| How to Create a Release of GRPC Java (for Maintainers Only) |
| =============================================================== |
| |
| Build Environments |
| ------------------ |
| We deploy GRPC to Maven Central under the following systems: |
| - Ubuntu 14.04 with Docker 1.6.1 that runs CentOS 6.6 |
| - Windows 7 64-bit with MSYS2 with mingw32 and mingw64 |
| - Mac OS X 10.9.5 |
| |
| Other systems may also work, but we haven't verified them. |
| |
| Prerequisites |
| ------------- |
| |
| ### Setup OSSRH and Signing |
| |
| If you haven't deployed artifacts to Maven Central before, you need to setup |
| your OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting) account and signing keys. |
| - Follow the instructions on [this |
| page](http://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html) to set up an |
| account with OSSRH. |
| - You only need to create the account, not set up a new project |
| - Contact a gRPC maintainer to add your account after you have created it. |
| - (For release deployment only) Install GnuPG and [generate your key |
| pair](https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/howtos.html). You'll also |
| need to [publish your public key](https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#AEN464) |
| to make it visible to the Sonatype servers |
| (e.g. `gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-key <key ID>`). |
| - Put your GnuPG key password and OSSRH account information in |
| `<your-home-directory>/.gradle/gradle.properties`. |
| |
| ``` |
| # You need the signing properties only if you are making release deployment |
| signing.keyId=<8-character-public-key-id> |
| signing.password=<key-password> |
| signing.secretKeyRingFile=<your-home-directory>/.gnupg/secring.gpg |
| |
| ossrhUsername=<ossrh-username> |
| ossrhPassword=<ossrh-password> |
| checkstyle.ignoreFailures=false |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Build Protobuf |
| Protobuf libraries are needed for compiling the GRPC codegen. Despite that you |
| may have installed Protobuf on your system, you may want to build Protobuf |
| separately and install it under your personal directory, because |
| |
| 1. The Protobuf version installed on your system may be different from what |
| GRPC requires. You may not want to pollute your system installation. |
| 2. We will deploy both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the codegen, thus require |
| both variants of Protobuf libraries. You don't want to mix them in your |
| system paths. |
| |
| Please see the [Main Readme](README.md) for details on building protobuf. |
| |
| Common Variables |
| ---------------- |
| Many of the following commands expect release-specific variables to be set. Set |
| them before continuing, and set them again when resuming. |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ MAJOR=1 MINOR=7 PATCH=0 # Set appropriately for new release |
| build.gradle |
| android-interop-testing/app/build.gradle |
| examples/build.gradle |
| examples/pom.xml |
| examples/android/helloworld/app/build.gradle |
| examples/android/routeguide/app/build.gradle |
| ) |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| Branching the Release |
| --------------------- |
| The first step in the release process is to create a release branch and bump |
| the SNAPSHOT version. Our release branches follow the naming |
| convention of `v<major>.<minor>.x`, while the tags include the patch version |
| `v<major>.<minor>.<patch>`. For example, the same branch `v1.7.x` |
| would be used to create all `v1.7` tags (e.g. `v1.7.0`, `v1.7.1`). |
| |
| 1. For `master`, change root build files to the next minor snapshot (e.g. |
| ``1.8.0-SNAPSHOT``). |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ git checkout -b bump-version master |
| # Change version to next minor (and keep -SNAPSHOT) |
| $ sed -i 's/[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(.*CURRENT_GRPC_VERSION\)/'$MAJOR.$((MINOR+1)).0'\1/' \ |
| "${VERSION_FILES[@]}" |
| $ ./gradlew build |
| $ git commit -a -m "Start $MAJOR.$((MINOR+1)).0 development cycle" |
| ``` |
| 2. Go through PR review and submit. |
| 3. Create the release branch starting just before your commit and push it to GitHub: |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ git fetch upstream |
| $ git checkout -b v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x \ |
| $(git log --pretty=format:%H --grep "^Start $MAJOR.$((MINOR+1)).0 development cycle$" upstream/master)^ |
| $ git push upstream v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x |
| ``` |
| 4. Make sure you are [logged in](https://grpc-testing.appspot.com/manage) to |
| Jenkins, then make a [new release |
| job](https://grpc-testing.appspot.com/view/Releases/newJob) |
