netty: create adaptive cumulator (#9558)
Creates "Adaptive" cumulator: cumulate ByteBuf's by dynamically switching between merge and compose strategies.
This cumulator applies a heuristic to make a decision whether to track a reference to the buffer with bytes received from the network stack in an array ("zero-copy"), or to merge into the last component (the tail) by performing a memory copy.
It is necessary as a protection from a potential attack on the COMPOSITE_CUMULATOR. Consider a pathological case when an attacker sends TCP packages containing a single byte of data, and forcing the cumulator to track each one in a separate buffer. In this case we'll be paying a memory overhead for each buffer, as well as extra compute to read the cumulation.
Implemented heuristic establishes a minimal threshold for the total size of the tail and incoming buffer, below which they are merged. The sum of the tail and the incoming buffer is used to avoid a case where attacker alternates the size of data packets to trick the cumulator into always selecting compose strategy.
Merging strategy attempts to minimize unnecessary memory writes. When possible, it expands the tail capacity and only copies the incoming buffer into available memory. Otherwise, when both tail and the buffer must be copied, the tail is reallocated (or fully replaced) with a new buffer of exponentially increasing capacity (bounded to minComposeSize) to ensure runtime O(n^2) amortized to O(n).
Note: this reintroduces, addressing the subtle issue (ref b/155940949) with `CompositeByteBuf.component()` indexes getting out of sync, which results in the merge operation producing broken buffers.
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--- a/netty/src/main/java/io/grpc/netty/
+++ b/netty/src/main/java/io/grpc/netty/
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
public abstract class GrpcHttp2ConnectionHandler extends Http2ConnectionHandler {
+ static final Cumulator ADAPTIVE_CUMULATOR =
protected final ChannelPromise channelUnused;
@@ -48,6 +51,7 @@
super(decoder, encoder, initialSettings);
this.channelUnused = channelUnused;
this.negotiationLogger = negotiationLogger;
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+ * Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package io.grpc.netty;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
+import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
+import io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.Cumulator;
+class NettyAdaptiveCumulator implements Cumulator {
+ private final int composeMinSize;
+ /**
+ * "Adaptive" cumulator: cumulate {@link ByteBuf}s by dynamically switching between merge and
+ * compose strategies.
+ *
+ * @param composeMinSize Determines the minimal size of the buffer that should be composed (added
+ * as a new component of the {@link CompositeByteBuf}). If the total size
+ * of the last component (tail) and the incoming buffer is below this value,
+ * the incoming buffer is appended to the tail, and the new component is not
+ * added.
+ */
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator(int composeMinSize) {
+ Preconditions.checkArgument(composeMinSize >= 0, "composeMinSize must be non-negative");
+ this.composeMinSize = composeMinSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * "Adaptive" cumulator: cumulate {@link ByteBuf}s by dynamically switching between merge and
+ * compose strategies.
+ *
+ * <p>This cumulator applies a heuristic to make a decision whether to track a reference to the
+ * buffer with bytes received from the network stack in an array ("zero-copy"), or to merge into
+ * the last component (the tail) by performing a memory copy.
+ *
+ * <p>It is necessary as a protection from a potential attack on the {@link
+ * io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder#COMPOSITE_CUMULATOR}. Consider a pathological case
+ * when an attacker sends TCP packages containing a single byte of data, and forcing the cumulator
+ * to track each one in a separate buffer. The cost is memory overhead for each buffer, and extra
+ * compute to read the cumulation.
+ *
+ * <p>Implemented heuristic establishes a minimal threshold for the total size of the tail and
+ * incoming buffer, below which they are merged. The sum of the tail and the incoming buffer is
+ * used to avoid a case where attacker alternates the size of data packets to trick the cumulator
+ * into always selecting compose strategy.
+ *
+ * <p>Merging strategy attempts to minimize unnecessary memory writes. When possible, it expands
+ * the tail capacity and only copies the incoming buffer into available memory. Otherwise, when
+ * both tail and the buffer must be copied, the tail is reallocated (or fully replaced) with a new
+ * buffer of exponentially increasing capacity (bounded to {@link #composeMinSize}) to ensure
+ * runtime {@code O(n^2)} is amortized to {@code O(n)}.
