "${TEST_DRIVER_PROTOS_PATH}/messages.proto"
+    "${TEST_DRIVER_PROTOS_PATH}/empty.proto"
+  )
+  echo "Generate python code from grpc.testing protos: ${protos[*]}"
+  python -m grpc_tools.protoc \
+    --proto_path=. \
+    --python_out="${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}" \
+    --grpc_python_out="${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}" \
+    "${protos[@]}"
+  local protos_out_dir="${TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR}/${TEST_DRIVER_PROTOS_PATH}"
+  echo "Generated files ${protos_out_dir}:"
+  ls -Fl "${protos_out_dir}"
+# Installs the test driver and it's requirements.
+# Globals:
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
+#                         the test driver
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
+# Arguments:
+#   The directory for test driver's source code
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout, stderr
+test_driver_install() {
+  readonly TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR="${1:?Usage test_driver_install TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR}"
+  test_driver_get_source
+  test_driver_pip_install
+  test_driver_compile_protos
+# Outputs Kokoro image version and Ubuntu's lsb_release
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout
+kokoro_print_version() {
+  echo "Kokoro VM version:"
+  if [[ -f /VERSION ]]; then
+    cat /VERSION
+  fi
+  run_ignore_exit_code lsb_release -a
+# Report extra information about the job via sponge properties.
+# Globals:
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout
+#   Writes job properties to $KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR/custom_sponge_config.csv
+kokoro_write_sponge_properties() {
+  # CSV format: "property_name","property_value"
+  # Bump TESTS_FORMAT_VERSION when reported test name changed enough to when it
+  # makes more sense to discard previous test results from a testgrid board.
+  # Use GIT_ORIGIN_URL to exclude test runs executed against repo forks from
+  # testgrid reports.
+  cat >"${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/custom_sponge_config.csv" <<EOF
+  echo "Sponge properties:"
+  cat "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/custom_sponge_config.csv"
+# Configure Python virtual environment on Kokoro VM.
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `pyenv` commands to stdout
+kokoro_setup_python_virtual_environment() {
+  # Kokoro provides pyenv, so use it instead of `python -m venv`
+  echo "Setup pyenv environment"
+  eval "$(pyenv init -)"
+  eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
+  py_latest_patch="$(pyenv versions --bare --skip-aliases | grep -E "^${PYTHON_VERSION}\.[0-9]{1,2}$" | sort --version-sort | tail -n 1)"
+  echo "Activating python ${py_latest_patch} virtual environment"
+  pyenv virtualenv "${py_latest_patch}" k8s_xds_test_runner
+  pyenv local k8s_xds_test_runner
+  pyenv activate k8s_xds_test_runner
+# Installs and configures the test driver on Kokoro VM.
+# Globals:
+#   SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo on Kokoro VM
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
+#                         the test driver
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
+#   TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
+#   KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
+#   GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
+#   GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
+# Arguments:
+#   The name of github repository being built
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout, stderr, files
+kokoro_setup_test_driver() {
+  local src_repository_name="${1:?Usage kokoro_setup_test_driver GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}"
+  # Capture Kokoro VM version info in the log.
+  kokoro_print_version
+  # Kokoro clones repo to ${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/github/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}
+  local github_root="${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/github"
+  readonly SRC_DIR="${github_root}/${src_repository_name}"
+  local test_driver_repo_dir="${github_root}/${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_NAME}"
+  parse_src_repo_git_info SRC_DIR
+  kokoro_write_sponge_properties
+  kokoro_setup_python_virtual_environment
+  # gcloud requires python, so this should be executed after pyenv setup
+  gcloud_update
+  gcloud_get_cluster_credentials
+  test_driver_install "${test_driver_repo_dir}"
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034  # Used in the main script
+  readonly TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE="config/grpc-testing.cfg"
+  # Test artifacts dir: xml reports, logs, etc.
+  local artifacts_dir="${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}/artifacts"
+  # Folders after $artifacts_dir reported as target name
+  readonly TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR="${artifacts_dir}/${KOKORO_JOB_NAME}"
+  mkdir -p "${artifacts_dir}" "${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}"
+# Installs and configures the test driver for testing build script locally.
