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# Authentication
gRPC supports a number of different mechanisms for asserting identity between an client and server. This document provides code samples demonstrating how to provide SSL/TLS encryption support and identity assertions in Java, as well as passing OAuth2 tokens to services that support it.
# Transport Security (TLS)
HTTP/2 over TLS mandates the use of [ALPN](
to negotiate the use of the h2 protocol and support for the GCM mode of AES.
There are multiple options available, but on Android we recommend using the
[Play Services Provider](#tls-on-android) and for non-Android systems we
recommend [netty-tcnative with
## TLS on Android
On Android we recommend the use of the [Play Services Dynamic Security
to ensure your application has an up-to-date OpenSSL library with the necessary
cipher-suites and a reliable ALPN implementation. This requires [updating the
security provider at
Although ALPN mostly works on newer Android releases (especially since 5.0),
there are bugs and discovered security vulnerabilities that are only fixed by
upgrading the security provider. Thus, we recommend using the Play Service
Dynamic Security Provider for all Android versions.
*Note: The Dynamic Security Provider must be installed **before** creating a gRPC OkHttp channel. gRPC's OkHttpProtocolNegotiator statically initializes the security protocol(s) available to gRPC, which means that changes to the security provider after the first channel is created will not be picked up by gRPC.*
### Bundling Conscrypt
If depending on Play Services is not an option for your app, then you may bundle
[Conscrypt]( with your application. Binaries are available
on [Maven
Like the Play Services Dynamic Security Provider, you must still "install"
Conscrypt before use.
import org.conscrypt.Conscrypt;
Security.insertProviderAt(Conscrypt.newProvider(), 1);
## TLS on non-Android
JDK versions prior to Java 9 do not support ALPN and are either missing AES GCM
support or have 2% the performance of OpenSSL.
We recommend most users use grpc-netty-shaded, which includes netty-tcnative on
BoringSSL. It includes pre-built libraries for 64 bit Windows, OS X, and 64 bit
Linux. For 32 bit Windows, Conscrypt is an option. For all other platforms, Java
9+ is required.
For users of grpc-netty we recommend [netty-tcnative with
BoringSSL](#tls-with-netty-tcnative-on-boringssl), although using the built-in
JDK support in Java 9+, [Conscrypt](#tls-with-conscrypt), and [netty-tcnative
with OpenSSL](#tls-with-netty-tcnative-on-openssl) are other valid options.
[Netty TCNative]( is a fork of
[Apache Tomcat's tcnative]( and is a JNI
wrapper around OpenSSL/BoringSSL/LibreSSL.
We recommend BoringSSL for its simplicitly and low occurrence of security
vulnerabilities relative to OpenSSL. BoringSSL is used by Conscrypt as well.
### TLS with netty-tcnative on BoringSSL
Netty-tcnative with BoringSSL includes BoringSSL statically linked in the
binary. This means the system's pre-installed TLS libraries will not be used.
Production systems that have centralized upgrade agility in the face of
security vulnerabilities may want to use [netty-tcnative on
OpenSSL](#tls-with-netty-tcnative-on-openssl) instead.
Users of grpc-netty-shaded will automatically use netty-tcnative with
grpc-netty users will need to add the appropriate
`netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` artifact to the application's classpath.
Artifacts are available for 64 bit Windows, OS X, and 64 bit Linux.
Depending on netty-tcnative-boringssl-static will include binaries for all
supported platforms. For Maven:
<version>2.0.20.Final</version> <!-- See table for correct version -->
And for Gradle:
dependencies {
// See table for correct version
runtime 'io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:2.0.20.Final'
For projects sensitive to binary size, specify the classifier for the precise
platform you need: `windows-x86_64`, `osx-x86_64`, `linux-x86_64`. You can also
use [os-maven-plugin]( or
to choose the classifier for the platform running the build.