+ */
+ @Override
+ @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality")
+ public final ByteBuf cumulate(ByteBufAllocator alloc, ByteBuf cumulation, ByteBuf in) {
+ if (!cumulation.isReadable()) {
+ cumulation.release();
+ return in;
+ }
+ CompositeByteBuf composite = null;
+ try {
+ if (cumulation instanceof CompositeByteBuf && cumulation.refCnt() == 1) {
+ composite = (CompositeByteBuf) cumulation;
+ // Writer index must equal capacity if we are going to "write"
+ // new components to the end
+ if (composite.writerIndex() != composite.capacity()) {
+ composite.capacity(composite.writerIndex());
+ }
+ } else {
+ composite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE)
+ .addFlattenedComponents(true, cumulation);
+ }
+ addInput(alloc, composite, in);
+ in = null;
+ return composite;
+ } finally {
+ if (in != null) {
+ // We must release if the ownership was not transferred as otherwise it may produce a leak
+ in.release();
+ // Also release any new buffer allocated if we're not returning it
+ if (composite != null && composite != cumulation) {
+ composite.release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
+ if (shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize)) {
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, in);
+ } else {
+ // The total size of the new data and the last component are below the threshold. Merge them.
+ mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
+ }
+ }
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ static boolean shouldCompose(CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in, int composeMinSize) {
+ int componentCount = composite.numComponents();
+ if (composite.numComponents() == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ int inputSize = in.readableBytes();
+ int tailStart = composite.toByteIndex(componentCount - 1);
+ int tailSize = composite.writerIndex() - tailStart;
+ return tailSize + inputSize >= composeMinSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Append the given {@link ByteBuf} {@code in} to {@link CompositeByteBuf} {@code composite} by
+ * expanding or replacing the tail component of the {@link CompositeByteBuf}.
+ *
+ * <p>The goal is to prevent {@code O(n^2)} runtime in a pathological case, that forces copying
+ * the tail component into a new buffer, for each incoming single-byte buffer. We append the new
+ * bytes to the tail, when a write (or a fast write) is possible.
+ *
+ * <p>Otherwise, the tail is replaced with a new buffer, with the capacity increased enough to
+ * achieve runtime amortization.
+ *
+ * <p>We assume that implementations of {@link ByteBufAllocator#calculateNewCapacity(int, int)},
+ * are similar to {@link io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBufAllocator#calculateNewCapacity(int, int)},
+ * which doubles buffer capacity by normalizing it to the closest power of two. This assumption
+ * is verified in unit tests for this method.
+ */
+ @VisibleForTesting
+ static void mergeWithCompositeTail(
+ ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
+ int inputSize = in.readableBytes();
+ int tailComponentIndex = composite.numComponents() - 1;
+ int tailStart = composite.toByteIndex(tailComponentIndex);
+ int tailSize = composite.writerIndex() - tailStart;
+ int newTailSize = inputSize + tailSize;
+ ByteBuf tail = composite.component(tailComponentIndex);
+ ByteBuf newTail = null;
+ try {
+ if (tail.refCnt() == 1 && !tail.isReadOnly() && newTailSize <= tail.maxCapacity()) {
+ // Ideal case: the tail isn't shared, and can be expanded to the required capacity.
+ // Take ownership of the tail.
+ newTail = tail.retain();
+ // TODO( remove when we use Netty with
+ // the issue fixed.
+ // In certain cases, removing the CompositeByteBuf component, and then adding it back
+ // isn't idempotent. An example is provided in
+ // This happens because the buffer returned by composite.component() has out-of-sync
+ // indexes. Under the hood the CompositeByteBuf returns a duplicate() of the underlying
+ // buffer, but doesn't set the indexes.
+ //
+ // To get the right indexes we use the fact that composite.internalComponent() returns
+ // the slice() into the readable portion of the underlying buffer.
+ // We use this implementation detail (internalComponent() returning a *SlicedByteBuf),
+ // and combine it with the fact that SlicedByteBuf duplicates have their indexes
+ // adjusted so they correspond to the to the readable portion of the slice.
+ //
+ // Hence composite.internalComponent().duplicate() returns a buffer with the
+ // indexes that should've been on the composite.component() in the first place.
+ // Until the issue is fixed, we manually adjust the indexes of the removed component.
+ ByteBuf sliceDuplicate = composite.internalComponent(tailComponentIndex).duplicate();
+ newTail.setIndex(sliceDuplicate.readerIndex(), sliceDuplicate.writerIndex());
+ /*
+ * The tail is a readable non-composite buffer, so writeBytes() handles everything for us.