+# Globals:
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Unless provided, populated with a temporary dir with
+#                         the path to the test driver repo
+#   SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
+#   TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
+#   GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
+#   GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
+# Arguments:
+#   The path to the folder containing the build script
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout, stderr, files
+local_setup_test_driver() {
+  local script_dir="${1:?Usage: local_setup_test_driver SCRIPT_DIR}"
+  readonly SRC_DIR="$(git -C "${script_dir}" rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
+  parse_src_repo_git_info SRC_DIR
+  readonly KUBE_CONTEXT="${KUBE_CONTEXT:-$(kubectl config current-context)}"
+  local test_driver_repo_dir
+  test_driver_repo_dir="${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR:-$(mktemp -d)/${TEST_DRIVER_REPO_NAME}}"
+  test_driver_install "${test_driver_repo_dir}"
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034  # Used in the main script
+  readonly TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE="config/local-dev.cfg"
+  # Test out
+  mkdir -p "${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}"
diff --git a/buildscripts/kokoro/xds-k8s.cfg b/buildscripts/kokoro/xds-k8s.cfg
index be553d3..61fe825 100644
--- a/buildscripts/kokoro/xds-k8s.cfg
+++ b/buildscripts/kokoro/xds-k8s.cfg
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
 # Location of the continuous shell script in repository.
 build_file: "grpc-java/buildscripts/kokoro/"
 timeout_mins: 90
 action {
   define_artifacts {
-    regex: "artifacts/*sponge_log.xml"
-    regex: "artifacts/*sponge_log.log"
+    regex: "artifacts/**/*sponge_log.xml"
+    regex: "artifacts/**/*sponge_log.log"
+    strip_prefix: "artifacts"
diff --git a/buildscripts/kokoro/ b/buildscripts/kokoro/
index 70f88ff..8b5bf72 100755
--- a/buildscripts/kokoro/
+++ b/buildscripts/kokoro/
@@ -1,4 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -eo pipefail
-# A placeholder for xDS interop tests executed on GKE
-echo "Coming soon"
+# Constants
+readonly GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME="grpc-java"
+# GKE Cluster
+readonly GKE_CLUSTER_NAME="interop-test-psm-sec1-us-central1"
+readonly GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE="us-central1-a"
+## xDS test server/client Docker images
+readonly SERVER_IMAGE_NAME=""
+readonly CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME=""
+readonly BUILD_APP_PATH="interop-testing/build/install/grpc-interop-testing"
+# Builds the test app using gradle and smoke-checks its binaries
+# Globals:
+#   SRC_DIR
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of xds-test-client and xds-test-server --help to stderr
+build_java_test_app() {
+  echo "Building Java test app"
+  cd "${SRC_DIR}"
+  ./gradlew --no-daemon grpc-interop-testing:installDist -x test \
+    -PskipCodegen=true -PskipAndroid=true --console=plain
+  # Test-run binaries
+  run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-client" --help
+  run_ignore_exit_code "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}/bin/xds-test-server" --help
+# Builds test app Docker images and pushes them to GCR
+# Globals:
+#   SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
+#   CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
+#   GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of `gcloud builds submit` to stdout, stderr
+build_test_app_docker_images() {
+  echo "Building Java xDS interop test app Docker images"
+  local docker_dir="${SRC_DIR}/buildscripts/xds-k8s"
+  local build_dir
+  build_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
+  # Copy Docker files, log properties, and the test app to the build dir
+  cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.Dockerfile "${build_dir}"
+  cp -v "${docker_dir}/"*.properties "${build_dir}"
+  cp -rv "${SRC_DIR}/${BUILD_APP_PATH}" "${build_dir}"
+  # Run Google Cloud Build
+  gcloud builds submit "${build_dir}" \
+    --config "${docker_dir}/cloudbuild.yaml" \
+  # TODO(sergiitk): extra "cosmetic" tags for versioned branches, e.g. v1.34.x
+  # TODO(sergiitk): do this when adding support for custom configs per version
+# Builds test app and its docker images unless they already exist
+# Globals:
+#   SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
+#   CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
+#   GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output to stdout, stderr
+build_docker_images_if_needed() {
+  # Check if images already exist
+  server_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
+  printf "Server image: %s:%s\n" "${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
+  echo "${server_tags:-Server image not found}"
+  client_tags="$(gcloud_gcr_list_image_tags "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}")"
+  printf "Client image: %s:%s\n" "${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}" "${GIT_COMMIT}"
+  echo "${client_tags:-Client image not found}"
+  # Build if any of the images are missing, or FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD=1
+  if [[ "${FORCE_IMAGE_BUILD}" == "1" || -z "${server_tags}" || -z "${client_tags}" ]]; then
+    build_java_test_app
+    build_test_app_docker_images
+  else
+    echo "Skipping Java test app build"
+  fi
+# Executes the test case
+# Globals:
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Relative path to test driver flagfile