| * _Name_: gRPC-Java-$MAJOR.$MINOR-Windows |
| * _Copy from_: gRPC-Java-master-windows |
| * Click _OK_ button |
| * Click _Advanced..._ in the _General_ area right above _Source Code Management_ |
| * _Display Name_ under _Use custom workspace_ (not ~~Project |
| url~~): gRPC Java $MAJOR.$MINOR Windows |
| * Under _Source Code Management_, _Branches to build_'s |
| _Branch Specifier_: `*/v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x` |
| * Under _Build Triggers_, _Build periodically_: `H H * * H` |
| * Click _SAVE_ button |
| * Click _Build Now_ |
| * Click on job #1, then _Console Output_. Verify the `git checkout` checked |
| out the correct commit |
| 5. Go to [Travis CI settings](https://travis-ci.org/grpc/grpc-java/settings) and |
| add a _Cron Job_: |
| * Branch: `v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x` |
| * Interval: `weekly` |
| * Options: `Do not run if there has been a build in the last 24h` |
| * Click _Add_ button |
| 6. Continue with Google-internal steps at go/grpc/java/releasing. |
| 7. Move items out of the release milestone that didn't make the cut. Issues that |
| may be backported should stay in the release milestone. Treat issues with the |
| 'release blocker' label with special care. |
| |
| Tagging the Release |
| ------------------- |
| |
| 1. Verify there are no open issues in the release milestone. Open issues should |
| either be deferred or resolved and the fix backported. |
| 2. For vMajor.Minor.x branch, change `README.md` to refer to the next release |
| version. _Also_ update the version numbers for protoc if the protobuf library |
| version was updated since the last release. |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ git checkout -b release v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x |
| # Bump documented versions. Don't forget protobuf version |
| $ ${EDITOR:-nano -w} README.md |
| $ git commit -a -m "Update README to reference $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" |
| ``` |
| 3. Change root build files to remove "-SNAPSHOT" for the next release version |
| (e.g. `0.7.0`). Commit the result and make a tag: |
| |
| ```bash |
| # Change version to remove -SNAPSHOT |
| $ sed -i 's/-SNAPSHOT\(.*CURRENT_GRPC_VERSION\)/\1/' "${VERSION_FILES[@]}" |
| $ sed -i s/-SNAPSHOT// compiler/src/test{,Lite,Nano}/golden/TestService.java.txt |
| $ ./gradlew build |
| $ git commit -a -m "Bump version to $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" |
| $ git tag -a v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH -m "Version $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" |
| ``` |
| 4. Change root build files to the next snapshot version (e.g. `0.7.1-SNAPSHOT`). |
| Commit the result: |
| |
| ```bash |
| # Change version to next patch and add -SNAPSHOT |
| $ sed -i 's/[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\(.*CURRENT_GRPC_VERSION\)/'$MAJOR.$MINOR.$((PATCH+1))-SNAPSHOT'\1/' \ |
| "${VERSION_FILES[@]}" |
| $ sed -i s/$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH/$MAJOR.$MINOR.$((PATCH+1))-SNAPSHOT/ compiler/src/test{,Lite,Nano}/golden/TestService.java.txt |
| $ ./gradlew build |
| $ git commit -a -m "Bump version to $MAJOR.$MINOR.$((PATCH+1))-SNAPSHOT" |
| ``` |
| 5. Go through PR review and push the release tag and updated release branch to |
| GitHub: |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ git checkout v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x |
| $ git merge --ff-only release |
| $ git push upstream v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH |
| $ git push upstream v$MAJOR.$MINOR.x |
| ``` |
| |
| Setup Build Environment |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| ### Linux |
| The deployment for Linux uses [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) running |
| CentOS 6.6 in order to ensure that we have a consistent deployment environment |
| on Linux. You'll first need to install Docker if not already installed on your |
| system. Make sure to have at least version 1.7.1 or later. |
| |
| 1. Under the [Protobuf source directory](https://github.com/google/protobuf), |
| build the `protoc-artifacts` image: |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ docker build -t protoc-artifacts protoc-artifacts |
| ``` |
| 2. Under the grpc-java source directory, build the `grpc-java-deploy` image: |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ docker build -t grpc-java-deploy compiler |
| ``` |
| 3. Start a Docker container that has the deploy environment set up for you. The |
| GRPC source is cloned into `/grpc-java`. |
| |
| ```bash |
| $ docker run -it --rm=true grpc-java-deploy |
| ``` |
| |
| Note that the container will be deleted after you exit. Any changes you have |