+ *
+ * - ensureWritable() performs a fast resize when possible (f.e. PooledByteBuf simply
+ * updates its boundary to the end of consecutive memory run assigned to this buffer)
+ * - when the required size doesn't fit into writableBytes(), a new buffer is
+ * allocated, and the capacity calculated with alloc.calculateNewCapacity()
+ * - note that maxFastWritableBytes() would normally allow a fast expansion of PooledByteBuf
+ * is not called because CompositeByteBuf.component() returns a duplicate, wrapped buffer.
+ * Unwrapping buffers is unsafe, and potential benefit of fast writes may not be
+ * as pronounced because the capacity is doubled with each reallocation.
+ */
+ newTail.writeBytes(in);
+ } else {
+ // The tail is shared, or not expandable. Replace it with a new buffer of desired capacity.
+ newTail = alloc.buffer(alloc.calculateNewCapacity(newTailSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+ newTail.setBytes(0, composite, tailStart, tailSize)
+ .setBytes(tailSize, in, in.readerIndex(), inputSize)
+ .writerIndex(newTailSize);
+ in.readerIndex(in.writerIndex());
+ }
+ // Store readerIndex to avoid out of bounds writerIndex during component replacement.
+ int prevReader = composite.readerIndex();
+ // Remove the old tail, reset writer index.
+ composite.removeComponent(tailComponentIndex).setIndex(0, tailStart);
+ // Add back the new tail.
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, newTail);
+ // New tail's ownership transferred to the composite buf.
+ newTail = null;
+ in.release();
+ in = null;
+ // Restore the reader. In case it fails we restore the reader after releasing/forgetting
+ // the input and the new tail so that finally block can handles them properly.
+ composite.readerIndex(prevReader);
+ } finally {
+ // Input buffer was merged with the tail.
+ if (in != null) {
+ in.release();
+ }
+ // If new tail's ownership isn't transferred to the composite buf.
+ // Release it to prevent a leak.
+ if (newTail != null) {
+ newTail.release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a0c00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netty/src/test/java/io/grpc/netty/
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 The gRPC Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package io.grpc.netty;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static;
+import static io.netty.util.CharsetUtil.US_ASCII;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static;
+import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
+import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil;
+import io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf;
+import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
+import io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
+import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters;
+public class NettyAdaptiveCumulatorTest {
+ private static Collection<Object[]> cartesianProductParams(List<?>... lists) {
+ return Lists.cartesianProduct(lists).stream().map(List::toArray).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ @RunWith(JUnit4.class)
+ public static class CumulateTests {
+ // Represent data as immutable ASCII Strings for easy and readable ByteBuf equality assertions.
+ private static final String DATA_INITIAL = "0123";
+ private static final String DATA_INCOMING = "456789";
+ private static final String DATA_CUMULATED = "0123456789";
+ private static final ByteBufAllocator alloc = new UnpooledByteBufAllocator(false);
+ private NettyAdaptiveCumulator cumulator;
+ private NettyAdaptiveCumulator throwingCumulator;
+ private final UnsupportedOperationException throwingCumulatorError =
+ new UnsupportedOperationException();
+ // Buffers for testing
+ private final ByteBuf contiguous = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, DATA_INITIAL);
+ private final ByteBuf in = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, DATA_INCOMING);
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ cumulator = new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(0) {
+ @Override
+ void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
+ // To limit the testing scope to NettyAdaptiveCumulator.cumulate(), always compose
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, in);
+ }
+ };
+ // Throws an error on adding incoming buffer.
+ throwingCumulator = new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(0) {
+ @Override
+ void addInput(ByteBufAllocator alloc, CompositeByteBuf composite, ByteBuf in) {
+ throw throwingCumulatorError;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void cumulate_notReadableCumulation_replacedWithInputAndReleased() {
+ contiguous.readerIndex(contiguous.writerIndex());
+ assertFalse(contiguous.isReadable());
+ ByteBuf cumulation = cumulator.cumulate(alloc, contiguous, in);
+ assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, cumulation.toString(US_ASCII));
+ assertEquals(0, contiguous.refCnt());
+ // In retained by cumulation.
+ assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, cumulation.refCnt());
+ cumulation.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void cumulate_contiguousCumulation_newCompositeFromContiguousAndInput() {
+ CompositeByteBuf cumulation = (CompositeByteBuf) cumulator.cumulate(alloc, contiguous, in);
+ assertEquals(DATA_INITIAL, cumulation.component(0).toString(US_ASCII));
+ assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, cumulation.component(1).toString(US_ASCII));
+ assertEquals(DATA_CUMULATED, cumulation.toString(US_ASCII));
+ // Both in and contiguous are retained by cumulation.
+ assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, cumulation.refCnt());
+ cumulation.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void cumulate_compositeCumulation_inputAppendedAsANewComponent() {
+ CompositeByteBuf composite = alloc.compositeBuffer().addComponent(true, contiguous);
+ assertSame(composite, cumulator.cumulate(alloc, composite, in));
+ assertEquals(DATA_INITIAL, composite.component(0).toString(US_ASCII));
+ assertEquals(DATA_INCOMING, composite.component(1).toString(US_ASCII));
+ assertEquals(DATA_CUMULATED, composite.toString(US_ASCII));
+ // Both in and contiguous are retained by cumulation.
+ assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, in.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
+ composite.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void cumulate_compositeCumulation_inputReleasedOnError() {
+ CompositeByteBuf composite = alloc.compositeBuffer().addComponent(true, contiguous);
+ try {
+ throwingCumulator.cumulate(alloc, composite, in);
+ fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
+ } catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
+ assertSame(throwingCumulatorError, actualError);
+ // Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
+ assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
+ // Initial composite cumulation owned by the caller in this case, so it isn't released.
+ assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
+ // Contiguous still managed by the cumulation
+ assertEquals(1, contiguous.refCnt());
+ } finally {
+ composite.release();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void cumulate_contiguousCumulation_inputAndNewCompositeReleasedOnError() {
+ // Return our instance of new composite to ensure it's released.
+ CompositeByteBuf newComposite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ ByteBufAllocator mockAlloc = mock(ByteBufAllocator.class);
+ when(mockAlloc.compositeBuffer(anyInt())).thenReturn(newComposite);
+ try {
+ // Previous cumulation is non-composite, so cumulator will create anew composite and add
+ // both buffers to it.
+ throwingCumulator.cumulate(mockAlloc, contiguous, in);
+ fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
+ } catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
+ assertSame(throwingCumulatorError, actualError);
+ // Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
+ assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
+ // New composite cumulation hasn't been returned to the caller, so it must be released.
+ assertEquals(0, newComposite.refCnt());
+ // Previous cumulation released because it was owned by the new composite cumulation.
+ assertEquals(0, contiguous.refCnt());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class ShouldComposeTests {
+ // Represent data as immutable ASCII Strings for easy and readable ByteBuf equality assertions.
+ private static final String DATA_INITIAL = "0123";
+ private static final String DATA_INCOMING = "456789";
+ /**
+ * Cartesian product of the test values.
+ */
+ @Parameters(name = "composeMinSize={0}, tailData=\"{1}\", inData=\"{2}\"")
+ public static Collection<Object[]> params() {
+ List<?> composeMinSize = ImmutableList.of(0, 9, 10, 11, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ List<?> tailData = ImmutableList.of("", DATA_INITIAL);
+ List<?> inData = ImmutableList.of("", DATA_INCOMING);
+ return cartesianProductParams(composeMinSize, tailData, inData);
+ }
+ @Parameter public int composeMinSize;
+ @Parameter(1) public String tailData;
+ @Parameter(2) public String inData;
+ private CompositeByteBuf composite;
+ private ByteBuf tail;
+ private ByteBuf in;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ ByteBufAllocator alloc = new UnpooledByteBufAllocator(false);
+ in = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, inData);
+ tail = ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, tailData);
+ composite = alloc.compositeBuffer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ // Note that addFlattenedComponents() will not add a new component when tail is not readable.