### TLS with netty-tcnative on OpenSSL
Using OpenSSL can have more initial configuration issues, but can be useful if
your OS's OpenSSL version is recent and kept up-to-date with security fixes.
OpenSSL is not included with tcnative, but instead is dynamically linked using
your operating system's OpenSSL.
To use OpenSSL you will use the `netty-tcnative` artifact. It requires:
1. [OpenSSL]( version >= 1.0.2 for ALPN support.
2. [Apache APR library (libapr-1)]( version >= 1.5.2.
You must specify a classifier for the correct netty-tcnative binary:
`windows-x86_64`, `osx-x86_64`, `linux-x86_64`, or `linux-x86_64-fedora`.
Fedora derivatives use a different soname from other Linux distributations, so
you must select the "fedora" version on those distributions.
In Maven, you can use the
[os-maven-plugin]( to help simplify
the dependency.
<version>2.0.20.Final</version> <!-- see table for correct version -->
<!-- Use os-maven-plugin to initialize the "os.detected" properties -->
<!-- Use Ant to configure the appropriate "tcnative.classifier" property -->
<condition property="tcnative.classifier"
<isset property="os.detected.release.fedora"/>
And in Gradle you can use the
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
// Use the osdetector-gradle-plugin
apply plugin: ""
def tcnative_classifier = osdetector.classifier;
// Fedora variants use a different soname for OpenSSL than other linux distributions
// (see
if (osdetector.os == "linux" && osdetector.release.isLike("fedora")) {
tcnative_classifier += "-fedora";
dependencies {
runtime 'io.netty:netty-tcnative:2.0.20.Final:' + tcnative_classifier
### TLS with Conscrypt
[Conscrypt]( provides an implementation of the JSSE
security APIs based on BoringSSL. Pre-built binaries are available for 32 and
64 bit Windows, OS X, and 64 bit Linux.
Depend on `conscrypt-openjdk-uber` for binaries of all supported JRE platforms.
For projects sensitive to binary size, depend on `conscrypt-openjdk` and
specify the appropriate classifier. `os-maven-plugin` and
`osdetector-gradle-plugin` may also be used. See the documentation for
[netty-tcnative-boringssl-static](#tls-with-netty-tcnative-on-boringssl) for
example usage of the plugins.
Generally you will "install" Conscrypt before use, for gRPC to find.
import org.conscrypt.Conscrypt;
// Somewhere in main()
Security.insertProviderAt(Conscrypt.newProvider(), 1);
### TLS with Jetty ALPN
**Please do not use Jetty ALPN**
gRPC historically supported Jetty ALPN for ALPN on Java 8. While functional, it
suffers from poor performance and breakages when the JRE is upgraded.
When mis-matched to the JRE version, it can also produce unpredictable errors
that are hard to diagnose. When using it, it became common practice that any
time we saw a TLS failure that made no sense we would blame a Jetty ALPN/JRE
version mismatch and we were overwhelmingly correct. The Jetty ALPN agent makes
it much easier to use, but we still strongly discourage Jetty ALPN's use.
When using Jetty ALPN with Java 8, realize that performance will be 2-10% that
of the other options due to a slow AES GCM implementation in Java.
#### Configuring Jetty ALPN in Web Containers
Some web containers, such as [Jetty]( restrict access to server classes for web applications. A gRPC client running within such a container must be properly configured to allow access to the ALPN classes. In Jetty, this is done by including a `WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml` file containing the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//DTD Configure//EN" "">
<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext">
<!-- Must be done in jetty-env.xml, since jetty-web.xml is loaded too late. -->
<!-- Removing ALPN from the blacklisted server classes (using "-" to remove). -->
<!-- Must prepend to the blacklist since order matters. -->
<Call name="prependServerClass">
## Enabling TLS on a server
To use TLS on the server, a certificate chain and private key need to be
specified in PEM format. The standard TLS port is 443, but we use 8443 below to
avoid needing extra permissions from the OS.
Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(8443)
// Enable TLS
.useTransportSecurity(certChainFile, privateKeyFile)
If the issuing certificate authority is not known to the client then a properly
configured SslContext or SSLSocketFactory should be provided to the
NettyChannelBuilder or OkHttpChannelBuilder, respectively.
## Mutual TLS
[Mutual authentication][] (or "client-side authentication") configuration is similar to the server by providing truststores, a client certificate and private key to the client channel. The server must also be configured to request a certificate from clients, as well as truststores for which client certificates it should allow.
Server server = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(8443)
.sslContext(GrpcSslContexts.forServer(certChainFile, privateKeyFile)
Negotiated client certificates are available in the SSLSession, which is found in the `TRANSPORT_ATTR_SSL_SESSION` attribute of <a href="">Grpc</a>. A server interceptor can provide details in the current Context.
// The application uses this in its handlers
public final static Context.Key<SSLSession> SSL_SESSION_CONTEXT = Context.key("SSLSession");
public <ReqT, RespT> ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> interceptCall(ServerCall<ReqT, RespT> call,
Metadata headers, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT> next) {
SSLSession sslSession = call.getAttributes().get(Grpc.TRANSPORT_ATTR_SSL_SESSION);
if (sslSession == null) {
return next.startCall(call, headers);
return Contexts.interceptCall(
Context.current().withValue(SSL_SESSION_CONTEXT, sslSession), call, headers, next);
[Mutual authentication]:
## Troubleshooting
If you received an error message "ALPN is not configured properly" or "Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured", it most likely means that:
- ALPN related dependencies are either not present in the classpath
- or that there is a classpath conflict
- or that a wrong version is used due to dependency management
- or you are on an unsupported platform (e.g., 32-bit OS). See [Transport
Security](#transport-security-tls) for supported platforms.
### Netty
If you aren't using gRPC on Android devices, you are most likely using `grpc-netty` transport.
If you are developing for Android and have a dependency on `grpc-netty`, you should remove it as `grpc-netty` is unsupported on Android. Use `grpc-okhttp` instead.
If you are on a 32-bit operating system, using Java 11+ may be the easiest
solution, as ALPN was added to Java in Java 9. If on 32-bit Windows, [Conscrypt
is an option](#tls-with-conscrypt). Otherwise you need to [build your own 32-bit
version of
If on Alpine Linux and you see "Error loading shared library No
such file or directory". Run `apk update && apk add libc6-compat` to install the
necessary dependency.
If on Alpine Linux, try to use `grpc-netty-shaded` instead of `grpc-netty` or
(if you need `grpc-netty`) `netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` instead of
`netty-tcnative`. If those are not an option, you may consider using
If on Fedora 30 or later and you see " cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory". Run `dnf -y install libxcrypt-compat` to
install the necessary dependency.
If you are running inside of an embedded Tomcat runtime (e.g., Spring Boot),
then some versions of `netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` will have conflicts and
won't work. You must use gRPC 1.4.0 or later.
Most dependency versioning problems can be solved by using
`io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded` instead of `io.grpc:grpc-netty`, although this also
limits your usage of the Netty-specific APIs. `io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded`
includes the proper version of Netty and `netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` in a
way that won't conflict with other Netty usages.
Find the dependency tree (e.g., `mvn dependency:tree`), and look for versions of:
- `io.grpc:grpc-netty`
- `io.netty:netty-handler` (really, make sure all of io.netty except for
netty-tcnative has the same version)
- `io.netty:netty-tcnative-boringssl-static:jar`
If `netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` is missing, then you either need to add it as a dependency, or use alternative methods of providing ALPN capability by reading the *Transport Security (TLS)* section carefully.
If you have both `netty-handler` and `netty-tcnative-boringssl-static` dependencies, then check the versions carefully. These versions could've been overridden by dependency management from another BOM. You would receive the "ALPN is not configured properly" exception if you are using incompatible versions.