| made (e.g., copied configuration files) will be lost. If you want to keep the |
| container, remove `--rm=true` from the command line. |
| 4. Next, you'll need to copy your OSSRH credentials and GnuPG keys to your docker container. |
| In Docker: |
| ``` |
| # mkdir /root/.gradle |
| ``` |
| Find the container ID in your bash prompt, which is shown as `[root@<container-ID> ...]`. |
| In host: |
| ``` |
| $ docker cp ~/.gnupg <container-ID>:/root/ |
| $ docker cp ~/.gradle/gradle.properties <container-ID>:/root/.gradle/ |
| ``` |
| |
| You'll also need to update `signing.secretKeyRingFile` in |
| `/root/.gradle/gradle.properties` to point to `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg`. |
| |
| ### Windows |
| |
| #### Windows 64-bit with MSYS2 (Recommended for Windows) |
| Because the gcc shipped with MSYS2 doesn't support multilib, you have to |
| compile and deploy 32-bit and 64-bit binaries in separate steps. |
| |
| ##### Under MinGW-w64 Win32 Shell |
| 1. Compile and install 32-bit protobuf: |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/protobuf-32 |
| protobuf$ make clean && make && make install |
| ``` |
| 2. Configure CXXFLAGS needed by the protoc plugin when building. |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ export CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/protobuf-32/include" \ |
| LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/protobuf-32/lib" |
| ``` |
| |
| ##### Under MinGW-w64 Win64 Shell |
| 1. Compile and install 64-bit protobuf: |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/protobuf-64 |
| protobuf$ make clean && make && make install |
| ``` |
| 2. Configure CXXFLAGS needed by the protoc plugin when building. |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ export CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/protobuf-64/include" \ |
| LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/protobuf-64/lib" |
| ``` |
| |
| #### Windows 64-bit with Cygwin64 (TODO: incomplete) |
| Because the MinGW gcc shipped with Cygwin64 doesn't support multilib, you have |
| to compile and deploy 32-bit and 64-bit binaries in separate steps. |
| |
| 1. Compile and install 32-bit protobuf. `-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++` are |
| needed for `protoc` to be successfully run in the unit test. |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ LDFLAGS="-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/protobuf-32 |
| protobuf$ make clean && make && make install |
| ``` |
| |
| 2. Compile and install 64-bit protobuf: |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/protobuf-64 |
| protobuf$ make clean && make && make install |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Mac |
| Please refer to [Protobuf |
| README](https://github.com/google/protobuf/blob/master/README.md) for how to |
| set up GCC and Unix tools on Mac. |
| |
| Mac OS X has been 64-bit-only since 10.7 and we are compiling for 10.7 and up. |
| We only build 64-bit artifact for Mac. |
| |
| 1. Compile and install protobuf: |
| |
| ```bash |
| protobuf$ CXXFLAGS="-m64" ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=$HOME/protobuf |
| protobuf$ make clean && make && make install |
| ``` |
| 2. Configure CXXFLAGS needed by the protoc plugin when building. |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ export CXXFLAGS="-I$HOME/protobuf/include" \ |
| LDFLAGS="$HOME/protobuf/lib/libprotobuf.a $HOME/protobuf/lib/libprotoc.a" |
| ``` |
| |
| Build and Deploy |
| ---------------- |
| We currently distribute the following OSes and architectures: |
| |
| | OS | x86_32 | x86_64 | |
| | --- | --- | --- | |
| | Linux | X | X | |
| | Windows | X | X | |
| | Mac | | X | |
| |
| Deployment to Maven Central (or the snapshot repo) is a two-step process. The only |
| artifact that is platform-specific is codegen, so we only need to deploy the other |
| jars once. So the first deployment is for all of the artifacts from one of the selected |
| OS/architectures. After that, we then deploy the codegen artifacts for the remaining |
| OS/architectures. |
| |
| **NOTE: _Before building/deploying, be sure to switch to the appropriate branch or tag in |
| the grpc-java source directory._** |
| |
| ### First Deployment |
| |
| As stated above, this only needs to be done once for one of the selected OS/architectures. |
| The following command will build the whole project and upload it to Maven |
| Central. Parallel building [is not safe during |
| uploadArchives](https://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-3420). |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ ./gradlew clean build && ./gradlew -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false uploadArchives |