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() {
+ in.release();
+ composite.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldCompose_emptyComposite() {
+ assume().that(composite.numComponents()).isEqualTo(0);
+ assertTrue(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldCompose_composeMinSizeReached() {
+ assume().that(composite.numComponents()).isGreaterThan(0);
+ assume().that(tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes()).isAtLeast(composeMinSize);
+ assertTrue(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void shouldCompose_composeMinSizeNotReached() {
+ assume().that(composite.numComponents()).isGreaterThan(0);
+ assume().that(tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes()).isLessThan(composeMinSize);
+ assertFalse(NettyAdaptiveCumulator.shouldCompose(composite, in, composeMinSize));
+ }
+ }
+ @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
+ public static class MergeWithCompositeTailTests {
+ private static final String INCOMING_DATA_READABLE = "+incoming";
+ private static final String INCOMING_DATA_DISCARDABLE = "discard";
+ private static final String TAIL_DATA_DISCARDABLE = "---";
+ private static final String TAIL_DATA_READABLE = "tail";
+ private static final int TAIL_READER_INDEX = TAIL_DATA_DISCARDABLE.length();
+ private static final int TAIL_MAX_CAPACITY = 128;
+ // DRY sacrificed to improve readability.
+ private static final String EXPECTED_TAIL_DATA = "tail+incoming";
+ /**
+ * Cartesian product of the test values.
+ *
+ * <p>Test cases when the cumulation contains components, other than tail, and could be
+ * partially read. This is needed to verify the correctness if reader and writer indexes of the
+ * composite cumulation after the merge.
+ */
+ @Parameters(name = "compositeHeadData=\"{0}\", compositeReaderIndex={1}")
+ public static Collection<Object[]> params() {
+ String headData = "head";
+ List<?> compositeHeadData = ImmutableList.of(
+ // Test without the "head" component. Empty string is equivalent of fully read buffer,
+ // so it's not added to the composite byte buf. The tail is added as the first component.
+ "",
+ // Test with the "head" component, so the tail is added as the second component.
+ headData
+ );
+ // After the tail is added to the composite cumulator, advance the reader index to
+ // cover different cases.
+ // The reader index only looks at what's readable in the composite byte buf, so
+ // discardable bytes of head and tail doesn't count.
+ List<?> compositeReaderIndex = ImmutableList.of(
+ // Reader in the beginning
+ 0,
+ // Within the head (when present) or the tail
+ headData.length() - 2,
+ // Within the tail, even if the head is present
+ headData.length() + 2
+ );
+ return cartesianProductParams(compositeHeadData, compositeReaderIndex);
+ }
+ @Parameter public String compositeHeadData;
+ @Parameter(1) public int compositeReaderIndex;
+ // Use pooled allocator to have maxFastWritableBytes() behave differently than writableBytes().
+ private final ByteBufAllocator alloc = new PooledByteBufAllocator();
+ // Composite buffer to be used in tests.
+ private CompositeByteBuf composite;
+ private ByteBuf tail;
+ private ByteBuf in;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ composite = alloc.compositeBuffer();
+ // The "head" component. It represents existing data in the cumulator.
+ // Note that addFlattenedComponents() does not add completely read buffer, which covers
+ // the case when compositeHeadData parameter is an empty string.
+ ByteBuf head = alloc.buffer().writeBytes(compositeHeadData.getBytes(US_ASCII));
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, head);
+ // The "tail" component. It also represents existing data in the cumulator, but it's
+ // not added to the cumulator during setUp() stage. It is to be manipulated by tests to
+ // produce different buffer write scenarios based on different tail's capacity.
+ // After tail is changes for each test scenario, it's added to the composite buffer.
+ //
+ // The default state of the tail before each test: tail is full, but expandable (the data uses
+ // all initial capacity, but not maximum capacity).
+ // Tail data and indexes:
+ // ----tail
+ // r w
+ tail = alloc.buffer(TAIL_DATA.length(), TAIL_MAX_CAPACITY)
+ .writeBytes(TAIL_DATA.getBytes(US_ASCII))
+ .readerIndex(TAIL_READER_INDEX);
+ // Incoming data and indexes:
+ // discard+incoming
+ // r w
+ in = alloc.buffer()
+ .readerIndex(INCOMING_DATA_DISCARDABLE.length());
+ }
+ @After
+ public void tearDown() {
+ composite.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_write() {
+ // Make incoming data fit into tail capacity.
+ int fitCapacity = tail.capacity() + INCOMING_DATA_READABLE.length();
+ tail.capacity(fitCapacity);
+ // Confirm it fits.
+ assertThat(in.readableBytes()).isAtMost(tail.writableBytes());
+ // All fits, so tail capacity must stay the same.
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ assertTailExpanded(EXPECTED_TAIL_DATA, fitCapacity);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_fastWrite() {
+ // Confirm that the tail can be expanded fast to fit the incoming data.