If you have other `netty` dependencies, such as `netty-all`, that are pulled in from other libraries, then ultimately you should make sure only one `netty` dependency is used to avoid classpath conflict. The easiest way is to exclude transitive Netty dependencies from all the immediate dependencies, e.g., in Maven use `<exclusions>`, and then add an explict Netty dependency in your project along with the corresponding `tcnative` versions. See the versions table below.
If you are running in a runtime environment that also uses Netty (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Spring Boot 2) and you have no control over the Netty version at all, then you should use a shaded gRPC Netty dependency to avoid classpath conflicts with other Netty versions in runtime the classpath:
- Remove `io.grpc:grpc-netty` dependency
- Add `io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded` dependency
Below are known to work version combinations:
grpc-netty version | netty-handler version | netty-tcnative-boringssl-static version
------------------ | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------
1.0.0-1.0.1 | 4.1.3.Final | 1.1.33.Fork19
1.0.2-1.0.3 | 4.1.6.Final | 1.1.33.Fork23
1.1.x-1.3.x | 4.1.8.Final | 1.1.33.Fork26
1.4.x | 4.1.11.Final | 2.0.1.Final
1.5.x | 4.1.12.Final | 2.0.5.Final
1.6.x | 4.1.14.Final | 2.0.5.Final
1.7.x-1.8.x | 4.1.16.Final | 2.0.6.Final
1.9.x-1.10.x | 4.1.17.Final | 2.0.7.Final
1.11.x-1.12.x | 4.1.22.Final | 2.0.7.Final
1.13.x | 4.1.25.Final | 2.0.8.Final
1.14.x-1.15.x | 4.1.27.Final | 2.0.12.Final
1.16.x-1.17.x | 4.1.30.Final | 2.0.17.Final
1.18.x-1.19.x | 4.1.32.Final | 2.0.20.Final
1.20.x-1.21.x | 4.1.34.Final | 2.0.22.Final
1.22.x | 4.1.35.Final | 2.0.25.Final
1.23.x-1.24.x | 4.1.38.Final | 2.0.25.Final
1.25.x-1.27.x | 4.1.42.Final | 2.0.26.Final
1.28.x | 4.1.45.Final | 2.0.28.Final
1.29.x- | 4.1.48.Final | 2.0.30.Final
_(grpc-netty-shaded avoids issues with keeping these versions in sync.)_
### OkHttp
If you are using gRPC on Android devices, you are most likely using `grpc-okhttp` transport.
Find the dependency tree (e.g., `mvn dependency:tree`), and look for versions of:
- `io.grpc:grpc-okhttp`
- `com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp`
If you don't have `grpc-okhttp`, you should add it as a dependency.
If you have both `io.grpc:grpc-netty` and `io.grpc:grpc-okhttp`, you may also have issues. Remove `grpc-netty` if you are on Android.
If you have `okhttp` version below 2.5.0, then it may not work with gRPC.
It is OK to have both `okhttp` 2.x and 3.x since they have different group name and under different packages.
# gRPC over plaintext
An option is provided to use gRPC over plaintext without TLS. While this is convenient for testing environments, users must be aware of the security risks of doing so for real production systems.
# Using OAuth2
The following code snippet shows how you can call the Google Cloud PubSub API using gRPC with a service account. The credentials are loaded from a key stored in a well-known location or by detecting that the application is running in an environment that can provide one automatically, e.g. Google Compute Engine. While this example is specific to Google and it's services, similar patterns can be followed for other service providers.
// Create a channel to the test service.
ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget("dns:///")
// Get the default credentials from the environment
GoogleCredentials creds = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault();
// Down-scope the credential to just the scopes required by the service
creds = creds.createScoped(Arrays.asList(""));
// Create an instance of {@link io.grpc.CallCredentials}
CallCredentials callCreds = MoreCallCredentials.from(creds);
// Create a stub with credential
PublisherGrpc.PublisherBlockingStub publisherStub =