| ``` |
| |
| If the version has the `-SNAPSHOT` suffix, the artifacts will automatically |
| go to the snapshot repository. Otherwise it's a release deployment and the |
| artifacts will go to a freshly created staging repository. |
| |
| ### Deploy GRPC Codegen for Additional Platforms |
| The previous step will only deploy the codegen artifacts for the OS you run on |
| it and the architecture of your JVM. For a fully fledged deployment, you will |
| need to deploy the codegen for all other supported OSes and architectures. |
| |
| To deploy the codegen for an OS and architecture, you must run the following |
| commands on that OS and specify the architecture by the flag `-PtargetArch=<arch>`. |
| |
| If you are doing a snapshot deployment: |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ ./gradlew clean grpc-compiler:build grpc-compiler:uploadArchives \ |
| -PtargetArch=<arch> -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false |
| ``` |
| |
| When deploying a Release, the first deployment will create |
| [a new staging repository](https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories). You'll need |
| to look up the ID in the OSSRH UI (usually in the form of `iogrpc-*`). Codegen |
| deployment commands should include `-PrepositoryId=<repository-id>` in order to |
| ensure that the artifacts are pushed to the same staging repository. |
| |
| ```bash |
| grpc-java$ ./gradlew clean grpc-compiler:build grpc-compiler:uploadArchives -PtargetArch=<arch> \ |
| -PrepositoryId=<repository-id> -Dorg.gradle.parallel=false |
| ``` |
| |
| Releasing on Maven Central |
| -------------------------- |
| Once all of the artifacts have been pushed to the staging repository, the |
| repository must first be `closed`, which will trigger several sanity checks |
| on the repository. If this completes successfully, the repository can then |
| be `released`, which will begin the process of pushing the new artifacts to |
| Maven Central (the staging repository will be destroyed in the process). You can |
| see the complete process for releasing to Maven Central on the [OSSRH |
| site](http://central.sonatype.org/pages/releasing-the-deployment.html). |
| |
| Build interop container image |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| We have containers for each release to detect compatibility regressions with old |
| releases. Generate one for the new release by following the |
| [GCR image generation instructions](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/tools/interop_matrix/README.md#step-by-step-instructions-for-adding-a-gcr-image-for-a-new-release-for-compatibility-test). |
| |
| Update README.md |
| ---------------- |
| After waiting ~1 day and verifying that the release appears on [Maven |
| Central](http://mvnrepository.com/), cherry-pick the commit that updated the |
| README into the master branch and go through review process. |
| |
| ``` |
| $ git checkout -b bump-readme master |
| $ git cherry-pick v$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH^ |
| ``` |
| |
| Update version referenced by tutorials |
| -------------------------------------- |
| |
| Update the `grpc_java_release_tag` in |
| [\_data/config.yml](https://github.com/grpc/grpc.github.io/blob/master/_data/config.yml) |
| of the grpc.github.io repository. |
| |
| Notify the Community |
| -------------------- |
| Finally, document and publicize the release. |
| |
| 1. Add [Release Notes](https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java/releases) for the new tag. |
| The description should include any major fixes or features since the last release. |
| You may choose to add links to bugs, PRs, or commits if appropriate. |
| 2. Post a release announcement to [grpc-io](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/grpc-io) |
| (`grpc-io@googlegroups.com`). The title should be something that clearly identifies |
| the release (e.g.`GRPC-Java <tag> Released`). |
| |
| Update Hosted Javadoc |
| --------------------- |
| |
| Now we need to update gh-pages with the new Javadoc: |
| |
| ```bash |
| git checkout gh-pages |
| rm -r javadoc/ |
| wget -O grpc-all-javadoc.jar "http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=io/grpc/grpc-all/$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH/grpc-all-$MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH-javadoc.jar" |
| unzip -d javadoc grpc-all-javadoc.jar |
| patch -p1 < ga.patch |
| rm grpc-all-javadoc.jar |
| rm -r javadoc/META-INF/ |
| git add -A javadoc |
| git commit -m "Javadoc for $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH" |
| ``` |
| |
| Push gh-pages to the main repository and verify the current version is [live |
| on grpc.io](https://grpc.io/grpc-java/javadoc/). |