+ assertThat(in.readableBytes()).isAtMost(tail.maxFastWritableBytes());
+ // To avoid undesirable buffer unwrapping, at the moment adaptive cumulator is set not
+ // apply fastWrite technique. Even when fast write is possible, it will fall back to
+ // reallocating a larger buffer.
+ // int tailFastCapacity = tail.writerIndex() + tail.maxFastWritableBytes();
+ int tailFastCapacity =
+ alloc.calculateNewCapacity(EXPECTED_TAIL_DATA.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ // Tail capacity is extended to its fast capacity.
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ assertTailExpanded(EXPECTED_TAIL_DATA, tailFastCapacity);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_reallocateInMemory() {
+ int tailFastCapacity = tail.writerIndex() + tail.maxFastWritableBytes();
+ String inSuffixOverFastBytes = Strings.repeat("a", tailFastCapacity + 1);
+ int newTailSize = tail.readableBytes() + inSuffixOverFastBytes.length();
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ // Make input larger than tailFastCapacity
+ in.writeCharSequence(inSuffixOverFastBytes, US_ASCII);
+ // Confirm that the tail can only fit incoming data via reallocation.
+ assertThat(in.readableBytes()).isGreaterThan(tail.maxFastWritableBytes());
+ assertThat(in.readableBytes()).isAtMost(tail.maxWritableBytes());
+ // Confirm the assumption that new capacity is produced by alloc.calculateNewCapacity().
+ int expectedTailCapacity = alloc.calculateNewCapacity(newTailSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ assertTailExpanded(EXPECTED_TAIL_DATA.concat(inSuffixOverFastBytes), expectedTailCapacity);
+ }
+ private void assertTailExpanded(String expectedTailReadableData, int expectedNewTailCapacity) {
+ int originalNumComponents = composite.numComponents();
+ // Handle the case when reader index is beyond all readable bytes of the cumulation.
+ int compositeReaderIndexBounded = Math.min(compositeReaderIndex, composite.writerIndex());
+ composite.readerIndex(compositeReaderIndexBounded);
+ // Execute the merge logic.
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
+ // Composite component count shouldn't change.
+ assertWithMessage(
+ "When tail is expanded, the number of components in the cumulation must not change")
+ .that(composite.numComponents()).isEqualTo(originalNumComponents);
+ ByteBuf newTail = composite.component(composite.numComponents() - 1);
+ // Verify the readable part of the expanded tail:
+ // 1. Initial readable bytes of the tail not changed
+ // 2. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the incoming buffer are discarded.
+ // 3. Readable bytes of the incoming buffer are fully read and appended to the tail.
+ assertEquals(expectedTailReadableData, newTail.toString(US_ASCII));
+ // Verify expanded capacity.
+ assertEquals(expectedNewTailCapacity, newTail.capacity());
+ // Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the tail are kept as is.
+ String newTailDataDiscardable = newTail.toString(0, newTail.readerIndex(), US_ASCII);
+ assertWithMessage("After tail expansion, its discardable bytes should be unchanged")
+ .that(newTailDataDiscardable).isEqualTo(TAIL_DATA_DISCARDABLE);
+ // Reader index must stay where it was
+ assertEquals(TAIL_READER_INDEX, newTail.readerIndex());
+ // Writer index at the end
+ assertEquals(TAIL_READER_INDEX + expectedTailReadableData.length(),
+ newTail.writerIndex());
+ // Verify resulting cumulation.
+ assertExpectedCumulation(newTail, expectedTailReadableData, compositeReaderIndexBounded);
+ // Verify incoming buffer.
+ assertWithMessage("Incoming buffer is fully read").that(in.isReadable()).isFalse();
+ assertWithMessage("Incoming buffer is released").that(in.refCnt()).isEqualTo(0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_maxCapacityReached() {
+ // Fill in tail to the maxCapacity.