+#   KUBE_CONTEXT: The name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
+#   TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Output directory for the test xUnit XML report
+#   SERVER_IMAGE_NAME: Test server Docker image name
+#   CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME: Test client Docker image name
+#   GIT_COMMIT: SHA-1 of git commit being built
+# Arguments:
+#   Test case name
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
+#   Test xUnit report to ${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml
+run_test() {
+  # Test driver usage:
+  #
+  local test_name="${1:?Usage: run_test test_name}"
+  set -x
+  python -m "tests.${test_name}" \
+    --flagfile="${TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE}" \
+    --kube_context="${KUBE_CONTEXT}" \
+    --server_image="${SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
+    --client_image="${CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${GIT_COMMIT}" \
+    --xml_output_file="${TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR}/${test_name}/sponge_log.xml" \
+    --force_cleanup
+  set +x
+# Main function: provision software necessary to execute tests, and run them
+# Globals:
+#   SRC_DIR: Populated with absolute path to the source repo
+#   TEST_DRIVER_REPO_DIR: Populated with the path to the repo containing
+#                         the test driver
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FULL_DIR: Populated with the path to the test driver source code
+#   TEST_DRIVER_FLAGFILE: Populated with relative path to test driver flagfile
+#   TEST_XML_OUTPUT_DIR: Populated with the path to test xUnit XML report
+#   GIT_ORIGIN_URL: Populated with the origin URL of git repo used for the build
+#   GIT_COMMIT: Populated with the SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   GIT_COMMIT_SHORT: Populated with the short SHA-1 of git commit being built
+#   KUBE_CONTEXT: Populated with name of kubectl context with GKE cluster access
+# Arguments:
+#   None
+# Outputs:
+#   Writes the output of test execution to stdout, stderr
+main() {
+  local script_dir
+  script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
+  # shellcheck source=buildscripts/kokoro/
+  source "${script_dir}/"
+  set -x
+  if [[ -n "${KOKORO_ARTIFACTS_DIR}" ]]; then
+    kokoro_setup_test_driver "${GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME}"
+  else
+    local_setup_test_driver "${script_dir}"
+  fi
+  build_docker_images_if_needed
+  # Run tests
+  run_test baseline_test
+  run_test security_test
+main "$@"
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/cloudbuild.yaml b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/cloudbuild.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c5748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/cloudbuild.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+- name: ''
+  args:
+    - 'build'
+    - '--tag=${_SERVER_IMAGE_NAME}:${COMMIT_SHA}'
+    - '--file=test-server.Dockerfile'
+    - '.'
+- name: ''
+  args:
+    - 'build'
+    - '--tag=${_CLIENT_IMAGE_NAME}:${COMMIT_SHA}'
+    - '--file=test-client.Dockerfile'
+    - '.'
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0e327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=[%1$tF %1$tT.%1$tL %1tZ] [%4$-7s] [%3$s] %5$s %6$s %n
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ca955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7759dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=[%1$tF %1$tT.%1$tL %1tZ] [%4$-7s] [%3$s] %5$s %6$s %n
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-client.Dockerfile b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-client.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..220ca03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-client.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Build runtime image.
+FROM openjdk:
+ENV APP_DIR=/usr/src/app
+# Install the app
+COPY grpc-interop-testing/ $APP_DIR/
+# Copy all logging profiles, use json logging by default
+COPY logging*.properties $APP_DIR/
+ENV JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=$APP_DIR/"
+# Client
+ENTRYPOINT ["bin/xds-test-client"]
diff --git a/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-server.Dockerfile b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-server.Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f8434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildscripts/xds-k8s/test-server.Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Build runtime image.
+FROM openjdk:
+ENV APP_DIR=/usr/src/app
+# Install the app
+COPY grpc-interop-testing/ $APP_DIR/
+# Copy all logging profiles, use json logging by default
+COPY logging*.properties $APP_DIR/
+ENV JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=$APP_DIR/"
+# Server
+ENTRYPOINT ["bin/xds-test-server"]
diff --git a/interop-testing/build.gradle b/interop-testing/build.gradle
index c4f2558..01af652 100644
--- a/interop-testing/build.gradle
+++ b/interop-testing/build.gradle
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@
     censusGrpcMetricDependency 'implementation'
     googleOauth2Dependency 'implementation'
     compileOnly libraries.javax_annotation
+    // TODO(sergiitk): replace with
+    // Used instead of google-cloud-logging because it's failing
+    // due to a circular dependency on grpc.
+    //
+    // Error example: "java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 1"
+    // Latest failing version
+    runtimeOnly group: 'io.github.devatherock', name: 'jul-jsonformatter', version: '1.1.0'
     runtimeOnly libraries.opencensus_impl,