+ String tailSuffixFullCapacity = Strings.repeat("a", tail.maxWritableBytes());
+ tail.writeCharSequence(tailSuffixFullCapacity, US_ASCII);
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ assertTailReplaced();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_shared() {
+ tail.retain();
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail);
+ assertTailReplaced();
+ tail.release();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_readOnly() {
+ composite.addFlattenedComponents(true, tail.asReadOnly());
+ assertTailReplaced();
+ }
+ private void assertTailReplaced() {
+ int cumulationOriginalComponentsNum = composite.numComponents();
+ int taiOriginalRefCount = tail.refCnt();
+ String expectedTailReadable = tail.toString(US_ASCII) + in.toString(US_ASCII);
+ int expectedReallocatedTailCapacity = alloc
+ .calculateNewCapacity(expectedTailReadable.length(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ int compositeReaderIndexBounded = Math.min(compositeReaderIndex, composite.writerIndex());
+ composite.readerIndex(compositeReaderIndexBounded);
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, composite, in);
+ // Composite component count shouldn't change.
+ assertEquals(cumulationOriginalComponentsNum, composite.numComponents());
+ ByteBuf replacedTail = composite.component(composite.numComponents() - 1);
+ // Verify the readable part of the expanded tail:
+ // 1. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the tail are discarded.
+ // 2. Readable bytes of the tail are kept as is
+ // 3. Discardable bytes (0 < discardable < readerIndex) of the incoming buffer are discarded.
+ // 4. Readable bytes of the incoming buffer are fully read and appended to the tail.
+ assertEquals(0, in.readableBytes());
+ assertEquals(expectedTailReadable, replacedTail.toString(US_ASCII));
+ // Since tail discardable bytes are discarded, new reader index must be reset to 0.
+ assertEquals(0, replacedTail.readerIndex());
+ // And new writer index at the new data's length.
+ assertEquals(expectedTailReadable.length(), replacedTail.writerIndex());
+ // Verify the capacity of reallocated tail.
+ assertEquals(expectedReallocatedTailCapacity, replacedTail.capacity());
+ // Verify resulting cumulation.
+ assertExpectedCumulation(replacedTail, expectedTailReadable, compositeReaderIndexBounded);
+ // Verify incoming buffer.
+ assertWithMessage("Incoming buffer is fully read").that(in.isReadable()).isFalse();
+ assertWithMessage("Incoming buffer is released").that(in.refCnt()).isEqualTo(0);
+ // The old tail must be released once (have one less reference).
+ assertWithMessage("Replaced tail released once.")
+ .that(tail.refCnt()).isEqualTo(taiOriginalRefCount - 1);
+ }
+ private void assertExpectedCumulation(
+ ByteBuf newTail, String expectedTailReadable, int expectedReaderIndex) {
+ // Verify the readable part of the cumulation:
+ // 1. Readable composite head (initial) data
+ // 2. Readable part of the tail
+ // 3. Readable part of the incoming data
+ String expectedCumulationData =
+ compositeHeadData.concat(expectedTailReadable).substring(expectedReaderIndex);
+ assertEquals(expectedCumulationData, composite.toString(US_ASCII));
+ // Cumulation capacity includes:
+ // 1. Full composite head, including discardable bytes
+ // 2. Expanded tail readable bytes
+ int expectedCumulationCapacity = compositeHeadData.length() + expectedTailReadable.length();
+ assertEquals(expectedCumulationCapacity, composite.capacity());
+ // Composite Reader index must stay where it was.
+ assertEquals(expectedReaderIndex, composite.readerIndex());
+ // Composite writer index must be at the end.
+ assertEquals(expectedCumulationCapacity, composite.writerIndex());
+ // Composite cumulation is retained and owns the new tail.
+ assertEquals(1, composite.refCnt());
+ assertEquals(1, newTail.refCnt());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailExpandable_mergedReleaseOnThrow() {
+ final UnsupportedOperationException expectedError = new UnsupportedOperationException();
+ CompositeByteBuf compositeThrows = new CompositeByteBuf(alloc, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
+ tail) {
+ @Override
+ public CompositeByteBuf addFlattenedComponents(boolean increaseWriterIndex,
+ ByteBuf buffer) {
+ throw expectedError;
+ }
+ };
+ try {
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(alloc, compositeThrows, in);
+ fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
+ } catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
+ assertSame(expectedError, actualError);
+ // Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
+ assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
+ // Tail released
+ assertEquals(0, tail.refCnt());
+ // Composite cumulation is retained
+ assertEquals(1, compositeThrows.refCnt());
+ // Composite cumulation loses the tail
+ assertEquals(0, compositeThrows.numComponents());
+ } finally {
+ compositeThrows.release();
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_tailNotExpandable_mergedReleaseOnThrow() {
+ final UnsupportedOperationException expectedError = new UnsupportedOperationException();
+ CompositeByteBuf compositeRo = new CompositeByteBuf(alloc, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
+ tail.asReadOnly()) {
+ @Override
+ public CompositeByteBuf addFlattenedComponents(boolean increaseWriterIndex,
+ ByteBuf buffer) {
+ throw expectedError;
+ }
+ };
+ // Return our instance of the new buffer to ensure it's released.
+ int newTailSize = tail.readableBytes() + in.readableBytes();
+ ByteBuf newTail = alloc.buffer(alloc.calculateNewCapacity(newTailSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
+ ByteBufAllocator mockAlloc = mock(ByteBufAllocator.class);
+ when(mockAlloc.buffer(anyInt())).thenReturn(newTail);
+ try {
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator.mergeWithCompositeTail(mockAlloc, compositeRo, in);
+ fail("Cumulator didn't throw");
+ } catch (UnsupportedOperationException actualError) {
+ assertSame(expectedError, actualError);
+ // Input must be released unless its ownership has been to the composite cumulation.
+ assertEquals(0, in.refCnt());
+ // New buffer released
+ assertEquals(0, newTail.refCnt());
+ // Composite cumulation is retained
+ assertEquals(1, compositeRo.refCnt());
+ // Composite cumulation loses the tail
+ assertEquals(0, compositeRo.numComponents());
+ } finally {
+ compositeRo.release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Miscellaneous tests for {@link NettyAdaptiveCumulator#mergeWithCompositeTail} that don't
+ * fit into {@link MergeWithCompositeTailTests}, and require custom-crafted scenarios.
+ */
+ @RunWith(JUnit4.class)
+ public static class MergeWithCompositeTailMiscTests {
+ private final ByteBufAllocator alloc = new PooledByteBufAllocator();
+ /**
+ * Test the issue with {@link CompositeByteBuf#component(int)} returning a ByteBuf with
+ * the indexes out-of-sync with {@code CompositeByteBuf.Component} offsets.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void mergeWithCompositeTail_outOfSyncComposite() {
+ NettyAdaptiveCumulator cumulator = new NettyAdaptiveCumulator(1024);
+ // Create underlying buffer spacious enough for the test data.
+ ByteBuf buf = alloc.buffer(32).writeBytes("---01234".getBytes(US_ASCII));
+ // Start with a regular cumulation and add the buf as the only component.
+ CompositeByteBuf composite1 = alloc.compositeBuffer(8).addFlattenedComponents(true, buf);
+ // Read composite1 buf to the beginning of the numbers.
+ assertThat(composite1.readCharSequence(3, US_ASCII).toString()).isEqualTo("---");
+ // Wrap composite1 into another cumulation. This is similar to
+ // what NettyAdaptiveCumulator.cumulate() does in the case the cumulation has refCnt != 1.
+ CompositeByteBuf composite2 =
+ alloc.compositeBuffer(8).addFlattenedComponents(true, composite1);
+ assertThat(composite2.toString(US_ASCII)).isEqualTo("01234");
+ // The previous operation does not adjust the read indexes of the underlying buffers,
+ // only the internal Component offsets. When the cumulator attempts to append the input to
+ // the tail buffer, it extracts it from the cumulation, writes to it, and then adds it back.
+ // Because the readerIndex on the tail buffer is not adjusted during the read operation
+ // on the CompositeByteBuf, adding the tail back results in the discarded bytes of the tail
+ // to be added back to the cumulator as if they were never read.
+ //
+ // If the reader index of the tail is not manually corrected, the resulting
+ // cumulation will contain the discarded part of the tail: "---".
+ // If it's corrected, it will only contain the numbers.
+ CompositeByteBuf cumulation = (CompositeByteBuf) cumulator.cumulate(alloc, composite2,
+ ByteBufUtil.writeAscii(alloc, "56789"));
+ assertThat(cumulation.toString(US_ASCII)).isEqualTo("0123456789");
+ // Correctness check: we still have a single component, and this component is still the
+ // original underlying buffer.
+ assertThat(cumulation.numComponents()).isEqualTo(1);
+ // Replace '2' with '*', and '8' with '$'.
+ buf.setByte(5, '*').setByte(11, '$');
+ assertThat(cumulation.toString(US_ASCII)).isEqualTo("01*34567$9");
+ }
+ }